
avatar for judyjudy
You speak of lost items..........the other night I had a guy who was out of money offer me a pack of smokes for one more dance. This was ridiculous. From the way you guys talk, I don't think you would fall into that catagory......well maybe one of you.............

any of you guys ever offered anything instead of money for dances or extra's?


last comment
avatar for how
15 years ago
I usually just offer my undying love... ;) j/k
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
There is a guy that frequencies my favorite club.He trades dvd's ( mostly Disney stuff)for dances. He does well.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
yeah it makes sense for the disney stuff..they are doing it for their kids!
I'm sure several PLs have tried to barter with drugs.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Disclaimer: This happened before the law was changed and it was legal (1987).

I was at a SC and had just run out of money when a 16 year old was introduced on her birthday night. She was a goddess and I would've kicked myself had I not gone up. I just had to tip her. I had my checkbook with me, so I wrote a check for 5.00 and went up to the stage to give it to her.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago
"You speak of lost items..........the other night I had a guy who was out of money offer me a pack of smokes for one more dance. This was ridiculous. From the way you guys talk, I don't think you would fall into that catagory......well maybe one of you............."

Yes, I'd definitely fall into that category. :) After buying 10 or more dances (usually more), if I have to stop due to an empty wallet it is time to turn on the charm. If I had smokes they'd be on the table. If I had a wedding ring it'd be on the table. I draw the line at my car. I did offer my Driver License as security----dancer laughed and ran a tab for me without the Driver License. She said I was so desperate for dances she wasn't worried if I tried to cheat her. Definitely paid her about a week later and bought a bunch more dances. Sometimes dancers will give me a mercy dance or two. It should be an ego boost that a man bought a bunch of dances and is broke and is hoping to weasel one or two more dances cause you are that fantastic.

Should of asked him for his shirt as compensation. :)
avatar for jablake
15 years ago

The strangest item that I tried to barter a dance for was for the use of an Office Depot glue stick. The young dancer needed my fax and to talk to me or someone for hours.

Same routine in that I'm not going to be able to buy a dance from her. She just wants to talk and as is the norm she mistakes my interest in her conversation for a lack of interest in steamy contact with her in her B-day suit.

So she is amused and offended at the same time by the attempted barter. She says the glue stick is worthless and she hands it back to me. I said you've already used it. She says big deal you're not getting a dance for a glue stick. I say for USE of the glue stick----you don't get to keep it! She rolls her eyes. Well, if she'd accept cash like a dancer is supposed there be no need to try bartering. I even try saying the use of the fax was worth a dance.

Bottom line: No dances.

Ungrateful, stuck-up, whore! :) As fun as the dancer visits are I would rather do with out if $5 dances aren't part of the deal.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Offered foot massage with scented lotion. No takers. Cash only.
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
Never have. Money seems to work so well.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
JJ, you'll know it's serious bartering when some guy dares to part with his Xbox...
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
Twenty years ago, I re-plumbed an old house that dancer and her hubby bought for a thousand dollars through an urban renewal program. He reimbursed me for the materials with money from his weed selling business, and she swapped favors for my labor. He understood what was going on, and made sure to stay away each day for several hours so I could get paid!
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
ok.....I do need a roof on my cottage up north.....any takers?
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
Dudester: You are my hero. I was so pathetically broke once, and the girl worked so hard, that I wrote her a check for 2, that's right, 2 American Dollars. The night got worse before it got better and one of my frequent SC buddies still recalls it 20 years later.
avatar for how
15 years ago
I'll "roof your cottage," Baby... I'll roof it real nice... ;)
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
thats what i need how
avatar for judyjudy
15 years ago
i am thinking that i will need a metal roof as opposed to shingled
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I also hate it though when dancers try to barter with me for tips.. fuck that shit I will tip you what I want.

Example, a dancer gave me her number and told me that guys usually tip her for giving that out...what a loser. Another one, is when she asked how much will u tip me if I flash you my pussy? (this was in a topless club).
avatar for slickpeter
15 years ago
Judy ------ What club in Detroit did the smokes barter take place at? You know as well as I do that the economy is really bad here!

Metal roofs are great up north ------ I have one on my camp in the UP
avatar for how
15 years ago
Actually, judyjudy, I was making a lurid suggestion. "I'll roof your cottage..." is just a wink-wink way to say I'll plow your field, or I'll part your folds, or I'll give you the high hard one, or any other euphemism for sex. Thus the wink...
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago

Shame on you! jj was just trying to improve the living in her cottage, and you try to take advantage of the poor dear!
avatar for stripclubspy
15 years ago
Told a dancer that I was feeling sick because I had just spent the day treating my deck (and breathing the fumes). She told me her deck needed it too, and would I do it some weekend when my Mrs was out of town. It was out of the question for several reasons, so I never did ask what was on the table.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I haven't bartered. I did have one dancer get so determined to dance for me, she finally offered to dance for free. I wasn't interested in her so I still refused. Then she offered to take me home. I was wondering if she was serious but I never had any other dancer waste so much time on me when I never spent any money on them. She finally left me alone after I told her no again. Another dancer I went out with and had some fun one night, after another night later on, I was ready to break things off with her. The next time I got alone with her I was going to tell her, she gave me an extra without me hardly saying anything. I thought, what an excellent tactic to stop a guy from breaking things off.

I almost always check my wallet before buying lap dances if I'm low on funds.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I just remembered, one dancer over 12 years ago wanted me to give her $100. In return she said she would give me all her lap dances at half her normal lap dance price she said forever. I gambled and it paid off for me. For two years she stayed true to her word. I think she liked me since some of those dances ended up at her house. She was a regular dancer and I was a regular at one club at the time or I never would have taken the gamble.
avatar for how
15 years ago
casual, either those dancers felt some attraction to you, or they just have no sense. Wait, maybe those two options are not mutually exclusive... ;)
avatar for BaddJack
15 years ago
I once did barter a remainder of a fee for a "limo dance." Posted about it earlier. It was interesting and fulfilling. It was, however, a tad tricky to figure out the bookkeeping.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
I fly free and can extend my privileges to family and friends.But the way the industry is set up now, its all electronic. They have to have a valid credit card and be willing to share that info with you. Many years ago, pre 9/11I had one dancer that asked if I could get her a pass. I barely knew her and blew that off.There is only one dancer that I would do that for. You know her name. I would love to take her to Costa Rica.That's like taking sand to the beach. But it could happen.
avatar for jablake
15 years ago

Many years back a buddy bartered his car for full service from a stripper. Despite losing his car, he said she was worth every penny and more. A memory of a lifetime in his words. No, he said it wasn't fun at all being without a car.

He also said he do it again in a heartbeat for the right woman. I doubt I'd have given the woman $5----just not my type at all from his description.

Yes, I guess it is wholly classless to barter when we've got these dandy Federal Reserve Notes that we are supposed to use---shows a lack of gratitude and breeding.
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