
Comments by komey1970 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Olympic athletes you would like to see strip
    Lyndsey Jacobellis (sp?) should be on the list. I would have loved to console her after she lost the supercross race with that silly stunt.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Quotes From Other People's Reviews, 2006 Edition
    agabbahey was not impressed by Girls of Glitter Gulch in Las Vegas: Personally though I'd rather go on the roller coaster at New York New York after eating 15 fried Twinkies, and Oreos over at Mermaids (game hall next door), than give this place anymore of my dough.
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    19 years ago
    Do You Ever Try to Breed Jealousy in Strippers?
    No. I generally spread my money around to multiple strippers on purpose when I go. Rarely do I not spend any on a specific dancer that I intend to. An advantage to this is that if they want more of my $$$ they have to earn it.
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    19 years ago
    Keys to Strip Club Success
    What is the definition of success? Success to me may be differant than what yours is.
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    19 years ago
    Keys to Strip Club Success
    A successful trip to me is one where I have a lot of fun. That often times does lead to buying dances - but it does not have to.
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    18 years ago
    Trouble in Canada?
    If I recall, they did that to avoid the smoking legislation.
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    18 years ago
    R. I. P.
    One place that I liked that didn't last overlong was the Gentlemen's Park Place. It was the only all-nude club in the city. The private dance areas were not very private in that they were basically behind changing walls. It was a no alcohol club, though, and that is part of why it didn't last. The other reason I think it didn't last is that it was not in a great neighborhood (not a bad one either, though). That was a couple years ago. Interestingly, a dancer at my new favorite club (topless) worked there. She recognized me from there, but I didn't recognize her as she changed her look from what I remember. She has since stopped dancing there. My guess she was caught showing more than she was allowed (I know she would do that with me - especially that first night I saw her).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Boots&or Hose:Yea or Nay?
    Boots are ok on stage. But less is more in the back.
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    18 years ago
    Do Strippers Simply Ignore Guys who Never Spend Money?
    They don't think of you as a pathetic loser, they think of you as a rock (and not in a good way). I suspect most strippers would not bother with guys that have demonstrated that he will not spend money on them. But, as with every rule, there are exceptions.
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    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    I always go alone. I don't think it's a big deal.
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    18 years ago
    Going to strip clubs alone
    Interesting that it was mentioned that guys who are alone are more approachable. Maybe it's just the clubs that I have gone to, but it seems like groups certainly get their fair share of attention - sometimes more than single guys.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Ever Buy A Dance From A Stripper Just Cause She Was Nice?
    If you mean giving money to as in tip, I've done it when the girl goes up to do her stage show.
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    18 years ago
    Any Hard Limits on How Much You Will Spend on a Single Stripper?
    The only limit I have is how much I bring with me, and that varies. I don't go in saying I'm going to spend $40 on stripper X, $20 on stripper Y, etc.
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    18 years ago
    Any Hard Limits on How Much You Will Spend on a Single Stripper?
    ... Or in clubs that have 5 dollar dances.
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    18 years ago
    Warning to Posters/Readers of This Board
    This is like a car wreck. I shouldn't watch, but I can't stay away. Or like watching a really bad movie just because you want to know where it ends. And remember: "All reviews and comments on this site should be considered works of fiction."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Could A Science Professor Really...
    The point of all this is??? Never mind. Keep your fued in here to save the rest of this.
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    18 years ago
    How much is negotiable?
    One of my local clubs you pay a cashier up front for the first dance. If you want another, you can tell the dancer and she will signal the cashier. You pay for those after you are done.
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    18 years ago
    Where is the Trust?
    I've payed other people for dances. One of my favorite clubs, you pay a cashier on the way in for the first dance. If you get multiple dances from a girl, you pay for them on the way out.
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    18 years ago
    How much is negotiable?
    "Ted DiBiase used to say... "Everyone has a price" (Obscure wrestling reference #1)" One of the best heels ever in the WWF back in the day.
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    18 years ago
    Personal Top 3 high mileage events ITC
    some of the best are ones that are "unexpected". At certain clubs, anyone can get a BJ or more at anytime for a price. So for that, I would say my best "high mileage" event was when a stripper in a topless club rubbed her thong on my face so that her pussy was exposed. She recognized me from a now-defunct all-nude club in the area. That was the only time she did that, but when I got dances from her after that, I would get a "quick peek". Alas, she no longer works at that club. Interestingly enough, that same night, another stripper who I had already been getting dances from gave a quick flash.
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    18 years ago
    ~*~New to Dancing~*~
    Make sure to thank everyone who tipped you during your stage show. Maybe a quick hug or peck on the cheek if that is allowed would be a nice touch. I think asking customers if you can join them is sound advice as well, particularly if one gives you a larger tip than normal. Who knows how long the vets at that club have been "cultivating" their regulars. Be patient and friendly and eventually you will get your own regulars.
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    18 years ago
    Day Shift Versus Night Shift Which is Better
    Talking numbers, the night shift will likely have hotter girls. However, there are some hot dancers during the day. At one of my local clubs that is open during the day, they have maybe a handful of dancers during the day. The night they usually have more.
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    18 years ago
    I can't believe she remembered my name
    Just because I don't care what they think about me, doesn't mean that I don't appreciate it if they remember after so long (just under a year). I know it wasn't a line (or lucky guess) because she mentioned part of a conversation we had when I was her regular. I was curious if others have had the same experience.
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    18 years ago
    I can't believe she remembered my name
    davids - If a girl remembers my name, it's great. I don't go around trying to make sure that happens though, if you know what I mean.
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    18 years ago
    I can't believe she remembered my name
    chandler, I don't think she is usually good with names based on when I saw her before switching clubs. However, I am a "unique" person and that may have triggered her remembering.