Clubs that have mixed reviews... Are the good ones real???
I've read some reviews on clubs that have poor reviews and a few good ones. The good ones seem to be short on specifics. They just say things like, "The money I spent was worth it." or "I really liked ______. I will definately be back to see her."
Call me cynical but, how do us guys on TUSCL know if those reviews aren't posted by dancers? Dancers who pass themselves off as customers of the 'strip clubbing' scene???
Call me cynical but, how do us guys on TUSCL know if those reviews aren't posted by dancers? Dancers who pass themselves off as customers of the 'strip clubbing' scene???
That being said which reviews are the good ones. It is difficult to say. Every club is different every night of the week depending what you are looking for. By that I mean if you walk into a big money club with a bunch of 9 and 10's and you don't have any money and all the dancers ignore you is it the clubs fault or yours? If you go to a neighborhood type club looking for a 10 and all they have is 6's and 7's is that the clubs fault or yours. Evan real club ratings are complex and usually do not contain all the facts. You have to kind of read between the lines. For example if a person goes to a high class gentleman's club and complains about the price of valet parking and the cover charge then the rest of their review will probably be biased.
I think with time and experience you will be able to separate the BS from the real.
I have never reviewed a club without visiting (except in one case where I submitted a review for a club with a similar name in a different city without realizing it until later). That's not because I'm righteous and honest. It's because I like the tuscl model and don't want to taint it.
Generally speaking, good reviews will be shorter and less detailed than bad reviews, because people tend to go on and on when they rant or criticize than they do when they complain, not just for strip clubs but for movies, restaurants, books, whatever. Human nature, it seems.
The "post a review, get free access" model here (and at other sites such as TER) virtually assure there will be many fake reviews, however. Usually a review which is completely generic is fake, I assume.
at the same time, some experiences can be valid, thus prompting a legit review. it is conceivable that one could have a great time at a crappy place, or a crappy time at a great place. but, the proof for the most part can be in the pudding (yuck).
as we have mentioned before, a club that goes for a while without review, or few reviews, has some indication of what it has.
caveat emptor.
r-fan brings up several good points, except I do not wish to see Tuscl become a pay only site. If you think a review is obviously fake, write founder stating specific examples why it is fake. He does take appropriate remedies. In my reviews, I try to filter out my personal experiences for a more objective grade. There have been visits where a bunch of the best dancers have been taken, resulting in a subpar visit for me. Obviously, folks other than myself had a great time, so I'll resist temptation to post a 4 or 5.
-- Raves about a specific dancer by name are a red flag. Most legitimate reviews are coy about whom they encountered, offering only hints for those who might want to seek her out.
-- Focus on what matters to you: valuable reviews explain why the reviewer liked or disliked the club. It could be decor, looks of stage dancers, or mileage in the VIP, or other factors. Only you know what matters to you. If a review does not offer such insight, it is obviously useless to you.
It's just easier that way, and since there are so many variables (year/season posted, day, time, personal taste, etc) I take them all with a grain of salt. If you're looking for anything more than the gist of a club from these reviews you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Case in point, at one of my favorite clubs there is a reviewer that goes on and on about a particular dancer. Legit reviews but clearly has an ATF. Has written these for quite a while, and every time I read a review from him I wondered who the heck is this dancer was and why hadn't I seen her before. She must be a goddess, right? One time on a slow night I happened to run into this extremely chatty dancer who I'd seen around but hadn't really stood out. Bingo. Sweet, yes. Cute, yes. My cup of tea and someone I'd bring presents to? Hell no, even if I did presents.
And that's everything you need to know about the reviews here.
I've posted great reviews of clubs that look like real bottom feeders on paper (and vice versa)...doing so without hesitation since, well, I was there and it's up to others to disagree. Whether I write long reviews or short reviews, name names (stage names for dancers) or whatever is totally dependent on my mood and sometimes what's in the other reviews for that club. If a review jumps out to me as fake or a shill, then I'll click through to the reviewer profile and look for things that have mostly been covered already.
That's all.
The most trusted reviews are by ones that post on here or I have personally met. I share personal info with them
by PM or email. But will never bust my favorites in a review.
I am well known on here but you do not see my name on the list of top reviewers. I was once #4 with 85 reviews. I have actually done twice that under different names. I have now settled down to just reviewing my favorite club. I am convinced that I will never find a better club for me. It is a rare day that I don't meet up with one of my TUSCL buddies. But I also recognize BS reviews. I have always wished to be able to post a rebuttal to a review. I would not want or expect any credit for it. I could read the club discussion board and post but hardly any one reads them.
My next review will be about a personal experience at my favorite club with gridget. You are going to have to read between the lines. LOL...
I've seen a few rebuttal reviews. I've even seen one direct reply that wasn't a review at all. Figured founder let it through after he was done laughing. Among the reviews I find the most useful are the ones that clarify or refute information from another post. I don't even mind the shill posts that much since it means someone cares enough about a place to create their bizarro TUSCL user to begin with. Rating inflation is another thing altogether, but the whole thread is about whether reviews are real are not, right?
And I responded to that so...
"Everything written on this site should be considered a work of fiction."
Then I go to "Discussions". I consider most of the contributors here to be my fraternity brothers in the clubbing universe. I like to hear what they have to say.
DDan reminds us of the bottom line on each page. Something to keep in mind.
Yeah, I don't know about your theory of legitimate reviewer - common sense would say that a guy who only reviews one club in one city probably just goes to that one club in that one city...that alone doesn't make him or his review a fake.
Anyway, I did click on your name, and scanned your reviews. VERY NICE WORK!! It would be great if every club had a few reviews with even half the detail you provide.
...and lol Shadowcat:)
Just 3 more days sweetheart. trim the beard. LOL...
Yes, there are some fake reviews on this site but far less , I suspect, than some of you think. A few may write a bogus reviews for the free membership and a few are obviously owners of clubs(or shills for them). However I believe most of the reviews are sincere and the fake ones will either disapper in time or get drowned out by correct ones. Overall, the guidance you get from the reviews on TUSCL are accurrate and extremely helpful to people like myself who travel extensively.
Also, as said above, you can view a reviewer's history to gauge their sincerity. While a newbee's review may be 100% accurate, you might want to look at it in light of other reviews on the same club. Just common sense.