Comments by casualguy (page 178)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    mopeds and strippers
    I myself never considered myself to be dating strippers. I might call it hanging out or going out to eat or something else but not dating. I would compare things more to driving a transam more on the wild and dangerous side kind of fun rather than a moped. While I haven't ridden a moped, it doesn't sound that exciting to me. Brings back some memories for me. Some scary moments for me involved letting 2 or 3 different dancers (different occasions) drive my fairly new car with me in it of course. They talked me into it. I think a whole lot of people wanted to drive that car I had.
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    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    I think I often get my dollar's worth out of the stage tips I provide. I think two hot girls with one in short shorts definitely got good value for their dollar tip at the stage. They lied down flat on their backs side by side at the top of some stairs for the stage. Then the sexy blonde stripper came over and straddled their legs and put her nice full breasts up against the females breasts in a pretty close embrace. Then she repeated this for the other girl. I had just tipped the stripper a dollar earlier and got to see this from about 2 feet away. Dollar tipping can be a lot of fun. :)
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    18 years ago
    Regulardom - or is it - Regulardumb?
    I'm rarely in a mood to spend too much time with just one dancer even if I'm not spending hardly any money. Of course if the club is slow or if you have something interesting to talk about, you might be in a mood to talk.
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    18 years ago
    Flashing pussy in topless clubs
    I should have known there would be a drawback to going to strip clubs when it is busier. I rarely ever see a dancer flash anywhere in public unless it's a nude club. Years ago, I saw one or two dancers on different occasions flash the pussy while on stage and they were immediately in street clothes leaving the club as soon as they got off the stage. I think they got fired. As far as what goes on in a more private area, it's very unusual from what I can tell. Even the girls in a nude club I visit sometimes don't always get nude. I don't know what's wrong with the dancers in the area I live in. Maybe they don't make any extra money for flashing so they say forget that.
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    18 years ago
    Flashing pussy in topless clubs
    I never noticed it at shadowcat's favorite club either. It must be the wrong time of day when I visit.
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    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    I was tired when I posted I don't know what a tip walk is. I really meant to say I have never experienced a tip walk so I don't know what it is like first hand to really know it. I can read all kinds of definitions but experience is different than reading about things. Didn't mean to make anyone misunderstand me.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your Deal Breaker?
    I was once ticked off at a bouncer for warning me when I happened to be sitting at the back of the club minding my own business. The more questions I asked about what I did wrong in his eyes, the more threatening he became as if he was evading what exactly it was that upset him. I left angry and didn't return for months. He changed his accusations 2 or 3 times. First he claimed I was starting to lean a little bit too close to a dancer when I sat up in my chair or something like that. Then he changed his accusations to a couple of dancers complained. That's funny because no dancer complained to me except I did notice two dancers looked upset that I didn't tip them when they were on stage. I had stayed quietly in my chair. End result, I didn't tip anyone at the club for months.
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    18 years ago
    mopeds and strippers
    Somehow I apparently got the attention of two very hot dancers trying to do double dances. I wouldn't care if a lot of people saw me going out with them if the situation ever developed. They stop traffic, make heads turn, and make guys act irrationally. I simply asked how much they charge. Then to my surprise, one dancer came back later and simply asked me how much the dancers are charging me. I would definitely say they were more like checking out a Lamborghini.
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    18 years ago
    How many Dancer's know of your tuscl nickname.
    I don't know if any dancers I know of have heard of this web site. The dancers I meet usually aren't too good with computers. I've met a few who are good but they seem to be the exception. I think many dancers would just prefer a computer to act like a TV. You would just turn it on and everything is ok with no bugs, no software to install or fix when something goes wrong, no viruses to worry about or download fixes for, no spyware or identity theft problems to worry about, etc. etc. On the other hand I can tell some interesting stories about strange messages I got from hackers shortly after I first started using the internet. I have a ton of other stories I could tell as well not computer related. What is a turn off is if you want to say something computer related but the dancer just says "I hate computers!" and doesn't want to hear a word you say about it. I don't think anyone knows me by my online nick but you never know if someone tried to figure it out. I think you may not want people to know if you highly criticized a club and/or certain people in it and then thought about returning. Unless you're not afraid of trouble. Lol, I always thought it was a bit amusing when a dancer says she is Trouble.
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    18 years ago
    Do DJ's play what they want or what the Dancer wants?
    I was wondering about this the other night. I was sitting with one dancer and another dancer on stage I believe wanted to get a dance from me. I was wondering if it was just a coincidence the song Mortal Combat started playing. I was thinking probably but was wondering if the DJ was watching and thought it was funny. I'm thinking the dancer on the main stage picks the song playing when she goes on. At least at that particular club I'm thinking about.
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    18 years ago
    Getting Rid of the Wrong Dancer
    I seem to be good at getting dancers I don't like to leave in a hurry while still being polite about it. There have been a few times where a dancer just wanted to talk to me after I tell her the customary no thanks or not right now. On some slow nights a dancer may hear rude comments such as "Get Lost! We don't want a dance!" I believe that works but is not real polite.
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    18 years ago
    Like their jobs?
    I've heard many times from a dancer that seeing me really brightens up her day. I believe most of the time I hear that they are sincere since a number of dancers don't say that and just go through routines. A few times I have heard "I'm bored." That doesn't sound like the dancers are getting turned on by the customers. What is even worse in my opinion is if I feel the same way about the dancers in a club (boring and not turning me on). I'm sure it's the same way for dancers as it is for me. You may see a bunch of fuglies, and then a bunch of average looking people (either dancers or customers in a dancers case), then on a busy night, you may see a few good looking dancers (or customers from the dancer's point of view). Then the better looking people may be a bit stuck up (customer doesn't want dances or dancer charges a lot more than normal or won't allow touching). Or the better looking people are not friendly or unavailable when it comes to a dancer and/or customer. To sum up, a dancer like many other people would rather not have to work to make their money. As far as getting turned on, I bet they get turned on once in a blue moon with the right customer. I've noticed some odd situations where the dancer was acting strange and even one dancer commented to a dancer grinding on me one time asking if she was ok. She actually seemed to be getting off on me. I think that's a rare occasion even if dancers try to make you think its not.
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    18 years ago
    How many Dancer's know of your tuscl nickname.
    I probably met her too. I remember finding different Trouble's in different clubs. I don't remember her but I remember hearing that name more than once. At least I'm not the only one who is forgetful. I occasionally hear a dancer ask "Do I know you?" I suppose it's a bit more alarming when a dancer you can't remember says "I know you!" I just hope she doesn't have me confused with someone she didn't like or someone else.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Longest time you ever spent with one stripper?
    For me it's probably 3 or 4 hours. I believe I spent a total of $30 that whole time. She told me she needed to get one table dance every hour or the manager would say something. I didn't mind. The dancer wanted to talk to me. It would have been longer except I wanted to get some dances from some other dancers instead of sitting with her until closing time. It was a slow night. OTC is probably about 24 hours but I think that dancer temporarily quit being a dancer at that time. 3 or 4 days sounds like she either moved in or you went on a long road trip. I'm trying to remember if a dancer ever suggested moving in with me. I just don't remember. Oh, I remember one dancer suggested she could come over to my house and do some dances for me every day if I moved to her town (had a job interview there one time and stopped by to visit her while I was there.) Never moved to her town. Instead I moved out of state. She wasn't happy.
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    18 years ago
    How long do dancers usually employ at a club?
    I don't know about your situation but some strippers are only visiting and may only work at a given club while they are in town. Some may be planning a longer visit and stay 1 to 3 months. Some girls may be regular dancers and work for years at the same club. It all depends on the dancer.
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    18 years ago
    Dancers who appear drunk -hate em or love em?
    If she was acting about not being able to put her top back on correctly, she did a good job while appearing intoxicated at the same time.
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    18 years ago
    How many Dancer's know of your tuscl nickname.
    I'm more likely to tell dancers my real name. I think a dancer told me her real first name the other night when she introduced herself and I actually remember that. I just don't remember which dancer told me since I saw so many dancers. The danger is letting someone know your nick on here is if someone in the club has a bad temper and wants to get even with you if you post something negative. I don't want to worry about that. I like to say it how I see it, forget about it, and then move on.
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    18 years ago
    Porn Stars Appearing at Clubs
    I once went to see feature entertainer shows because the features usually looked good and the clubs were usually full and fun to visit on such nights. I met more porn stars than I can remember even though I can forget easily. Most were just doing standard feature dancing and the standard polaroid picture thing afterwards. One porn star took advantage of me but I didn't mind too much in one club. I had never heard of her when they announced before she came on stage that she was a porn star. It was a small nude club and I believe every single guy sitting at the stage was sitting in their chair leaning forward towards the stage to get a better look. All except me that is. She spotted me and decided to play with me. I was sitting back in my chair and suddenly she decided to get on her knees and grab hold of my dick through my shorts with her teeth but I think it was hard for the crowd to tell at first. Except when she didn't seem to want to let go and was backing up away from the stage. I was about ready to cry uncle. My white shorts were all red from lipstick and then every single guy at the stage sat back in their chair. I thought that was funny. I had no idea who she was and can't even remember what she looked like. Another porn star I do remember went by the name of Houston. I thought she was very rude to me since I was just going to tip her a dollar like everyone else at the stage but instead she came over to me and ripped my shirt open like I was part of her show. She ruined my shirt. I don't care for that kind of crap. I remember in a club I met someone called Syndee Steel or something like that. She looked nice and seemed to be nice. I didn't talk to her very much though. She made an appearance as a feature entertainer at one of the small local topless clubs. Years ago I occasionally used to get dances from the feature entertainers at regular prices in a small club in NC. I even have some pics since I was new to strip clubs at that time and felt some urge to get a relic of my adventures almost every time. Seems strange to me now. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those dancers were porn stars. I do miss getting completely nude table dances for $10 from some good looking dancers.
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    18 years ago
    Feature entertainer acts that really sucked
    If the feature entertainer act really stinks, the restroom and the lap dance room will be packed. I found this to be true this past weekend. Ever seen a fat midget? At least she didn't weigh 400 lbs, lol. I really don't know where some acts go to make their money.
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    18 years ago
    How to save the airlines
    Great idea but I see one or two major problems. I think strippers on planes (lol, sounds a lot better than snakes on planes) would need to be a mainstream event instead of the isolated event. It would need to be mainstream for all the political correctness within the corporate world to allow business travelers to book these flights as acceptable flights. Then the next major problem would be if it was mainstream, how would you keep out the kiddies and mothers and wives who object? Many wives may not like it if their husband was actually having a good time and they were not. I think that is what happens when you have a bunch of women with pussy whipped husbands. Just my opinion. No one has to agree with it.
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    18 years ago
    Wading through Stripper BS
    I think just getting a whiff of stripper BS is like stepping into the restroom at the exact worse possible time if you know what I mean. You just want to get as far away as possible from it. A stripper trying to get me interested in her will turn me off of her much faster by lying to me rather than if she just stayed quiet and did some dances. Sometimes I wonder if some stripper BS is actually just the strippers being really stupid whether by accident or on purpose. Nothing like stripper bs to end all of your lap dancing/table dancing with a particular dancer. Maybe other guys take a lot more bs but I usually drop a dancer or girl as soon as I get a whiff.
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    18 years ago
    Money showers.
    I've seen money showers more often than not. I'm sure the dancers enjoy getting the cash. I usually think of the customer as either a. rich with money to burn, b. someone who doesn't get out much and is blowing his wad, c. someone who is desparately trying to show off that he has money when he doesn't really. If a dancer does a money shower, I start wondering if their scheming such as what if dancer a is friends with dancer b. Dancer a goes up on stage and unknown to all the customers, she loaned dancer b, twenty ones to shower her while on stage. Then she gets a shower of cash and gets a lot of customer attention. Both dancers seem to have a lot of disposable cash the way they are throwing it around. I don't know if that happens but it's just something I thought of. Maybe I read too many conspiracy theories.
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    18 years ago
    TUSCL - Limiting Reviews on One Club?
    I liked one month better simply because it was easier to check. Seems like there should be a warning message if you click on post review and you already posted one within 6 weeks. I remember someone mentioning the change in a discussion back a few months ago. I definitely don't see a need to post a review after every single club visit especially if you're a regular at a club. I usually just post information about my most recent visit. The way things were 2, 3, or even 4 weeks ago is old news especially if it's the same ol same ol stuff going on in a club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Feature entertainer acts that really sucked
    I've seen several I thought were pretty good. Then the ones that really suck that you would like to forget about. One that I thought was really good was one of the tallest strippers in the world I believe. She was blonde and in excellent shape. She came out in a cave girl like outfit and carried a large very real looking sword and she seemed to know how to swing it. Then, there were some timed fireworks explosions to really light things up. Perhaps a very tall and nice looking stripper swinging a large sword around on the stage was something that is hard to forget.
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    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    I've tried to set a line in the sand but you never know what some stripper you've never met before is going to do if she doesn't indicate it. Like shadowcat said, if a dancer wants to do something that should require a condom for both of our protections, she should ask me to visit her for free of course outside of the club. It is rare that something like this ever happens when I'm traveling to different strip clubs but I hear about it happening. If a dancer happens to ask, I just say no unless she is talking about just boyfriend girlfriend stuff outside of the club.