Here's the situation. My local topless club as about 5 all-nude closed parties (have to buy a ticket beforehand to get in). The club isn't overly strict, but most dancers (as far as I know) tend to follow the rules. These rules are relaxed a little for these parties but not much. you get free food and an open bar. You just have to pay for any dances you get.
Anyway, I saw this one girl that I don't recall seeing there before at the party and we went in the back for some dances. During the first dance, I could tell how hot and wild she was. So we kept going. Well, she got up on the chair so that she was above me and lower herself and a couple times her pussy touched my nose. After she lowered herself down like that the last time, she said "I guess I'm not getting any tongue" is a seemingly disappointed way.
Would you have given her the tongue in that situation? I'm thinking if the situation should happen again with that girl, I might now that I know.
Shadow, show me a woman who puts her cooch in the face of every PL in a strip club, and I'll show you a woman you can have, as far as I'm concerned....
With a "real" long-term girlfriend, I'm glad to take the reins and watch from behind the hairy blindfold. But with gals I meet in clubs, as an OTC (or, yeesh! ITC?) experience? Nah, I feel like that's too high a risk to take. It's gushy and warm down there, same stuff they put in petri dishes to grow cultures ...
I gotta go with Yoda on this one - opposite of if it smells like fish eat it. If it smells bad and isn't properly maintained give it a little nose lol If it's nice clean trimmed and smells good get down to business. Carry a little travel size bottle of strong mouthwaste and clean up afterwards. Have fun - she was going to.
If the kitty is offered, I'll often take a taste before my brain registers that it is probably a stupid thing to do. Then I swear to myself that the next time I won't do it....but then I do again anyway. The tongue tends to poke out before the brain has time to stop it.
According to the website, cunnilingus AKA eating pussy has a very low tranmission rate of hiv. Of course, that doesn't account for all the other STD's out there that are easilly transmitted through this kind of contact.
last commentWhen I read the title of this thread, I thought it would discuss deep French kissing (DFK). We had that discussion a while back at…
That seems reasonably safe.