
Comments by komey1970 (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I can't believe she remembered my name
    davids - by cutting my quote in half, I guess you don't know what I mean. So I will explain it to you. I don't expect a stripper who I had not seen in almost a year. I'll bet most of my favorite strippers DON'T know my name. But they know who I am, and I am generally a good customer. That doesn't matter, as long as I get good dances. So, when this stripper remembered my name, I thought it was cool.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    What are considered "extras" & should they be paid for?
    I think she's just pissed that she's losing money because of that. The second part of the post is the key. Apparently, she's not upset that they are breaking any rules - just that they are doing it in the "cheaper" area.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the best way to tell a stripper you want to see her OTC.?
    Just ask her. It might be easiest to ask on a night where it's not as busy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What age do you like your strippers to be??
    Just need to look somewhat young. Usually less than 25.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever been the only customer?
    I don't really care for it. But I think it depends on who's working. The few times I've had it happen, I feel obligated to tip all the time - even the girls that I don't really care for, which runs me out of money sooner.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I guess I'm not getting tongue
    Quicksand - if it were Franch kissing, I would have had no qualms whatsoever.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The amount of money I spent on strippers over the years
    I don't think about it. And as long as I can afford it, I don't care.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Yoda and the World Cup
    FONDL - A lot of people do call 1-0 baseball games boring. I don't but I'm a baseball fan. To soccer fans, a 1-0 game can be exciting. To each their own. Brazil will be tough to beat once they start trying, which will be during the knockout stage. England will be hurt by losing Owen. Argentina will be the Brazillian's toughest competition, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    yank - I just want to inject one thing here. As much as davids/ClifBar annoys you, don't ever wish/tell them to commit suicide. There was a poster on a hockey board that I participate in that not many people really liked and some people did say things pertaining to suicide. Well, he wound up actually doing it. You better believe that those people who posted that really felt bad about it afterwards. Don't be like that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    South Carolina
    Unusual request
    I'd let it go. She didn't approve you as a visitor. Maybe she wants/needs to forget about everything in her stripper life so she won't think of doing drugs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Yoda and the World Cup
    Argentina will have a hard time with host Germany. The Germans will get the benefit of the calls to be sure. That certainly should be a good match. England/Portugal will be tough. England has their injuries, but Portugal has their card problems. I still had England in my final four, but that will be interesting.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What Does it Take To Convince You You are Just Another PL Customer?
    How about this - Stripper asks you to come on a certian night, and basically ignores you?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What Does it Take To Convince You You are Just Another PL Customer?
    You'll appreciate this even more. When she finally did come over, I didn't spend any money on her.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Tan or Pale?
    I like a light complexion. Either pale or a slight tan.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you do when you Finally Figure out that you need to give up the Clubs
    local sports teams do it for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What I Did While TUSCL Was Down
    If you had to think of something to do, you spend WAY too much time on this site. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do you pity tip?
    Just say no to fuglies. Consider this situation for "pity tipping" though. The hottest girl is on stage and a lot of customers are at the tip rail. When she leaves, the customers go back to the bar or tables or wherever when out comes a decent looking, but more average girl comes out (say a 6 follows a 10). Will you tip her if most people go back? I've done that for some girls and they do seem to appreciate it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How many dances do you typically get?
    The girls that I have had dances from, I will usually go 2 or 3 dances in a row. If I have been there a while and the girl that I am getting dances from is the only one I will get dances from I might go more. As for number of dances in a visit, it all depends.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    Girl 1 was a bit busy with other dances to be sure, but she never blew me off before like last night. She also wasn't always busy - she had time to at least stop over for a minute. She knows I'm good for a couple dances. Her loss last night.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    Glad to see there is lots of good input here. I'm back from my vacation, but probably won't be going to the club right away. Probably some time this weekend - we will see.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    As I have gone back and read some of these I have a few things to add. Usually, I'm not going to go to a club just to see one girl on a slow night. If I want that, I might as well ask her out on a real date - and I don't see that happening. I know my place in this relationship - as a customer. As for her letting me know when she is working - she gave me an e-mail address, and I e-mailed. I never got a response (not surprising). She has claimed that she has a lot of mail to go through (mentally - I've already called BS on that). She has verbally given me her schedule for the following week when I have seen her - but I have determined that cannot always be reliable for the "slow days". Now don't get me wrong, I still like girl1 in the club. When she DOES come over to talk (before and after our dances) we have some decent conversation and talk about how things have been going since last time we talked. Girl2 gives a great dance, but she never was one that would stay for a lot of conversation with me. Oh well, I will let you know what happens next time I go, and I am sure you are waiting with baited breath lol.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    Just an update. I went to the club a couple times this weekend, admittedly partly to see her, but also to see if the second girl was around. The second girl was not there either night. The first girl saw that I was there the first night early in her shift. She got a little busy doing laps between the first time she was up on stage and the second time. During her second stage show, she said she would stop over. Well, it turned out THAT didn't happen. She said something about stopping by after her third stage show. No dice. I stuck around a while (and later than I usually do there), but left without her stopping over. Night 2, she didn't see me there most of the time I was there (didn't come in until later than normal and debating even coming in at all). When she saw me, she said she would talk to me after she had a smoke. When she came back in, she was called to the stage, and she didn't sound to happy about something (or someone). Not wanting to hear that story, I left. Her status with me is declining rapidly. She has gone from "top fave" to "I'll do a dance if I feel like it". I certainly won't be waiting for her anytime soon. Incidently, right before this whole thing happened, I was told by a waitress (and former dancer there who just started dancing there again) told me that this dancer "loved me" (These two girls seem to be friends, so I would like to think she told me the truth - and she told me this when she was a waitress). Now I admit I don't have much expertise in women loving me, but if that's love - I really don't want no part of it. Things like this make me seriously think it's time to switch clubs again.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I don't like strip clubs very much.
    That happens. Once hockey starts, I don't go to the clubs because my weekends are tied up with going to games.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    chandler - that usually depends on who is on. I'm usually tipping other girls. I'm a bit particular about who I get dances from. That Friday night was there were some possibilities, but nothing panned out so that was a bit of a waste of time. Saturday - I got dances from the former dancer turned former waitress turned dancer. She was a former fave and she did NOT dissappoint.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    chandler - That is the big dilemma. I almost wish there was a glitzy high class club in the area to get a change of pace. But in my area, the clubs are little locals. My current club has several girls that I like getting dances from, but most of them don't stick around much before or after. The girl who has been snubbing me, prior to her doing this, would always come over to chat for at least a little while. The girl who has just gone back to dancing does that as well - and she would do that when she was waitressing. Obviously, that makes them faves and a pretty big part of the reason why I go. I don't think there is a right answer here. I don't want to avoid her. I guess I'm just frustrated because I'm not getting what I am used to and expected.