
I don't like strip clubs very much.

That's the only conclusion I can draw. I spent most of yesterday in Baltimore. On my way I passed one of the top 10 clubs in the US. I actually saw it and it was less than a block out of my way. I passed three other clubs at various times during the day, all easy to find and along my route home. Another top 40 club was within 3 miles of my route. Now admitedly I was there for a reason other than clubbing, but I figured that after that was done I could hit at least "Players Club" and McDougals on the way home. I had directions. I had cash. By the end of the day, and no It wasn't that late, I had no interest. I was more interested in getting home for a cigar and a port and listening to some music before bed. I can only conclude that based on the past year or so, I no longer care that much about strip clubs as a regular part of my life. I'll probably partake on occasion when I travel and have nothing else to do at night, but it seems I'm not a hobbyist anymore.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Reading reviews does it for me, too! :)
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    I was having this after a visit about a month ago to a club over im Memphis. I took about a month off - easy for me since I have no clubs near me that are worth going to. My intent was to not go back for 6 months. Then I started back on the board and reading reviews and got interested again and back in the saddle. It happens.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    definition of strip club burnout: A chance to save money for your next few visits.

  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Yoda, that was kind of my point, but in reverse.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    I don't believe it! You will be back!!

    That's what we all say. Then end up in going more often than ever before!
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    A new club can be fun if you want a lot of attention. However having a dancer in your face every minute or two asking "wanna dance?" gets old pretty quick. I do remember in a nude club at the beach, it was a lot of fun having lots of nude girls want my attention.
  • badboy60148
    18 years ago
    Sounds like Clifbar dosen't actually socialize like women. Is he afraid of them? Perhaps his mother abused him when he was a child.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Um, seems simple to me. If you don't like strip clubs don't visit them.
    18 years ago
    The phenomenon that AN describes is a major reason why I became a regular at one club at a time rather than bouncing around and ultimately with one girl at a time. I got tired of being disappointed with new clubs where I didn't know anyone and tired of new girls not treating me the way I wanted to be treated.
  • rockie
    18 years ago
    I think sometimes a new club requires more alertness than it's worth that particular day! As for the faux poster: It amazes me given his alleged vast superpowers that he continues to post here among the minions.
    18 years ago
    AN, that used to happen to me often. I'd be on a business trip in a new city, had read the club reviews and gotten directions to some club that sounded great. But when the time came I just didn't have any desire to go so I went to a nice restaurant instead. I think all that means is that you have a healthy perspective, you view strip clubs as one a many possible ways to spend an evening and choose whatever you're in the mood for. BTW, I don't think the two Baltimore top ten clubs are anything special, nice plases yes but so are a lot of other clubs. I think both clubs are overpriced for the amount of privacy that they provide (which is none.) I don't think being in the top ten means much.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Perhaps you're just experiencing what happens to me about every 18 months. Typically after I have been on the road and visited a real dive, I'll look at some girls who should not be dancing (for various reasons), look at some fellow patrons who seem to the product of consanguinous unions consummated in outhouses, and think to myself, "Chitown, what have you gotten yourself into?" I will then, on the way home, resolve to break off all contact with such persons and places. On the way, I think of the the various dancers that my pledge will require me to never see again, and I sometimes even get nostalgic about managers and bartenders with whom I've had superficial but congenial relationships.

    Generally, my "swearing off" lasts for two/three days, or until I get a real strong desire to put my hands on a 20 years old's tits, whichever comes first.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Chandler, you're probably right at some level. I wasn't willing to drive a half a block out of my way for one of the top 10 clubs in the US. That's insane, especially since I had the money and plans. That's why I can only conclude what I concluded.

    Lopaw, I don't know what to say other than good luck. I wish you nothing but happiness, but them Russians is crazy, be careful. And by the way I already put the money into two new 250GB Seagate Ultra ATA drives with a 16MB cache so I could make my Dell a dual boot Fedora core 5/Windows XP Pro and move the other disks to my old G4 Mac (complete with lesbian porn). I'm also buying a new G5 Mac or Intel Mac within the next month. The only thing worse than admiting that I'm not a hobbyist anymore was installing Windows on my baby...

    From the reply count it looks like an old friend has had something to say. I've heard it all, so I'll sumarize once again. One of us says enjoy clubs for what they are, don't get caught up in it. Have fun, then go home, keep it in perspective. The other says act a part, behave in a specific manner and try to get dates with strippers. Who is the PL? Is it the guy who puts on an act to try to pick up strippers (wow, I bet nobody ever thought of trying to pick up strippers before), or is it the guy who understands what the whole scene is about?
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I think you should go see a shrink. There's got to be something wrong with you.
  • komey1970
    18 years ago
    That happens. Once hockey starts, I don't go to the clubs because my weekends are tied up with going to games.
  • Clubber
    18 years ago
    Since I retired and do not travel or go near as many clubs as I used to, my visits have gone to close to zero compared to a many years before. Do I miss it? Yes, some clubs at some times. Others, not at all. Why, I've no idea. Perhaps some wiser than I might explain.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    AN, I envy you. I hope to get to that point myself at some point (very soon, hopefully). I'm developing a love/hate thing with SC's lately, and I don't think it's a good or healthy thing.

    Congratulations, sir.

    But then again....your indifference may be just a temporary thing, and pretty soon you'll be sliding back into SC hell along with the rest of us. If that turns out to be the case, then let me be the first to say.......welcome back!!!
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