How many dancers do you think actually read this site?

4 or 5 dancers or maybe 20 or 30 occasionally looking at the discussion board but never posting? I just started wondering after a posting that was supposedly a message to dancers from a female customer. How many dancers have you met that know about this site? I believe shadowcat knows a few who know about this site. I haven't met very many that know about this site but I don't usually ask. Any opinions?
last commentI don't know, but I have told a dozon+ dancers about TUSCL and none of them knew about it. Yank
my guess is that less than 1% of dancers and less than 10% of customers look at this site.
clubs with more than 75 dancers, maybe one or two. clubs with less than 75 dancers, 0 to 1. Been going to the big clubs in Vegas for about 18 years, and during that time heard just 1 dancer say anything about this or similar websites, and she only knew about it because a customer had brought it up.
According to Quantcast, 27% of the visitors to this site are female - my guess is that most of these are dancers researching clubs. Since current monthly traffic is about 4200 monthly, that's 1000+ women visiting the site, probably many of whom are dancers.
I suspect very few visitors to the site visit the discussion forums, however, hence the lack of stripper input.
All the dancers know is that some remarks were made on the internet. A customer tells a dancer about what has been said on-line about her, and the nature of the comments makes me think it comes from the "chat" on the "other" site. I don't think I have known very many dancers who have a computer, much less an internet connection.
Most dancers that I know have pre-paid cell phones. Can you get prepaid internet? I guess you'd have to live in the same place for a while, or park your car near a wi-fi source.
i agree with giveitayank. i've mentioned this site to many dancers and none has ever heard of it. they all seem to know and read tho.
Alot of dancers read zbone, since it is a popular SC site that is specific to the LA/OC area of Southern California. I've asked a few of those ladies if they also might read TUSCL, but none of them had ever heard of it. I suspect that any SC sites that cater to specific geographic areas (like zbone) will tend to be more popular with dancers.
I agree with casual guy's percentages. Most don't give a shit about TUSCL or stripper Web. All of my favorites know who shadowcat is. It makes for fun conversation. Especially when another TUSCL member is present. Most say "just don't mention my name" but some say do. "I could use the business". I have known 3 that have posted on here. The first two were flamers. The latest was far from being anything but complementary to me. I hope that she continues. I gotta PM her tomorrow.
You're right Lopaw. In Michigan, there is and there is a fair number of strippers that post now and then.
I don't surf the net about my work, when I leave, I'm done with that for the day. I imagine it is the same for strippers.
I'll bet not many read the boards. Most of the posters here are pretty clueless about the whole nature of the SC scene. Then, as if that weren't bad enough, there are the little retards like parody and MisterGay running around to scare them off.
Considering I've only known one dancer who knew about TUSCL, probably not that many.
I've never talked to a single dancer or other club visitor that knew of this site.
I am a pimp too. I cannot remember the last time that I visited my favorite club and some one from out of state has not joined me. The girls appreciate it and want to know when the next convention is going to be.
I agree that not alot of dancers probably come to this site...I am not sure if that is due to lack of knowledge of the site or the fact that alot of them don't care what is said on here.I would like to point out to mmdv26 that I don't know what kind of girls you are hanging with at your club but most of the ones I know have shit. I have a house, a car, put myself through 2 rounds of school and starting a 3rd in may, I do have a computer and the internet, as well as lights and water, I also have 2 kids that I take care of by myself and they hurt for perhaps you should find girls to hang out with that are not only fun but also have goals:)
I have never met a stripper who heard of this site, and I have probably asked 20 or so over the years. I've had a couple look it up after I mentioned it, and they are put off by the cost. Many strippers have heard of, which is free, but is full of immature dancers and customers who spend most of their time flaming each other.
gridget: Sorry to bust it but I know what you have been through. I admire your ability and courage to get through it. I only have one goal left in my life. You. LOL...
It was well known among my old place they just didnt bother to post.