
Wading through Stripper BS

It's no surprise that a girl that is getting paid to provide a fantasy for you; a girl that sees her income rise in proportion to how much of the BS the guy buys, is going to lay on some BS and a good deal of acting to make you feel special. Is is always BS? Can some of it possibly be more than an act? How can you tell?

Personally, and I am sure a lot of it is just plain wishful thinking - or maybe just being too naive, but I don't believe all of it is BS. I think ytou can guage some of the BS level on how open and honest the girl is being. Does she give you personal info, personal history? Does she exhibit physical signs that cannot be faked during dances, that proves that she's really enjoying things, and not just pretending? Does she give you a way to keep in contact (personal phone number, email)? Does she contact you just to talk, and not ask for money or when you are coming to see her?

I think based on answers to some of these questions, you can get a feel for how much is an act, and how much is honest feelings.


  • hugevladfan
    18 years ago
    Put me in the camp of wanting to know as lil stripper BS as possible. The less I know about what's happening the better off I'll be since I don't have a reason to care about it. If a shotgirl annoys the shit out of me I'll say sumpin to the girl I am with or another confidant, or if a stripper rips me off or takes advantage of me I'll pass it along but otherwise I won't say anything and generally don't like it said to me. Too much stripper BS will get me to cut the cord.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Some BS can be funny. So can some of the drama from some of the drama queens. I remember one time I didn't realize one dancer could be a drama queen until I became a target of it one time at a strip club. I had been in the back dance room talking for a while and getting a few dances from a blonde dancer. Shortly after I emerged before I could even sit down, I heard a loud dancer shouting at me in front of everyone "Are you sleeping with her too?" I didn't even realize the one dancer could be such a drama queen or that she was keeping her eye on me.

    If you tell the strippers some good BS stories though, you might want to be careful to not make it too good or they will be talking.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    This is another topic that comes up at least once a month in one form or another. I agree with AN. Usually, it's a combination of BS and sincerity. The stripper herself isn't even sure which is which. Being a club friend can never be the same as being a real friend or lover, but that doesn't make it pointless. I think trying to prove to yourself that it's something more is pointless. If it has become something more, you'll know it, and you won't feel any need to prove it to anybody.

    Now, as for actual stripper BS, I only mind it if it isn't entertaining. There's so much BS flying around that you can never avoid it all, so I say skip the boring BS and enjoy the fun BS.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I'm not sure whether it's a bigger turn-off when girls badmouth other girls, or when girls badmouth their own shitty lives and how little money they're making tonight. Both are about equally low on my scale of "gotta get a lap dance from THIS hottie."
  • Mickkeyc
    18 years ago
    The biggest turn off for me is when a stripper starts bad-mouthing other girl(s) - usually because I have showed some interest. 90% of the time I have found out it is BS.

    Related to that is BS about me that a stripper has spread, because I showed interest in somone else. In fact nothing turns me off about a club more, than finding out I am the topic of club gossip.

    In some ways it goes with the territory - women are catty by nature, and prone to jealousy. I just don't want it to involve me!
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I think just getting a whiff of stripper BS is like stepping into the restroom at the exact worse possible time if you know what I mean. You just want to get as far away as possible from it. A stripper trying to get me interested in her will turn me off of her much faster by lying to me rather than if she just stayed quiet and did some dances. Sometimes I wonder if some stripper BS is actually just the strippers being really stupid whether by accident or on purpose.

    Nothing like stripper bs to end all of your lap dancing/table dancing with a particular dancer. Maybe other guys take a lot more bs but I usually drop a dancer or girl as soon as I get a whiff.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I frankly find it creepy when girls get too far "out of the fantasy." Please don't break the fourth wall! One new dancer got to know me, and talked a lot about her new fiance and how difficult their finances were. Instant turn-off. I think the "stroking" that they get -- men approving of their looks by lustful leers; decent customers giving them gentle hand-to-skin endorphin-inducing contact; and of course the profitability, and the "queen bee" experience of flirting without responsibilitiy -- gets them feeling good about themselves. Whether that means they "like" you as in boyfriend-girlfriend-I'll-fuck-for-free, or "like" you merely as in "good customer, fun night, gotta go feed the cat" is a different question.
  • AbbieNormal
    18 years ago
    Q: "How can you tell when a woman has an orgasm?"
    A: "Who cares?"

    To an extent you'll never know, so just remember this when going to a strip club. It's all about you, not her. If she enjoys her job and the two of you click, great. If you like to parse every word and obsess on boby language, have fun. I think the best way to enjoy a club however is to enjoy that this is the one place on earth where women will go out of their way to make sure YOU have a good time and to keep YOU happy and entertained (as long as they're paid for it of course). Be glad to be the center of attention and enjoy it while it lasts. If they treat you the way you want to be treated, don't go too far beyond that.
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