
Comments by 59 (page 27)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Prostitution sweep results in arrest of 27 in Waterbury
    No offense but what does this have to do with Strip Clubs??? Aren't there other forums for this sort of thing?
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    13 years ago
    Adjust your junk?
    Doesn't happen often but some will ask me to adjust myself. More rarely they'll take matters into their own hands, sometimes asking but more often diving in. Prefer pointing north so I will adjust discreetly if need be. I rarely call a time out except with a current fave. She hasn't gotten the hint I'd like her to do the adjusting.
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    13 years ago
    How many visits to strip clubs?! (Official May Edition)
    6 times so far. 3 of those were when I was in Vegas for 6 nights. Going Saturday and I'm sure I'll hit a club Memorial Day weekend too.
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    13 years ago
    Most You've Spent in Strip Clubs in One Night?
    About $500. It was with a really hot fave in the champagne room at OG in Vegas years ago. $100 bar tab. 3 for $100 dances. I believe I did 4 sets over a roughly 4 hr period. Worth every penny.
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    13 years ago
    First impression/experience with your favorite dancers
    Only one I consider my ATF and met her nearly 25 years ago. Was a small neighborhood dive called JK's Talk of the Town in East Brunswick, NJ. 5 years later that club was demolished and there's one of the infamous Jersey jughandles in its place. Hot, curly dark haired with curves up on stage in a skin tight animal print body suit type costume. This is a place where stage sets were 1/2 hour and it wasn't unusual to only have 2 girls on day shift. Before they invented lap dances, so that wasn't an issue. Enjoyed tipping her and eventually the set was over. I was shy back then so I didn't invite her but sure enough she stops by and sits next to me. Very close, her leg is up against mine and her arm also. Pretty heavy accent, eventually determine she is from Brazil. After a few visits worked up the courage to ask for her number and the rest was history. Knew her for a 15 year or so stripping career and several years after. Did lose touch 3-4 years ago.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Getting warmer outside...
    There was a hottie in tiny workout shorts in line ahead of me at the grocery store the other day. Nice. Gotta love spring.
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    14 years ago
    Nipple Rings
    Not a fan but once in awhile you do see a girl that looks OK with them. In that case I prefer when they just wear one, rather than a pair. I've yet to have any nipple rings in my mouth.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "Hey, Joe!"
    It's happened. At one of my fave clubs early in my tenure a dancer would refer to me as "Susie's customer". She'd say remember how Susie did such and such and give me the latest she'd heard regarding Susie who'd apparently moved away awhile back. Never met Susie, had no idea who she was... Slightly off-topic but had an ATF bartender at one of my clubs. She was very social, chatted up the customers, but had eyes in the back of her head. She would be 30 feet away, facing the other direction, I'd push my empty glass in front of me and she'd suddenly turn and mouth "do you want another one?". I always ordered a 7&7. Always. I'd walk in the bar and she'd start pouring. Except a couple of times. To my surprise out comes a Heineken. One time around Christmas out comes the Heineken. Then she says "thanks for the presents you gave us girls last night." Needless to say, I played along. ;-)
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    14 years ago
    Least favorite stripper tattoo location?
    Don't like tattoos. Particularly dislike them on the boobs. Girl yesterday had the trucker busty girl with flowing hair in silouhette on her hip. Large, like the size of a hand...wtf?
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Buying dancers meals
    Never ordered a full blown meal. Couple of clubs have a free happy hour buffet and girl can join you. Bought an appetizer here and there that I'll share, sometimes prompted by the girl. That's about it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    All hugs are good. I don't categorize their technique.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Your Definition of ATF
    I did have one that I'd classify as an ATF but she has long since retired and we've lost track of each other. These days I have several faves spread across multiple states and clubs. At times 2 or more in a given club. Works OK because if a fave becomes territorial before long she is no longer a fave.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Strip clubs with elevators
    As noted Penthouse in Philly has an elevator. It is labelled "Transporter". Girls like it as it saves them tripping down the stairs in their heels I guess. As a customer I'm OK with the stairs.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Need clothing advice
    Microfiber is a good choice. Soft, thin, and dries quickly. The nylon zipper is a good point. Some of my pants have the metal zipper and if the girl isn't careful what she's doing down there, ouch!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How to carry your money
    I keep it pretty simple. I bring my wallet stuffed with the max I'm budgeting for the visit. Also bring 5-10 singles in my front pant's pocket. Replenish the singles with change I get from drink purchases. In nearly 25 years of clubbing I've never broken out the credit card or ATM card. Not planning to start now so not concerned with bringing them. There's always another day if I want to continue with a hottie.
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    14 years ago
    Cell phones
    Texting, time keeping, and phone numbers. If I'm heading into a club to meet a fave I'll text "I'm here" as I walk in the door. That way if she's in the dressing room she can respond "be there in a few". I've also gotten the "sorry baby, meant to tell you earlier but I'm running late/not going to make it today" as I walk in. In that case, I at least know the scoop and can come up with a plan B. I sometimes will be setting up the next stop for the day/evening, waiting for a response or finalizing plans. The cell lets me do this in almost real time (not going to interrupt a dance or conversation to use it though). A watch gets in the way of the fondling, similar to a belt, so I'd rather use the cell to check when it's time to bail or double-check a girl if the place is bad about timing dances. Finally will enter any new phone numbers or email addresses I obtain.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Signature Drink?
    7&7 mostly. I sometimes will walk in a club that I haven't been to for months and the girl will ask "7&7?". I have branched out a bit. If there's a beer special I'll sometimes go for that. I'll also do wine sometimes, particularly if the girl I'm catching up with drinks wine.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Asian Women
    One thing I enjoy is the diversity of Asian women. Not all are naturally dark, some are quite pale. They come in all sizes these days too. I've had faves from 4'10" to 5'7". And the taller girl is by no means the tallest Asian I've seen. Do tend to be hard workers, well educated, good conversationalists, and caring. There are exceptions. Asian girl with blonde hair = big turn-off in my book.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Mandatory coat checks
    One club has a mandatory coat check, $2. Depending on the weather I'll sometimes rough it. Another place has the mandatory coat check but it's complimentary. Of course there's hot girls taking and giving back your coat. Here I don't mind at all and tip 'em a buck.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Need clothing advice
    Shorts are good in season here in the northeast. Otherwise I go with dress pants, no belt, the type with the expandable waistband. Allows the girls that are so inclined easy access. The soft feel works well for both parties.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Do your favorites from different clubs look alike?
    Actually my faves, today and historically, are quite diverse. Partial to Asian or Latin, dark hair, petite side but many do not fit these specs at all. Attitude and personality go a long way in my auditioning and draft process.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The look?
    Older looking guy who looks like might have some money. Pays some attention to dancers on-stage. Shirt pulled out of pants/shorts. Black pants/shorts. The look.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    When I say "reasonable amount of time" I'm talking 10-15 minutes. Not an hour. By then I've long since moved on.
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    14 years ago
    If I had dances "lined up" with dancer #1 I'd tell dancer #2 the scoop. I'd wait a reasonable amount of time for dancer #1 to show up. After that, free agent!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Friend of mine works at one of the $65 tip out clubs in Philly. They keep all of the $20 dances, $300 per hour from champagne courts. Took this friend to scout another Philly club where friend #2 works. $16 tip out. But club keeps $5 from every $20 dance and dancers only get a smaller percentage of the champagne courts. Different business models. For the dancers, pay me now or pay me later. Probably similar take home in the end.