for you guys that pay money for a bj, hj, sex whatever

avatar for definitelynotgreenvegas
And this is a serious question. Do y'all do it because its "bad" or "wrong" to bang a dancer for 100 bucks? Is it the thrill of saying u bagged a hot stripper? I've had a ton of sex and was always able to get laid for free.....can y'all not do that or do you choose not to?


last comment
avatar for chandler
15 years ago
Not according to some here. Apparently marriage is all about the sex.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
chandler: "So, you guys could get laid without paying if you wanted, but you give her money anyway because you're better off that way?"

Yeah, sure they could. With stripper quality chicks in terms of looks too! That's what they'll tell themselves anyway. Heck maybe one or two of them are even right.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

"Sex fiends", no. But neither am I in the SC environment. But there is much more to marriage than sex.
avatar for chandler
15 years ago
Awesome thread. I didn't realize that married couples were such wanton sex fiends. So, you guys could get laid without paying if you wanted, but you give her money anyway because you're better off that way? I dunno, I think I'll keep spending the money I save on my special dating clothes.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
At this stage of my life would rather lease than buy. The gal I am seeing is 27 yr old sexy blonde dancer with big tits. She loves to fuck; tells me sex is her hobby. Total GFE - Her Giving me HJ foreplay before sex is a real treat too. Been seeing her slightly over a year about 2x week. POP is $200 otc, $150 itc with her. If I want, all I have to do is lay on my back and let her cum get me. She is the absolute best I have had in awhile; get off with her everytime. A typical session is giving her a sexy backrub, HJ foreplay from her (don't need it to get hard), then fucking (she can go a long time). Love leasing it - no strings attached, wouldn't want it any other way. If itc she gets completely nude (so sexy) in the CR (dark with leather divans / dividers) and when we do it sits in my lap going up and down with the right kinda friction on it. She can outfuck the other gals I have done in there.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Already you have proven to be trying to put us on, or you truly ARE an idiot! Which is it?
avatar for jablake
15 years ago

Free sex IS worth it, if it's cost is marriage (nearly 40 years of experience)."

Cough, choke, gag . . . ahem, that is akin to saying because there are lottery winners the lottery is a good investment. Just being stuck with a woman that must be at least 50, sounds like a punishment and paying for men who really appreciate 20 somethings, unless she has her own bedroom and is just a glorified unpaid maid, cook, and servant.

avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Free sex IS worth it, if it's cost is marriage (nearly 40 years of experience). Is it always, of course not, not it also can come with many many other benefits!
avatar for CarolinaWanderer
15 years ago
When I was younger I could get all I wanted for "free". After a couple of divorces and nearly going bankrupt as a result, I decided it was much easier to go to a club or AMP, pay cash, and have no other obligation.

Free sex comes with too many entanglements, be they emotional , social, physical or other. Free sex is not worth the cost or risk.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago
"Paying is cheaper in the long run. You don't have to spend money those x many times you failed to get laid. You don't have to spend the money for special clothes for dates. You don't have to spend money for 1 year anniversy, etc. So, it is cheaper."

Yes, and it is much cheaper than being a loser boyfriend. However, it is important to discern that cheaper ain't necessarily better or worse.
avatar for august313
15 years ago
It is as Charlie Sheen says, "Pay for sex? Hell, I pay them to stay away!"
avatar for whghIost
15 years ago
Paying is cheaper in the long run. You don't have to spend money those x many times you failed to get laid. You don't have to spend the money for special clothes for dates. You don't have to spend money for 1 year anniversy, etc. So, it is cheaper.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
vegas: You really think guys here are going to answer honestly rather than turning this into who has the biggest e-dick contest?
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
....I've had a ton of sex and was always able to get laid for free...

you are recounting your experience with four fuglies no doubt.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
There is no such thing as free pussy. Yes I pay for it, but so what? I pay for food, rent, car expense, etc. Shall I all of a suddent eat garbage because I don't want to pay for food. I don't think so.

We all pay, marriage is the most expensive. I basically paying for pussy as lease vs buy (committed relationship like marriage). I have had quite a lot of fun leasing it lately LOL.
avatar for definitelynotgreenvegas
Potheadpl good damn point
avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
We all pay. No matter what, we all pay.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago

I talking with this huge ugly nasty as hell biker. Proud of his prison record. Proud of his conquests. Even proud of waving the ffing flag. He comes out with any man who pays for pussy is a total faggot----he never paid for pussy and never would because he was a MAN!!!

I say ok Mr. Tough Guy, (He was a freaking tough guy, but I felt like at least attempting to take him down due to his flag waving filth; I'm a runt, btw.), let's see a picture of your old lady. Suddenly Mr. Tough Guy ain't so tough!!! He starts sputtering looks aren't important. Yes, siree bob; looks aren't important to total dirt bags--perhaps; I think even dirtbags have some standards. Shoot, it was tough getting the picture out of him. Finally, he shows a picture of his old lady. After diverting my eyes in disgust and fear----believe me she was that bad----I said I'd rather fuck you and you're ugly as shit. Mr. Tough Guy after wimpy protests that looks weren't important, left with his tail between his legs. He doesn't pay for it----BULLSHIT!!!! Can you say BULLSHIT??? Every time he gets near his old lady he is paying and paying and paying. I'd pay huge sums to keep her away from me. Some of you may think I'm joking but not even the most disgusting strippers at Angels were anywhere close to being as disgusting as she was. It looked like a gag photo, but it wasn't a gag. :(

avatar for definitelynotgreenvegas
Serious question
avatar for jablake
15 years ago

It is a nice piece of meat and I'd rather buy direct rather than indirect. Indirect would be playing role of loser boyfriend or middle class romeo who wines and dines for fuck.

Also, I want to avoid a real relationship----bs like let's have a baby so the government can fuck you in the ass repeatedly or let's get married so the government can fuck you in the ass repeatedly or let's put the home in both our names so the government can fuck you repeatedly or etc.
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