
Comments by mmdv26 (page 63)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    two fers
    Tag-team with women you don't know will rarely work out well financially. Even with dancers you know well, it isn't a real good deal. Mr. Happy doesn't get any happier with two different hands rubbing on him at the same time than he does with one. Hard as I have tried, I can only get 1 nipple in my mouth at a time. Usually find Tags in situations like 59 was describing with bouncer on frequent patrol. One dancer serves as the lookout while the other does tippable extra's (like FS), and they split the whole take. Too complicated, and usually a boner killer when the fun slows down to let the bouncer pass. Did one years ago where I got DATY and BJ at the same time - those don't happen very often.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Clubs that have mixed reviews... Are the good ones real???
    Hey Officer, Yeah, I don't know about your theory of legitimate reviewer - common sense would say that a guy who only reviews one club in one city probably just goes to that one club in that one city...that alone doesn't make him or his review a fake. Anyway, I did click on your name, and scanned your reviews. VERY NICE WORK!! It would be great if every club had a few reviews with even half the detail you provide.
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    16 years ago
    Clubs that have mixed reviews... Are the good ones real???
    When I bring up TUSCL, I go to Recent Reviews and just scan them. I'll stop to read a 9 that isn't for Treasures, Flight Club or Mons; I might read a 2 just to be grateful that someone else had to suffer for me. Then I go to "Discussions". I consider most of the contributors here to be my fraternity brothers in the clubbing universe. I like to hear what they have to say. DDan reminds us of the bottom line on each page. Something to keep in mind.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    St Louie suggestions?
    If I were going to ESL (St. Clair County, IL), I would read the reviews from the past year for all of the clubs in Brooklyn, East Saint Louis, Washington Park, Centerville and Cahokia. Personally, I don't bother with Cahokia since the value just isn't there for me. Sadly, Brooklyn is becoming more of a crap shoot these days. Centerville has the legendary (original) P-T's, which can be fun, but not much for mileage. That leaves WP and ESL, both of which can be off the chart for mileage depending on the club. I think the reviews have been pretty straightforward regarding the potential for extras at these clubs. Have a great time, and let us know how it goes!
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    15 years ago
    Strangest Gifts You've Given a Stripper?
    For Christmas one year, I got her a pair of gag panties that had a discreet vibrator in the crotch which was operated by a remote control. I asked her to wear them on stage. She figured something was up, but not sure what. I waited until about two minutes into the song as she was spinning around the pole and hit the remote. What a reaction! She was a black girl who was prone to hyperbole at times, so she played it up well and everybody around the stage had a great laugh after she showed all what the deal was. She was a little embarrassed, but she was the center of attention for a while that day. A month or so later she asked me what kind of batteries they use.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    for you guys that pay money for a bj, hj, sex whatever
    ....I've had a ton of sex and was always able to get laid for free... you are recounting your experience with four fuglies no doubt.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Are we all getting a lot more for our dollar in this economy?
    At the only club I go to things are getting pretty lose. Nobody seems to care who else is watching. One dancer with whom I seldom get dances because the mileage has always been fairly low, guided my hand to the "good place" the other day and let me discover just how lubricated she was. "The place isn't as busy as it was, and I'm facing a lot more competition; I need to get the extra dances whenever I can", she matter-of-factly explained to me.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All night!
    6 or 8 years ago in ESL, I hooked-up with a dancer after she got off work. She rode with me from the club to my motel where we had some hotsex. Then we went to a place down the road and had dinner. At that point I was prepared to give her a ride back to the club where she earlier had told me her car was. She suggested that we return to my room because she thought she left something there. She ended up spending the night, and we had some more hotsex. In the morning, we went out for breakfast, and then I drove her to a gas station in WP where her sister who borrowed her car during the night would pick her up in a little while. Apparently she had talked to her sister on her cell phone in the bathroom at Waffle House. I gave my new friend my cell phone number, and she actually did call a few days later to tell me what a good time she had and would I be sure to give her a call next time I was going to be in ESL. Actually, I had an enjoyable time with her, and had been kind of surprised at how little I had spent on her for that all-nighter. I think it was $100 plus meals. A few weeks later as I was still a couple of hours away, I called her cell phone, but it was "temporarily out of service". When I got to town I went to the club where I had met her (I'm pretty sure it was C-Mowes), but she was not around. Another dancer told me that my new friend had been homeless for a couple of months, AND was 3 months pregnant. Her game was doing all night escort gigs in order to get food, a shower and a warm place to sleep. Not to mention a few $$ and some dick. (Almost sounds like home) The whole thing seemed a little bizarre; couldn't she stay with a friend? I realize that most of the dancers in WP at that time had pretty serious drug habits (although this one told me she was clean in all ways)and they would steal anything and everything from each other - what a f**kin' mess. Dancer shit at the lowest level. A year or so later I did get a call from her. She wondered when I'd be in town again. She had her baby, and had moved in with a relative. Had a job that didn't involve dancing or f**king for dollars. I didn't get back over to ESL for a year or so, and when I finally did, I had so much fun at the first club I stopped at, that I decided not to call her. It wasn't a bad memory, but I was becoming a distant memory and that's the way that felt the best to me.
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    16 years ago
    run in
    You have each other over a barrel perhaps, but there must be an underlying respect for each other in the circumstances. I have 2 such situations. In one, we brag privately OTC about what we've done with whom. I believe that I can trust him to say nothing to anyone else about our hobby. ITC we acknowledge each others presence but avoid a big display. Some of the dancers know that my company buys products from his company. The other situation is a little more sensitive. One day I went over to him ITC and told him to trust that I will never say anything about seeing him there. I looked him right in the eye, he nodded his head and we shook hands. I think I can trust him in the same regard. Dudester, I guess you could try to convince others that he's had too much to drink, but it sounds like the damage is already done...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers do you think actually read this site?
    All the dancers know is that some remarks were made on the internet. A customer tells a dancer about what has been said on-line about her, and the nature of the comments makes me think it comes from the "chat" on the "other" site. I don't think I have known very many dancers who have a computer, much less an internet connection. Most dancers that I know have pre-paid cell phones. Can you get prepaid internet? I guess you'd have to live in the same place for a while, or park your car near a wi-fi source.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Songs to Strip To
    A couple of years ago, one of my daughters got me ZZ Top's Greatest Hits CD for my birthday. I couldn't believe my ears; I had heard 75% of the cuts - in strip clubs years ago.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Favorite "closed" club
    For a regular, the KCK clubs (topless) were great. Leggs, Shadows, Red Apple & Bachelors III, plus a few rub joints. A few girls did some things ITC; all girls did everything OTC. Lots of drug trade. Lots of shady characters. Bombs, Fires. Politicians getting paid-off. And you could watch it all for a $2 cover charge. City got a woman mayor in 1990 (??) who, as the story goes, had caught her hubby in one of these places year or so before, and he quickly became her ex-hubby. Within 6 months of her election the clubs were declared a "public nuisance" and were closed. Luckyone is right-on about seedy but classy. There are still some veteran managers and DJ's at other clubs in KC, but now they are aged, distant reminders of a strip club heyday 20 yrs ago.
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    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    57/20. I did go cold turkey about 10 years ago for 6 mos. Then I got my priorities straight. Quit playing dumbass golf and grew my business about 100% so now I don't care how much I spend clubbing. Now days I spend less than I did 5 years ago, and while My Mileage Does Vary, it is much greater than 5 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Favorite "closed" club
    Neither of these was my "favorite", but both were notable in the history of clubbing. Tanga was the first stop on my only "clubbing" visit to Tampa in 1998. I got my first nude lap dance there. Chez Paree in SF. Home club of several of the early ASSC contributors, and perhaps some of the impetus for this site... Where are those guys now? I went there once and enjoyed a few very nice private dances.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    IYO what states have the most and least mileage?
    I totally agree with Cougar that ESL is probably the best value in the country, and likely the mileage capital of the U.S. The girls don't know "wanna dance", they just grab the package as a way of introduction. As a state, however, I get the feeling from the reviews that the rest of Illinois isn't all that good for mileage. From experience, statewide I'd go with FL, TX, & CA as being the mileage leaders. From the reviews, I surmise that UT, OK, & ND are low mileage anywhere in the state. I'll bet there's ten additional states where mileage is an opportunity waiting to happen.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    St Louie suggestions?
    The 19 Illinois clubs just east of Saint Louis listed in TUSCL are spread out over about a twenty square mile area, so a car is the best option. Cab might be possible, but maybe not to all clubs. Bus and light rail go out toward WP, but it leaves too much walking. Many areas are not safe to walk any further than from your car in the club parking lot to the door of the club, and even then you should be totally aware of your surroundings. Never, ever leave the lighted area of the club parking lot at night!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Health tips
    Atherosclerosis is the disease. Plaque build-up on the artery walls is the symptom. There are several aggravating factors including heredity, fatty diet, lack of exercise and not enough pussy. I got up close and personal with this whole thing four years ago when I had 5-bypass heart surgery. I didn't have a heart attack, just angina pain in my shoulders for about a week. Doctor believes my problem was hereditary more than lifestyle. I take baby asprin which acts as a blood thinner and a statin drug to reduce bad cholesterol(LDL)and increase good cholesterol (HDL) levels . I see my cardiologist annually, and I am also seeing a lipid (blood) specialist at a major research hospital nearby. He is a big advocate of fish oil in addition to exercise and diet, and has recently upped my recommended daily intake to 6 horse pill sized fish oil capsules. I think the scientific equivalent would be like 3500mg. We'll let you know how that works out. Anyway, my cholesterol has been consistently within range for a couple of years now, but triglycerides seem to bounce around a bit more. (The fish oil helps that too) I've also been doing about 25mg of the Blue Pill before visiting the club. But I'm finding out that when The Big Boy is exploring the oral cavity of a 19yo girl with small perky breasts, he does just fine without the V pill. Sorry if it tastes like fish, baby! I've tried the pomegranate juice, and didn't care for the taste. But I have seen the mix that contains blueberry juice, so maybe that makes it better - I'll give it a try. I still like cranberry juice the best tho.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    New Jersey
    How many different clubs have you been to?
    1979, The Fare in Dallas (Greenville @ Lovers) was the first strip club I ever went to. The perky breasts on those young Texas beauties was more than I could resist. (Most of 'em were from probably from Detroit back then, but I like to tell the story this way) Since then, I've been to clubs in TX, FL, CA, TJ, IL, KS, MO, TN, NV, WA. So, probably in the neighborhood of 100 different clubs.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who to believe?
    This topic page, these posts right here should be mandatory reading for all newbies. I stopped by my fav club tonight to just sit by the stage and look at previously unseen pussy. Just wanted to watch tonight. Ended up getting a dance from a new girl who got so uninhibited during her first dance, it was like she was unaware that there were even people around. Actually, I think she was f**ked up. But after 3 dances which featured lots of two-way oral, kitty play and even brief BB penetration, she calmly asked for $40 because she thought we had only done 2 dances. I paid for 3, and we agreed to dance again on Monday night when she is scheduled next. I would rate this visit a 10. I have done similar activities in different clubs, but the expected "tip" in addition to the dance price was always much higher than it seemed worth. So, by themselves these extra's were things I had done with dancers ITC many times before, and would rate all that as probably a 7 or 8. But tonight, the way these services were delivered was so refreshing that it deserves a 10. Note that I didn't rate the club as a 10, only my experience at the club. Had I not danced with this girl, the club would have received a 6 or 7 because the Christmas decorations looked nice. I hope she's there Monday. Sometimes new girls tend to be gone as quickly as they appear. I need to pack a raincoat for that visit. If she's not there, maybe I'll just look at pussy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Ask "what are your rules" when getting ready to start that first dance with an unfamiliar girl. Have actually had girls answer that they have no rules. That makes me smile!
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    16 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Female Customers
    Weekend nights at PT's in Centreville, IL. Girls sitting at the stage often get pulled up on the stage for some simulated GG action.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Staying and Talking in the Couch Room
    Been there! Most "extra's" dancers keep an eye on who's in VIP, and will only suggest "shall we go dance" when VIP is empty or the other dancer(s) in there are also high mileage providers. The ultimate unintentional "cockblock" situation may have occurred several years ago at the Chameleon Club (now burned down & gone)in WP, ESL. One winter, the furnace quite working in the "apartment", so "dances" were done in a small 8 x 10 storage room with 2 couches backed-up to the walls facing each other. A small electric space heater kept the place warm. It was not unusual to have a couple on each couch. Since this was a FS club, the whole thing could be pretty intimidating even with the lights turned way down. There wasn't much effort made to conceal what was going on either.
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    16 years ago
    Feature Dancers
    Are "features" becoming extinct?
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    16 years ago
    commando, boxers or briefs?
    I think it is impolite and shows a certain amount of disrespect to the dancer to wear clothing that "gets in the way". She wants to show you a GREAT time so you will do more dances and pay her more. If you club doesn't allow "exploration", switch clubs. If all the clubs in town don't allow "fun", move to a different town. No matter what, always go commando; just so you know you tried.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Pay First versus Pay After in VIP
    No way pay first for dances. I know what I want, it isn't always demonstrated in a table dance. If I don't like after one dance in VIP, that's it we're done. I guess when she asks, "how many are we going to do?", I could say, "just one my dear". Then I could listen to a bunch o' shit about that. SCat's right, it's about trust. It's also about having the right to choose - how much or little I want to enjoy her company. I don't want a bunch of complications thrown in. If I have to think about it too much, I might forget where I left my bone. I have had girls who I don't know very well, note "that was five, do you want to keep going?" A little reminder of the tab. That's annoying, but it only happens rarely. And they usually aren't there the next time...