Kentucky Senate passes bill restricting nude dancing

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FRANKFORT KY (WAVE) - The Kentucky Senate Friday passed a bill that would require nude dancers to remain at least six feet from patrons and perform from an elevated platform, at least 18 inches above the floor.

The vote was 38-0.

The restrictions were attached to an unrelated House bill that dealt with the state's theft by deception law. House Bill 219, sponsored by David Osborne of Jefferson County and Ruth Ann Palumbo of Lexington, passed the House 97-0 on February 26.

The amended bill will now return to the House for concurrence.……


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avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
The comments to this article on the following site are pretty funny:…
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago

Posted by: connor Location: ky on Mar 27, 2010 at 04:11 PM

i think i speak for everyone hear when i say, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that

Posted by: Jan Location: KY on Mar 27, 2010 at 02:17 PM

They can pass a bill on nude dancers, but can't decide on Texting While Driving. Come on people. Which is more dangerous? I saw a lady going down I-75 at over 70 mph(That is what I was driving) and she had 2 young kids in backseat and she was driving with her knees while texting. And we are worried about Exotic Dancers.

Posted by: John Location: Richmond on Mar 27, 2010 at 02:11 PM

Boy, glad you all got that nailed down. Heck with being #1 in child abuse. Don't worry about having the dumbest kids. Forget about all the drugs. Just keep those nude dancers away from us. Whew..what relief!
avatar for mmdv26
15 years ago
Bad trend emerging here. Missouri and Kansas are advancing similar legislation. Looks like these bills are heading for approval in both states.

Easy to shoot fish in a barrel.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
South Carolina is considering a bill to make it illegal for teachers to have sex with students. What is the world coming to? Before you know it, our politicians will need to make new laws making it illegal for cats to have sex with dogs. If two adults do something that is between two consenting adults, the politicians are wasting their time trying to restrict what they can do. They should be working on creating jobs and reducing unneeded spending. I would like to propose a bill applicable to all 50 states that forces politicians to either be furloughed or to use their time to pass laws or conduct business that improves the overall economy. I really don't care if dogs and cats are having sex nor should you. If you do, we don't really need a law for that now do we?
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
On top of that I know this student called Melissa who said she needs to perform very well or she might not get that A she's been working at. She said she doesn't need any politician telling her how she should get that A.

In other news, South Carolina recently got rid of a law requiring those who want to illegally overthrow the US government from being required to obtain a permit first. Apparently someone in SC must have thought that anyone who overthrew the US government would have been able to get out of paying the fine for doing it illegally. I read the permit used to cost $5. On a conspiracy site though, I read that a new South Carolina bill would require everyone to obtain a $25 permit first if they want to illegally overthrow the US government. Ah, you have to love those crazy conspirators. :)
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
In Texas, our legislature is only allowed to work 10 weeks, every other year. They don't have time to consider stupid job killing laws that damage the economy and infringe on the rights of consenting adults.

I'm just saying...

Of course, this might be why Texas' unemployment rate is far below the national average and why more jobs are created in Texas than in all other 49 states combined.

I'm just saying....
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
"In Texas, our legislature is only allowed to work 10 weeks, every other year."

Nope, they can actually meet as long as 20 weeks every other year, and the governor can call as many 30-day "special sessions" as he/she wants to.

"this might be why Texas' unemployment rate is far below the national average and why more jobs are created in Texas than in all other 49 states combined."

Hmmmm, not true again:
"Watchdog group says Texas governor's job creation figures are exaggerated"…

"Job creation figure in Texas overestimated, says U.S. Dept. of Labor"…

Also, it's funny how TX had a higher unemployment rate during the huge boom in the 1990s and even during the extremely weak job market of the Bush Regime:…

I'm just sayin'
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