
Do you have any routine strip club lies?

Saturday, October 10, 2009 6:06 AM
Do you routinely lie about your age, occupation or something else? I'm going to routinely lie about my age since no one seems to believe my true age anymore. I might want to think of a different occupation for when I want to get rid of a dancer. I could say an artist, I don't believe they make much money.


  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    Lie, tell the truth. What does it matter? You are just dealing with a bunch of dumb thieving whores anyway. Treat 'em however you like.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Dougster, I have to agree with you up to a point.But there are some gems in the rough out there. You just need to sift through the sand to find them. When you do find one, you will love them.
  • Dain
    15 years ago
    I'm taken for younger than I am. Girls have taken me to be a lawyer, a Hollywood executive, a teacher, a bank executive, a porn star, and a few others that I don't recall. I just let 'em think what they want. It's quite interesting.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Dancers I don't know well often assume I'm a clueless newbie (go figure). I play along. Some of the girls seem to enjoy thinking they're corrupting me.
  • LoneLurker
    15 years ago
    I don't tell routine lies. I find that most dancers are fascinated by my profession and can't believe I'm as old as I am. Hmmmm...stripper shit? Naaaaah.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    I tell them that I'm a garbage service dispatcher. No one cares about a garbage company dispatcher. It ends questions rather quick.
  • mmdv26
    15 years ago
    Try telling them that you don't work. Let them guess that you inherited a couple of million last year. I'm sure you will get some interesting proposals/requests to share here.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    My former career was so hard to explain that my own kids did not fully understand it.I am happy to now just say retired.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    "Hollywood talent scout" always works well... lol. just kidding.
  • BaddJack
    15 years ago
    We covered this some time back, I think, and I was surprised at the number of guys that say they never lie to the "folk dancers." I routinely exaggerate my age older so that I look good by comparison. If asked, I usually say I am a "consultant" or, if it is a club that has a feature dancer for the night, I go in early and let it be known that I am with the Porn Star's production company "looking for new talent." I spin so many yarns that I forget them, and that is OK, too. It adds an air of mystery if I am a retired Sgt. Major one time and a writer the next. All they want are my twenties, anyway.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Nope, I'm the same Rocket Scientist Gynecological Brain Surgeon Trust Fund Millionaire I've always been.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I like to tell the ones that I don't want bothering me that I am undercover LE. Usually though, when they ask me what I do, I just tell them I do well. After all, they are just looking for conversation.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    "U.S.D.A. Boob Inspector"
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I remember watching HBO special on bunny ranch and they said that a lot of guys who come dressed up looking professionally are the ones who tend to spend the least. While a lot of the guys who come wearing jeans, etc. are the big spenders.
  • bumrubber
    15 years ago
    Lies are too much trouble. I tell the truth, but only tell as much as necessary to keep the conversation going. They probably think I make more than I do. All they care about is money and how you treat them, good conversation or at least lack of awkwardness.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    If I am from out of town in a club that I will not make a return visit to for the next several months then yes I might lie. At clubs I frequent I don't bother lying too much.
  • You are in a place where the girls are fucking professional liars. Literally they are all professional con artists. The big lie I tell is to myself. "She likes me"
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    I keep it fairly truthful for the sake of consistency. Any lie system requires a lot of work to maintain.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    If they ask and I consider it to be polite conversation, I always give a truthful answer. I have always maintained that truth opens doors and spreads legs.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I only lie if I'm out of town, like on one of my Kansas road trips, for instance. Usually, I tell them I was visiting somebody in the area.
  • Bemelove
    15 years ago
    I'm usually truthful, but it's easy to tell I'm military. A lot of the girls like to wear my dog tags while giving me lap dances even. It also creates conversation because they ask me about where I've been...To bad I've been nowhere great.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    No, I don't lie to them. I don't have a hard time talking to dancers, so I just tell a bunch of jokes and make them laugh.
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    Why lie? What's the point? Most dancers don't really care about customers on a personal level. The chit-chat is just filler until the sale is closed. Any customer who thinks dancers remember or care to remember what a customer says are lost in a fantasy. If you are perceived as a big spender a dancer might make note of what you say hoping to get repeat business. Otherwise, you are forgotten as soon as she spends the money she got from you.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    "garbage service dispatcher", Thanks. I might use that line sometime and see how good it works. I'd only tell that to dancers I don't recognize. They are the only ones who ask that question anyway.
  • ArtCollege
    15 years ago
    I'm fairly well known within a fairly small profession, so to protect my identity, I say I'm in a related field. (Think of a heart surgeon saying he's a dentist.) I always use the exact same description, I have some examples of the sort of problems I work on. It helps reassure them, I think, that I'm not LE.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    Ah, Superdude, you have such a cynical attitude. I have an atf who not only remembers my various family relationships but the political leanings of each person. She also remembers the last time I was in, even if it's been months.
  • potheadpl
    15 years ago
    I told one hot dancer that I thought I was gay. I didn't act flaming, just acted real shy and nervous. She took me back for a dance and quickly found out I'm not. She felt my erection and said, "You're a LIAR!". With a smile, of course.
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