
Anyone Concerned with the New Investigation Services?

Avatar for Cougar289

There has been a lot more advertising for private investigation services for wives or significant others to check out what the guys are doing. Part of the process has the wife placing a very small GPS tracker device some place in the car (taped somewhere under the hood or seat). In some cases the detective does it. Anyway if you are clubbing on the side it has become a lot easier to track activities if you are doing it locally. Doing it while on business is still fairly safe.

Any experiences?


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Avatar for Clubber

To old to worry about such things!

But, I don't see where that is "new". I was "tracking" employees of a fellow I worked with some years ago via their Nextel phones.

Avatar for how

This GPS tracking trend is going to cause trouble. Some states (particularly those run by liberal legislatures) are trying to mandate GPS trackers in all vehicles, so that they can tax drivers in their states by the mile! You cannot parody these lawmakers anymore!

Avatar for Electronman

Any suggestion as to how to determine if a GPS tracking device has been placed in a vehicle (above and beyond looking for the actual device)? On a related topic, isn't it also possible to identify the location of any cell phone, not just Nextel? Presumably, if you shut down the cell phone, its location cannot be detected.

Avatar for mmdv26

hi how,

I think the "liberal" legislators are concerned about how collect the equivalent of gasoline tax used to fix roads as more vehicles become hybrid and therefore use significantly less gasoline. The idea is to tax people at license plate renewal time based on the miles they have driven since the last license plate renewal. I'm not aware of GPS being part of that idea, but there's a few issues for sure!

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

There are scrambling devices, too.

This is like the old radar-detector debate. One side develops the thing that beats the other sides technology, then the other side develops the thing that beats the thing that beats ...

Eventually people who were interested in this sort of thing learn all the details. Better solution? Don't get married.

Avatar for Digitech

I'm presently single. I wouldn't go to a strip club if my wife or girlfriend didn't know/come along.

Avatar for JMelbourne27

If a Private Investigator is hired, you are basically busted. Any investigator worth his salt can get an enormous amount of dirt on you very quickly.

Not only can he GPS everything from your shoes to your underwear (yes I am serious) but he can dig up info on you all the back to that girl-in-high school who you got pregnant who then had the miscarriage (or adoption, ect.).

It all depends on how much she is willing to spend and how much she has available. The more she spends the more she'll know.

She can have your Cell Phone bugged so that everything it hears is recorded to a website whether it's on or off. The only limit is how good the P.I. is and how much she's willing to spend.

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