
Comments by komey1970 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Three questions
    Doc, If you want anything more than being just a customer, paying for conversation isn't going to do it. The restaurant offer is fine - but don't pay for time. That will send up a signal that you are a PL.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Off Topic: Didn't know you had to dress up to get atterntion from women
    Damn straight you should be pissed off that your boss did that. I think that could be construed as some form of sexual harassment. I would tell your boss AND your bosses boss that you didn't like that they did that and demand some some of apology or compensation or something to that affect - whatever you feel is sufficient.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Multiple dancer & dance patrons: 'Cmon in here
    It depends - usually depends on when my best fave dances for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I Sit On Acid
    I might tip someone a little more if they play certain bands or something that you would not expect in a strip club. The girl doesn't have to be my type to at least get a tip, but she can't be fugly either.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What's the best time to visit a strip club?
    If I know for certain that a favorite stripper is going to be working a shift that is not crowded, that would be a good time because there is less competition for her time. Otherwise, the begining of the night shift on a Friday or Saturday usually provides the best looking girls at my normal club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    Interesting update: the girl who had been snubbing me sent me an e-mail. Granted it was a quick "Hi, how are you" e-mail, but it is interesting.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    hugevlad: I didn't say whether I am pleased she e-mailed me or not. I just said it was "interesting". Is she trying to win me back to spending money on her. Probably. Not that I was ever a big spender at one time. As for you who dared me to link this post: You wouldn't have done it. Basically I said that I missed talking with her, but also said I don't know when I would be in because my weekend schedule (when I normally go) because of other comittments.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers vs. Other Women: How do they compare on looks?
    Note to self: Don't ever move to where Book Guy is if the only hot women are in the strip club. Sorry man, but your posts are serious downers. You seem like you are complaining about not being able to meet hot women, and that the strip club is the only place that you can meet hot enough women for you. I don't know where you are looking, but you should try places that are differant from where you are going now other than the club. Yes, it's harder than in a club, but the reward is you have a MUCH better chance of having any kind of relationship outside of stripper-customer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Common dancer tactics to figure out how much money you have?
    How about this question: "Where are you from?". That works on many levels. For local clubs where you are not known, certain parts of town or suberbs are generally more affluent than others and she wants to know if you are from that part. For a famous/tourist trap club, it may be a hint as to whether you are a local or someone who has travelled a good deal (signaling you have money to spend).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to stop a customer from being as nice to you thread.
    Maybe that would have gotten a response. Haven't heard from her since. Surprise, surprise. NOT! If anyone remembers the "I can't believe she remember my name" thread I started a few months ago - this was that girl.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    Frequency of club visits.
    Usually, every week or two. I don't like going often during the week because I have to go to work early. So it usually depends on how busy my weekends get. I go often enough that the staff knows me (and doesn't charge me for cover). During winter it goes down some - partly due to weather, and partly due to being a booster club member for the local DI hockey team.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever considered flirting with a waitress in a strip club?
    Definately. Especially one that was a former dancer there. It can be beneficial if the waitress decides to become a dancer - you can be a favorite customer quicker.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Flashing pussy in topless clubs
    I guess I'm in the wrong part of the country then since I rarely see it. That, or I don't go to the right clubs where that might happen.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Hope I didn't start anything at the club
    not to mention, you can use the "I am waiting for my food" excuse for a reason to not get a dance from a fugly.