
Customers with rules.

Atlanta suburb
Saturday, March 7, 2009 9:56 PM
Do you believe that there are customers that won't allow a dancer to fondle their packages? I have had many favorite dancers tell me about experiences with other customers. Some of you, I know. LOL. All kinds of fetishes. But "don't do that" takes the cake.


  • hogsun
    15 years ago
    Tell us about their experiences!
  • giveitayank
    15 years ago
    who ever heard of such a thing? Yank
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I really do hate it when a girl rubs her chest in my face when she is flat chested. It hurts without those soft cushions there for my face. However, I have yet to tell them about it. I don't want to insult them or act like a prick. Also I hate it when they rub their breasts in 15 men before coming over and doing it for me. I would rather just give them a dollar for them to go away. It feels dirty and she smells awful by then. However, I just go alone with it...
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    *along with it.... not "alone" with it
  • hogsun
    15 years ago
    I agree, never liked the boob in face sloppy seconds
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Sometimes the package fondling becomes the basis for demanding a tip. She uses the fondling to lead to other services and you have fallen in without any conversation. The customer does not know that this service is extra because it was never discussed. Then you have a dancer reminding you how much she has done and why no tip. Well, to avoid that conflict, shut off the extra service until you have discussed it and have some understanding of what's going to happen and at what price.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Maybe the guy has something there she shouldn't touch, IE: some STD. Once saw a guy buy dances, but didn't want the dancer to take off anything.
  • how
    15 years ago
    I have a rule: don't bite me! Seriously, a few dancers have gone vampire on me, and that's not sexy at all...
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    RE: don't bite me! Had a dancer give me a playful "love bite" on the earlobe once, which I enjoyed and thought was sexy, but I guess a real bite would not be cool.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I have certain things I don't like dancers to do as well. Different dancers will try different things on you though and it can get tiring to tell everyone want you like or don't like. I don't care for dancers pinching or biting on my nipples. I might not mind some gentle biting in other places though. I don't care for a dancer rubbing her fingers on her wet pussy and then rubbing her finger on me to prove she's wet. If I wanted to feel her wet vaginal, she could have just invited me to put my finger there. Some dancers like to take off my belt before a lap dance. I don't mind that. If I ever go to a club where there are no rules and I'm not fond of all the dancers, I definitely would want some of my own rules.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I don't mind a gentle bite. However I don't want teeth marks or anything painful.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I should have another rule. If she wants to suck on part of my body, she needs to suck on an appendage rather than stick her wet tongue in my ear. :) I believe some dancers like to break rules though.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    I have one rule: don't do anything that hurts, unless we discuss it first.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    TUSCL_Brother, Excellent rule! Although, on a couple of occasions, I was in a regular club but my regular VIP dancer was no longer there. I went back with outer dancers and twice, they could not "finish up the job". Why, I don't know for sure, but I think it was just that they were too "mechanical". Just going through the motions. Couldn't even keep my interest, although, softness wasn't a problem. Strange.
  • zippy62
    15 years ago
    Some customers are "attached" in one way or another. They may be ok with grindage being not cheating but draw the line at more than that. My rule is my pants stay on - no hj, bj, fs, etc. I still have fun, feed my natural urges for a variety of women - without actually cheating.
  • curiousgeorgefun
    15 years ago
    I am not into getting my face rubbed with glitter boobs. you cant get that shit off before you go home and its impossible to explain. plus if I see glitter, there is usually strong perfume that is even harder to explain.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Good call on "no glitter," George. I don't need to explain myself to anyone, but I don't like glitter getting on my clothes and even in my car.
  • 59
    15 years ago
    Besides the glitter I once in a while encounter a dancer with way too much perfumed lotion on her skin. Gets on you and your clothes and lingers way too long.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Why is it so difficult to comprehend that not everybody wants the same thing you do? I don't want a stripper going straight for my dick. That's a sure sign of a ripoff. A little dick rubbing as part of a lap dance can be great, but I don't like it when she stops the dance and just goes to work on my dick. Some guys may make it their mission to get a handjob. I don't.
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