Least favorite stripper tattoo location?

avatar for potheadpl
I do not understand why so many strippers LOVE tattoos. I'm not repulsed by tats, but I'd much prefer a woman with none.

When women get tattoos on their tummies, it turns me off. One dancer I've seen had some sort of horizontal wings tattoo below her bellybutton---which made her hips look wide. Gross.


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avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I'm not totally anti tattoo but I think most girls look better without any or perhaps just a small one. Girls who do the full sleeves or down the side of their bodies from rib cage to thighs is a bit much for my tastes. Then again, if she gives a good grind, I can overlook just about anything!
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
I'm repulsed by anything larger than one square inch. If it's larger than three square inches, it's a deal breaker.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
IMHO, tattoos never enhance anything about a woman's body. At best, I can sort of look past one (or many), but I MUCH prefer none. Why mess up smooth unmarred perfection?

All that being said, among the worst places would have to be the pubic area, directly on the butt cheeks, and on the breasts.
Around the neck. Reminds me of slave collars. UGH! I am anti-tattoo in general because I'm old and old school.
I don't like tattoos, but a couple small ones are okay. Several dancers in their early 30's have told me they wish they had never gotten their tattoos.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
Count me in the crowd that prefers zero tattoos.

As for why strippers like them. I guess it's just part of the white trash culture they grew up in. Rebellion against society or some shit like that.
avatar for looneylarry
14 years ago
Saw one dancer that had tat rings around each nipple. Looked like hell.
Anywhere ...
I don't like em either but I am not gonna pass up a hot dance because of them. I suppose the worst are on the butt and around the pussy. Hell even my own daughter (not a dancer) got one 2 years ago. gridget has one. A small paramedic emblem on her upper arm.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
Here's some nasty tattoos on supposed strippers, giant tattoos allover their asses

You don't need to watch this crappy video but I do implore you to let it load and go to exactly five minutes in (5:00)


While I'm accepting of well done tattoos in general, for reasons only peripherally associated with the tattoo itself, the nipple one does look stupid. The face is another place I don't want to see ink. Can't think of anywhere else, off the top of my head to which I would object.
avatar for Realist123
14 years ago
^ Well obviously you didn't check out that video!!
^^^ Doesn't play from my phone. :)
avatar for joker44
In the wind
14 years ago
Ain't no April Fools Joke:


14 years ago
SpoiledBrat needs a SpoiledMakeover, from head to toe. Ugh.
avatar for 10inches
14 years ago
do not like tattoos of any kind especially on the area just above the pussy split!!!
Anywhere on a girl is a bad place for a tat. The absolute worst place, whould have to be right abouve the pussy, especially when it's some duchbag's f'in name. As for other body parts, smaller tats are more tolerable compared to biger ones.
avatar for potheadpl
14 years ago
I did an escort who had "Vinnie's Girl" tattooed on her neck. It was kind of odd.
avatar for clamheart
14 years ago
Sounds like an old song by now, but I dislike tats in general. The rave ones with black curls or sweeps from an eyebrow or ear are just plain ugly. Have one local honey who's actually very cute but for some unknown reason has her stage name "Bubbles" in a large tat across her upper back. Maybe that's for advertising when she's riding the guy across from me in a not very private LD area...
avatar for RocStarsky
14 years ago
i dont mind it as long it doesnt cover up 90% of her body. some inkwork looks nice. it depends where it is inked, what it is, black or color, and how big.

I like the ones of color roses either on the back or side of the abdomen. this doesnt factor in anyway on getting lap dances.
avatar for RocStarsky
14 years ago
in my opinion, least favorite tattoo locations on any woman in general (doesnt have to be stripper) are the face, neck, boobs, pussy, booty, and hands.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Not a tat fan. I think the worst are those that replace pubic hair with tats.
Young (immature in many cases) women + lots of tax-free money = impulse spending.

I heard Janine Lindemulder started getting all her tattoos to make herself uglier and thus help herself get out of the porn industry.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
"Least favorite stripper tattoo location?"

Anywhere. The full sleeves and anywhere in front from face to vagina are the worst. A small one on back, leg or arm, if tastefully done and meaningful to the dancer, can be overlooked.
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
Tat's can be informational. A dancer I've done OTC with has one across the lower part of her back that says, "I've got the clap." That's disturbing, 'cause I forgot to bring a rubber.
Another dancer has one between her shoulder blades...and LOL - I don't think she knows it, but the tat artist put it on upside down. It says, "I bite". Obviously some cult reference.
mmdv26: If she's on her knees in front of you and you're looking down, you will be reading it right side up, no? :)
avatar for nengneng
14 years ago
Damn it! My ATF has tatoos almost every where!!!

Without those, she would be perfect! What a pity.
This one dancer I saw had big pink starts tated on both tits completing covering both nipples. WTF?
avatar for mmdv26
14 years ago
@gmd. Good for you! You got the point of it.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

My ATF has a number of them, but all the other traits, and the fact she is Asian negates them.
avatar for nengneng
14 years ago

for my ATF, her slim body and pretty face negate them. Actually to me, a clean face is foremost important. As long as no tattoo there (most people don't) and piercing (I hate those piercings on face), I'm fine.
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
My least favorite location for a tat? On a girl! I don't like tats on girls, but it's harder finding a tat-less girl than finding a virgin girl these days!

All I can do is try to overlook them.
avatar for 59
14 years ago
Don't like tattoos. Particularly dislike them on the boobs.

Girl yesterday had the trucker busty girl with flowing hair in silouhette on her hip. Large, like the size of a hand...wtf?
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