Just wondering how old the oldest dancer you have ever had? Does age really matter or is it only the older guys who like the older women? When I have a young one ----- less than 25, I often think of it being my daughters friends!
At my favorite club the oldest dancer is reported to be 50.One of my own personal favs admits to 36. In case you were wondering, gridget is 32. The youngest of my favs is 24. As long as they stay fit, age does not matter to me.
Dancer with the best boobs I know is 33. I know this because I ran a background check on her before we met OTC. A lot of dancers will lie about their age so I don't bother asking about it too often.
Earlier this summer, I was having the post dance chat with a dancer and she mentioned she was going to her 20th high school reunion that weekend. I had her age pegged as mid to late twenties, so I thought I might have heard her wrong, or she meant her 10 year reunion. But she confirmed it, then asked me, “Pretty good body for a 37 year old, right?†I had to agree.
There is a gal at one club that I visit who is the same age as me, 52. She sure as hell doesn't look it! She is from Brazil and has the body and skin of a 25 year old. She also gives me the best HJ/BJ Russian finish I've ever had in a club and will take it in the ass if you are so inclined...
Mid-forties, easily. I like older dancers for one good reason... if they are still fit, it has to be because they work very hard at it and take good care of themselves. Regular workouts, vitamins, age-fighting lotions, eating right, etc. I don't believe a woman can be a burned-out druggie at 45 and still look good.
This topic was done all that long ago. For me, the oldest was 39 and I saw her ID. I spend some time with one two years ago that was 42, but she didn't dance for me. Now if you mean "had", she was 23.
Over the years I am sure I have had late 30's early 40's. As long as they are hot, if they don't look too old I don't mind, I just don't ask their age. My oldest regular was 36.
34 here. I have seen a few a dancers with gorgeous bodies, but their face gives them away. plus i am more turned on by girls that have more going for them than being a dancer. Tell me you are in school or getting on your feet while taking care of your kids.
One of the hotest dancers I everr kew was 36/37 when I started doing OTC the club with her. Previously we had been doing BBBJs ITC, but things progressed to a higher level. I still see another former dancer who retired and is now in her early 40's. I've had some of the best sex with her--ever.
At my favorite club, there is a lady who is at least 60. She doesn't have that bad of a body, actually, but she's scary to look at, especially the one time we both arrived at the club at the same time and she was in her regular clothes. There's also a 52 year old there (I got to see her ID once, but this was a year ago, when she was 51). She looks great for her age, except she likes to hide behind her glasses, probably for good reason. I remember a lady at the Lamplighter in Ottawa, IL telling me once she had been dancing there off and on for 20 years, and she looked like she could be 50. Only got the one lapdance, though.
well i dont claim to have the best of anything, but I will be 47 in a month and I have not have had any complaints. The way I see it is......if you like me and my stlye great , if not chose the dancer of your choice.
We all have free will.Choose what is best for you.
There's 1 lady who was 62 years old working at a club which recently closed this August. I hope she finally retired, I dont think strippers should be collecting social security (because they are 65+) and dancing.
I had one dancer tell me she was over 400. However her fangs and hungry look in her eyes made me think she was full of it. The other day I was thinking about posting a new topic on here asking why do some dancers like to bite you on the neck? I've been bitten by several dancers in various places. I don't know why some bite the neck. They haven't broken the skin but still I'm not turned on by getting bitten there. One dancer just made me think vampire while she was on stage even though I couldn't see anything obvious indicating she was into that. Then all of a sudden, she bit me. Maybe she was into that. Biting my nose is even worse than biting my neck though.
I'm pretty sure I've had table dances from a dancer in her 50's. She's pretty fit though. I haven't had a dance from her in years except for one free one she did with another hot dancer a year or two ago. They both danced free for me in a double team for reasons unknown to me. Oldest favorite was in her early 40's before she retired from dancing but she only looked like 30. I would have never known if she hadn't told me.
The oldest I've had ITC was 47, good body, kinda showing it in the face. Met her the first time when the club was slow, she was reasonable in her tip expectations and I decided to take a chance. Excellent oral skills and was willing to do anything. Still pretty tight too, she must do her exercises. Oh, and a great personality.
Probably my favorite dancer is about 48 or 47 years old. I don't know her exact age, but that's my guess and seems to match as another dancer (who is her friend) told me that she's almost 50.
While her body may not be quite as nice as the younger girls, her attitude and skills make her the best.
last commentA lot of dancers will lie about their age so I don't bother asking about it too often.
Well, at least she wasn't in her "mid-nineties", which was the way I misread your post at first!
We all have free will.Choose what is best for you.
You jogged my memory. I did have a dancer tell me she was in her 8th or whatever number life. Said she was hundreds of years old. Sure didn't look it.
While her body may not be quite as nice as the younger girls, her attitude and skills make her the best.