First impression/experience with your favorite dancers

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Share the story of how you met your favorites, past and present.

I've had two favorites in my SC-going career. The first one I had actually read about on TUSCL and other websites. There were a lot of very positive comments about her skills and attitude. Her physical description sounded like my type as well. The town she worked in was a drive away though, and so I put visiting that club on the backburner for about a year. Eventually, I had some days off and decided on a whim that I would finally give this place a try. I arrived in the club and looked around -- From the description I had read online, I was immediately able to recognize her when I saw her seated next to another customer. She definitely did have the body type I prefer and I felt that she was the most attractive dancer in the club.

I guess she must have seen me checking her out because it wasn't too long before she came over and introduced herself. She had a fun and flirty personality, just as people had described -- Instead of sitting next to me, she sat in my lap. It was a slow night when only 5 or 6 other customers in the building and she took her time talking to me and building up rapport. Soon it came time to go to the VIP with her, and it was truly awesome. The sort of holy-grail SC experience which we all want, but is so hard to find. I left in a great mood and the long drive home seemed to fly by in a few minutes. Even the next day, when I was stuck in a boring meeting I would daydream about the fun time I had the night before.


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avatar for Digitech
14 years ago

My other favorite was a little different. The very first time I saw her was on a really crowded Friday night. I was actually in the VIP room getting a dance from a different girl. The VIP at this club has a line of couches against the wall, facing a window through which the stage is visible. The LD I was getting was so-so, and I looked out the window and saw a very attractive girl up on stage. Just my type. 'Wow! I want to give her a try' I thought to myself. But by the time my LD was over, she was nowhere to be found.
Maybe an hour later, I was getting ready to leave and she approached me for a dance. It was fun, but didn't make a big impression.

I returned to that club many times but didn't see her again until four years later. It was at that time when I really took a liking to her. I was in the middle of a long drive somewhere and stopped in at the club along my way. The club was slow and I had more time to become acquainted with her. This time, the VIP experience was really sensual and enjoyable (though she wasn't an extras girl). I left the club feeling good and also horny as f***. It sounds so cheesy and PL-ish, but I actually dreamed about her that night.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
I met my first ATF one night when I saw her on stage. She was definitely my type physically and we talked for a little bit, but i didn't get any dances from her because it was my curse to meet her right before closing. I made a mental note and went back the next week and she was there and I got dances from her, probably more than I was planning. We talked for a bit and then I left. The weird part about that was that that is not the club I associate with her, because not much later, I went to a different club in a different town and she was there, and would be for the next 4 years or so. Then she ended up at my current favorite club and I saw her there the first time I went there. But I never saw her much there before she was gone. Unfortunately, I saw her recently on my last visit at my favorite club after several years away and she seemed tired and/or stoned.

I really don't remember how I met my other ATF's. I'm sure I was checking them out and then they came up to me, asked if they want a dance, I said yes, and the rest is history.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
My first ATF definitely. She never played mind games. She never tried to rip me off. She and I had a sexual chemistry and enjoyed each other's company. She would see me walk in the door and minutes later, we were in the little room. Two hours later, we were hot & sweaty, and spent. I miss her.

The first five or six times with my second ATF. We would cuddle afterwards. Then, she turned into a human car wreck.

A dancer I had two sessions with in the late 90's, although only once did we really go at it. She had two ugly formless hanging things one could classify as breasts, but just barely. That one time we went at it, the manager had locked the door for some customer appreciation. It was really great to eat out a fully naked and spread eagle vixen-laying on the table in the booth, in a topless strip club.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I told this on here before, so I'll use the "CliffsNotes" version. I was in a regular club of mine. I saw this Asian dancer for the first time. Asked her to dance for me. She did we talked a bit. She only worked that club on Friday afternoons, so I made it a point to be there the next week. She did a couple more dances for me, then we followed up with more talking. We found out we had common friends in the club scene and outside the club scene. Over the next few weeks, she became and still is my ATF.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I met my original ATF in my favorite club 10+years ago. I was getting a ho hum lap dance from a cute little blond. I looked over and saw this georgeous babe giving this old guy a fantastic lap dance. "hey, I want some of that".

It was alreay past the time I had planned to leave but I stayed hoping to get a chance with her. She came out with the customer and sat with him, and sat with him, and sat with him. I was about to give up. I looked over and they were gone. I figured they went back to the dance room. I was just finishing my drink when I heard a voice from behind me. "Is anybody flirting with you?". It was her!
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
These are the most recent.

My ATF *said* that we met before I remember meeting, but I have no recollection of the event she described. The meeting I *do* remember is me sitting at the bar, and her sitting down. We talked, and I bought a dance, where she proceeded to let me get my finger wet. We went to the VIP and she fucked the shut out of me.

MFC sat down and was trying to sell the VIP, and promised I could do anything I wanted. When I asked "What if what I want is to fuck your mouth and hold your head down when I cum?" She said as long as I gave her enough warning to take a deep breath, that was fine. She was true to her word, too.

My current favorite and I got off to a kind of slow start. The first time we met, we just talked, no drinks, no dances, nothing. There was some vague talk about what might be on the menu and what it would cost. It was the end of the might for me, having drained both my dick and my wallet previously, so I didn't take her up on anything. I came back the next week, and went right to her. She told me that she never expected to see me again. Now she's fucking me almost every week.
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
Years ago, I went to a club in Fremont, NE, that is no longer in business. That night they had a traveling troupe of dancers in from Denver. Each was pretty hot, but they had a beautiful brunette who was maybe partially Hispanic named Collins. She wore full-length sequined gowns and elbow-length gloves. Underneath she had naughty garters and lace panties. Her hair tumbles over her shoulders and down her back. Make-up was perfect; not at all trashy. She didn't do much dancing per se, but she would slink around the stage and sit in your lap and whisper in your ear and run her fingers slowly through your hair. Her body was perfect and her face was like Miss America. When she sat in your lap, you forgot where you were. But when she left and was on the other side of the stage, you'd regroup and drink your beer and then you'd look up and see her smiling and staring at you. Even though she was now sitting in someone else's lap, she was devouring you with her eyes. Then she'd get down on all fours and crawl across the stage toward you, cat-like. The anticipation of what she was going to do to you once she arrived was almost too much to bear. Mmm, so good she made me want to slap my momma!

A recent ATF had long black hair down to her butt crack. A white girl who wanted to be ghetto. Had a few tats and piercings. But her lapper skills were unmatched. Lots of eye contact. Grinding at just the right speed, in just the right spot, with the right pressure. Lots of kitty sniffs, some with the g-string pulled over. Lots of stick-shifting, lots of mouth on the pants with a great understanding of exactly where my equipment was oriented. She could get very naughty, dancing over the lines of the club, knowing where the bouncers and cameras were. There were great little tricks where I was peeking above the waistband and she had my shirt tails out and my pants unbuttoned. Quick incidental contact, tongue flicks, quick kisses. Sometimes petting the kitty. She knew my body very well and knew what moves worked best. But I think she has hung up her platforms now and there is no joy in Mudville.
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
I had been admiring my favorite for a few trips before we actually met. The last time before we spent a lot of time together, I worked up the nerve to tip her on stage. (She gets a lot of attention on stage.) She was very nice about it, and I called it a night. Didn't see her for another 2-3 weeks.

Then, a few weeks later, I arrive as she's on stage. We make eye contact, and she gives me that look. After her set, she sits down next to me and snuggles up nice and close. After a nice conversation, she suggests a hot and steamy VIP session. We've clicked well ever since. She does her job really well.
avatar for rl27
14 years ago
There have been several ATF's in the last 15 years or so. Almost all have the following in common: a tight fit body, large perpetually erect nipples, long hair, a friendly personality. All give incredible dances that gets me extremely horny, and they never back down no matter how close to the edge she thinks I am.

Here are the ones that really stand out.

The first was this exotic looking half Pakistani and half German dancer. Every dance started with a slow striptease to a lap dance that gradually increased in intensity until I was practically climbing the walls. Her lap dances had a lot of sensuality to them, with quite a bit of feather light touching and hugging. No extras from her, but I got more turned on from her dances than most extras dancers. Her cousin also danced and gave a lot more intense dance, with quite a bit of extras, but couldn't match her in style. She danced for about 4 years at three different clubs before she dropped off the scene.

The second was a perfect example of my favorite type, an extremely fit woman with a very tight body. She was a fitness model and fitness trainer who made money by dancing. She was one of the two best dancers I ever found when it came to a perfect rythm with just the right pressure in her dance. There was also the added benefit of a very sexy back view when she sat in my lap and a very nice personality. She danced in various clubs off and on over for six years.

The last two are very similar, one is a brunette the other a blonde. Both have a pretty tight body and very long perpetually erect nipples. Both give very good dances that skirt well over the typical boundaries of the club. The blonde goes farther because she works in a very permissive club. Both are very flirty in their dances and both are very hands on, and neither worries one bit if you happen to get off in the dance. In fact both occasionally seem to be challenging themselves to see how horny they get me and how fast they bring me over the edge. The brunette is currently not dancing but tends to come and go. The blonde is my current favorite.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I first saw my current favorite over a year ago. She was a stunning dancer with a great body and long blonde hair, the most beautiful girl in the club, and I was instantly hooked. Whenever she was in the club, I would get a bunch of dances with plenty of boob contact, but she didn't do extras. I tried to convince her to meet me OTC but she wouldn't because she lived with her boyfriend. However, I continued to pursue her for a year. Her relationship with her boyfriend started to go sour, and she agreed to go out with me. The sex is great, but I know it can't last because she's less than half my age.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
jackslash, are you paying for the OTC here, or legitly dating her?
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
My first one I did otc (Shelly - c pics) was a 30 yr old divorced mother of 4 kids she had w 3 different men. I met her on $5 dance day at a club called Lipstick. I offered her $170 for otc at motel and she accepted. She said she preferred older men. She loved sexy back rubs, liked to model swimwear, and had a really good CG style of fucking that it felt like it vibrated......While she would fuck she would seem rather statuesque in her manner but very proficient and in a way she reminded me of Diane Webber. I even rented a trailer for a couple of months to use as a trysting place and she was so sexy lying naked on air mattress we used for our lovemaking. I had her many times but it ended when she pulled ROB stunt slightly after getting back with x who was father of last kid. A couple yr later we made up and she arranged meeting via FB and we did it agian for $125. About 75 sessions with her as she was a really good fuck.

Current one - P (29 now) - I met at club where I am VIP and we did it in CR first time we met then otc during week (nooners). She is x HS cheerleader, blonde about 5', with D cups. She loves to give HJ foreplay and likes to get on top doing it like Wendy (leaning forward thrusting). She has a nice twat which gives really good enjoyment and there are times I dont make it 4 min with her. She does offer half price on 2nd session as she only needs about half hour rest then ready to go again. On one occasion I fucked her all afternoon. She has a close gf (BJ specialist) who danced at the club who she did threesomes with. She also admitted to seducing a HS teacher. I used to rate Wendy (similar style) as the best but P prob slightly better. Wendy wb back in town in Aug and we shall c. This has been around 3 yr with P and going on closing in on 200 sessions. P married about a yr ago (her 3rd) but said "it will not change our meetings." And she was not kidding. POP with her is now down to $100 a session. She stopped dancing slightly over a yr ago and has insurance sales job. I am meeting her tomorrow at motel near where she lives. I have many pics of her but dont post them on net yet. Her FB page is a wealth of data and pics too. She likes to go places to Miami and Vegas with her GF as a womens getaway - I wonder if they do any whoring in those places. Personality wise she is drama free, always on time, cheerful, intelligent, and positive. She lives up to her word and does not try to pressure me for handouts or loans. She is a keeper girl. With Shelly there was a lot of drama and pressure to get money or they "would be evicted" type of SS.

I have done slightly over two dozen of them the last few years but the above ones stand out with P being the Heisman WR. These gals are a different breed from the traditional "nice girl." I believe during human evolution these were the girls passed around the camp fire while the wife stayed back in the tent / lodge. It was natures way of spreading the gene pool and giving continuity to the species. The foolishness of the strait lace crowd ignores this basic scientific proven fact.

The practice of older men enjoying younger women (and taking them as mistresses) is alive and well today in the Strip Club Scene and has been evident in recent history in the Oneida community and Mormonism. I know of one fellow who has 23 kids with 23 diffeent women (strippers and providers).

I am not out to date these gals in the traditional sense nor own them. There are sort of like a nice timeshare I get to enjoy from time to time but able to dodge the hassles of ownership. These girls will never be owned by anyone - they will do what they please and fuck who they please. If they are in a relationship it wb someone who they can control (cuckhold) or they will get rid of him.
avatar for 59
14 years ago
Only one I consider my ATF and met her nearly 25 years ago. Was a small neighborhood dive called JK's Talk of the Town in East Brunswick, NJ. 5 years later that club was demolished and there's one of the infamous Jersey jughandles in its place.

Hot, curly dark haired with curves up on stage in a skin tight animal print body suit type costume. This is a place where stage sets were 1/2 hour and it wasn't unusual to only have 2 girls on day shift. Before they invented lap dances, so that wasn't an issue. Enjoyed tipping her and eventually the set was over.

I was shy back then so I didn't invite her but sure enough she stops by and sits next to me. Very close, her leg is up against mine and her arm also. Pretty heavy accent, eventually determine she is from Brazil. After a few visits worked up the courage to ask for her number and the rest was history. Knew her for a 15 year or so stripping career and several years after. Did lose touch 3-4 years ago.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
interesting thread. i've had several favorites over the years. unfortunately because of the fact that they come and go, or eventually one of us tired of the other none of them lasted more than a few months. first impressions varied though.
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