Your Definition of ATF
The acronym ATF (All Time Favorite) gets a lot of use here. The glossary defines it as "a patron's favorite dancer". I've always hesitated to use it because I don't think I've ever had one. Girls of the moemnt? Sure. Dancers I've had multiple LDs from over multiple club visits? Definitely. Strippers I like to hang out with when I visit a particular club? Of course. Girls I've taken to dinner or breakfast? Yep.
But to me, ATF has always had a bit of a negative, you're-a-needy-PL implicit subtext. Somewhere in my mind I equate ATF with going over an imaginary line and hoping to build a deeper relationship. That can definitely happen, but I don't consider it as common as the term ATF is thrown around here.
So, what's your definition of ATF?
But to me, ATF has always had a bit of a negative, you're-a-needy-PL implicit subtext. Somewhere in my mind I equate ATF with going over an imaginary line and hoping to build a deeper relationship. That can definitely happen, but I don't consider it as common as the term ATF is thrown around here.
So, what's your definition of ATF?
For me it is the case now. I go to one and only one club and see her exclusively, which means I only ask LDs and VIP time from her, though I may stage tip a few other girls. And yes... I do hope to build a deeper relationship... Call my PL is anyone would like to :)
The rest I enjoy are favorites, and they are favorites for different reasons as you mention. My two faves at the moment, one is beautiful, and we spend a lot of time talking. She is as close to an ATF that isn't one, and she gives good dances. The second, gives great dances, but I can't talk to her at all. vm knows them and can sort of talk to the latter.
ATF(automotive) Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATF Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms
ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (US Department of Justice)
ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid
ATF Advanced Technology Fighter
ATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
ATF Armored Task Force (warfare game simulation)
ATF Activating Transcription Factor
ATF After the Fact
ATF AJAX Toolkit Framework
ATF Aviation Turbine Fuel
ATF Acquire the Fire
ATF After the Fire (Band)
ATF ASEAN Tourism Forum (annual travel convention)
ATF After the Fall
ATF Advanced Tactical Fighter
ATF All-Time Favorite
ATF All Time Favorite
ATF Arab Thought Forum (Palestine)
ATF American Type Foundry
ATF Above The Fold (web/print advertising)
ATF As Trustee for (finance)
ATF Amphibious Task Force
ATF Fleet Ocean Tug
ATF Arrived to Find
ATF Air Task Force
ATF Anterior Talofibular (ligament)
ATF French Southern and Antarctic Lands (ISO Country code)
ATF Automatic Track Finding
ATF Across the Fence
ATF ALMA Test Facility (Atacama Large Millimeter Array)
ATF Albuquerque Teachers Federation
ATF All Things Fresh (website)
ATF Australian Temporary Fencing
ATF Advanced Technology Fractionator (SeQual)
ATF Articulation Task Force (Arizona State University)
ATF Automatic Track Following
ATF All Too Flat
ATF Aviation Task Force
ATF Automatic Terrain Following
ATF Absolute Terror Field
ATF Asynchronous Transmit FIFO
ATF Auxiliary Tug, Fleet (Auxiliary Fleet Tug)
ATF Anti-Tenure Factor
ATF Across the Flat (geometry)
ATF Administrative Task Force
ATF Acceptance Test Facility
ATF Area to Free (Cisco)
ATF Astrometric Telescope Facility
ATF Allied Tactical Force
ATF Advanced Targeting FLIR (US DoD)
ATF Aerodrome Traffic Frequencies
ATF Animation Trace File
ATF Aircraft Torque Factor
ATF Automatic Test Facility
ATF Area-Time-Integral
ATF Adaptive Tracking Filter
ATF Autonomous Thruster Facilities
ATF Automatic Tracking Feature
ATF Air to Torpedo Fire Control
ATF Audit Transfer Files
ATF Automatic Target Follow
ATF Automated Target Folder
ATF Average Transaction Frequency (credit)
ATF Automatic Test Format
ATF AUTOVON Test Facility
ATF Alternate Treatment Facility
ATF Aquatics Training Facility (US Army)
You missed one...
I agree that many folks use ATF to mean their current number one. If their ATF leaves dancing they find another 'all time' favorite?
Personally I would regard using the term as a warning sign that I was getting too emotionally attached to a stripper.
Likewise. I don't usually use the term ATF because I feel like I haven't met her yet.
"ATF has always had a bit of a negative, you're-a-needy-PL implicit subtext."
There have been a few that might have become an ATF, but something always happened. She switched clubs, changed phone numbers, moved to another city, quit dancing, etc. Coincidence? Or could it be me?
I have an ATF... spent about three years with her, she was my ATF from almost day one (actually, it was day two). She was the best and we had great chemistry and had some truly great times. She is the one that I've written about many times in these discussion topics. I don't expect the title will ever be given to any other.
I do have other favs, though, both prior to and since. I refer to those that I am seeing now as curr favs (current favorites). At the present time, I have three that I would call CFs. One of which has the potential to compete for the ATF title, but honestly, it's doubtful. I'm not saying that this CF is not that great, it's that my ATF was that perfect.
These days I have several faves spread across multiple states and clubs. At times 2 or more in a given club. Works OK because if a fave becomes territorial before long she is no longer a fave.
gridget is still your ATF until someone supplants her!
I'd say she's an ATF is she's among your favorites of all time, which means you've usually made trips to the club just to see her, and think about her a lot.
There are two kinda Dancers IMO - WR's - girls who play and RB's girls who don't play but may give good dances. Irregardless what the bitches on SW say, they are all sex workers.
I run a 4WR, 1RB offense. So WR1 is the girl who plays I do the most, then for variety I have WR1-3. RB1 gives good dances but does not play. Recently at a club where I am VIP a 20yr old really sexy attractive spinner, H offered me FS in VIP at $250. I took her name (but deferred) and may do her sometime but I have WR1 with POP averaging $125. I took 3 really sexy dances with H getting to feel her really good. She moved my hand to her crotch area and I got to feel her there too at same time she was feeling my cock thru my pants saying "lets go up to VIP". When they will let you feel their pussy, thats a sign they will fuck. Being VIP I dont have to pay the $120 fee to go up there. I am sure I would have fucked her for $250 if I did not have WR1.
Of course you are correct if you say All Time FavoriteS. Of course they would need to be completely equal! Would that be possible? Highly unlikely, IMHO.
You say, "I really think its too broad of a term." We are talking about a single woman! How is that to broad? No pun intended.
Isn't that an illegal formation - too many (wo)men in the backfield?
Well, I'm guessing that this may be a little impractical as an acronym, but for some reason the terms "fav" and "ATF" just give me the douche chills.
Must be a Houston thing. I fuck girls OTC from clubs all over the country, including Dallas and Fort Worth (but never made it down to Houston yet), and I can guarantee that if I used one of those lines in trying to secure my date for the night most of these girls would look at me like I'm high.
Not trying to take shots here and your gig obviously works for you, but do you really say it like that to them?
@rickdugan - I guess you just don't have Player11's roguish charm.