Comments by casualguy (page 179)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    If I'm not attracted to a dancer I will still say no to her even if she's just wants to treat me like a boyfriend outside of the club. I remember one dancer argued with me constantly (trying to get dances) while I said no a million ways. One night she went so far as to offer free dances and I still said no. Then she invited me to her house which I thought was suspicious but I still said no and then she finally gave it up (her arguing).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    Extra note about the above^, I tried to get her to stop bugging me for dances by asking her if she would do them for free and was surprised to hear her say yes after a couple minutes. First time for everything I guess. I don't usually argue with dancers that much.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Wading through Stripper BS
    Some BS can be funny. So can some of the drama from some of the drama queens. I remember one time I didn't realize one dancer could be a drama queen until I became a target of it one time at a strip club. I had been in the back dance room talking for a while and getting a few dances from a blonde dancer. Shortly after I emerged before I could even sit down, I heard a loud dancer shouting at me in front of everyone "Are you sleeping with her too?" I didn't even realize the one dancer could be such a drama queen or that she was keeping her eye on me. If you tell the strippers some good BS stories though, you might want to be careful to not make it too good or they will be talking.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to save the airlines
    FONDL, are you serious about eliminating flights less than 500 miles? Either you're visiting some really slow airports at busy times or you drive awfully fast.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Stripper Name Categories
    I believe I have forgotten 99 percent of all the names I have heard. With that list above, it's no wonder.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Clubbing safety
    I usually try to pay attention to my surroundings and won't go to a club I don't feel safe at or parking my car at. Perhaps my danger level doesn't feel as high as some other people. I remember one night in a strip club one of the guys from the 82nd airborne stopped me on the way to the restroom and said "you're crazy man." I'm not sure why he said that and I looked puzzled apparently. But then he kind of reassured me by saying "that's ok, I am too." I don't recall being afraid of anyone at that time. Strip clubs had security and lots of soldiers were constantly going in and out of those strip clubs. I'm more concerned about my car safety now though. I try parking in well lit areas. I also installed a secret anti-theft explosive device in my car. Should leave a good size smoking crater. Lol, just kidding.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Worst clip joint you've ever been in?
    When you think of clip joint as one that has phony charges ( I read more of this thread now) you are stating that you paid for services that were not rendered is what I think you are referring to. You had to pay big anyway for nothing. It's no wonder if such places exist, they go out of business fast. Apparently they run out of people to scam. Sorry about skipping over a lot of the thread. I just read the last part about being charged phony charges.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Worst clip joint you've ever been in?
    If you use the definition of clip joint as a place that comes up with phony charges and they make you pay or else they threaten you with bodily harm, how do they stay in business? I'd be teaming up with everyone to get that place shut down if I ran into a place like that and prosecute the people as well for robbing me. Those kind of people should be doing jail time instead of robbing people because they walked through their door. Maybe the phony charges statement is exaggerated, I don't know.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How to save the airlines
    Oh, I see now. I live about an hour from one of the smaller airports. I can take an hour to get there and even though they say to be safe arrive two hours early, at the small airport, it's usually safe to be just one hour early and still have plenty of time. It also depends on how busy it is and anything unusual going on. It takes about a total of 15 minutes walking from the car, checking in and walking down the runway to the terminal. Then you wait about 45 minutes for the plane to take off. Fly for 1.5 to 2 hours or so. Hop off, rent a car. Takes me about 15 minutes. Then arrive at the destination within another 15 to 30. Perhaps around 3 hours or so for me. Perhaps my experience isn't normal though. I think the last time I flew, the plane even arrived early at the destination. That doesn't happen too often. I don't fly very often though. It's been over a year since the last time I flew. That trip was a major hassle after I arrived in Detroit for a messed up stopover.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    I wasn't under the opinion that kissing on the lips was that rare. Seems to happen less often now and I don't mind. I remember several years ago several dancers seemed to kiss me on the lips even though I just met them. I think more people including myself are now concerned over possible sexually transmitted diseases and where that mouth has been. Of course some do not care. I believe the first stripper I met (actually at a fraternity party) did a DFK. I was probably slightly intoxicated and enjoyed it at that time. I might be a bit concerned now if a total stranger did that to me. Unless she's hot than I may forget all reason and act irrationally like most guys.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Leave me alone!
    ..and if all of the above doesn't work, you can try the "I'm out of money" line. Or just use the "maybe later" line. Hopefully you'll be tied up with another dancer or changed seats where you won't be found. If you're not buying any more dances or flashing money, the I'm out of money line works pretty good.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Leave me alone!
    For me a polite "no thanks" works over 80 percent of the time. Some dancers don't want to take no for an answer at least where I'm concerned and depending upon how they look or smell in a few cases will dictate how harsh a reply I need to take to get rid of her if I want to. I did hear that "We don't want any dances so get lost bitch!" works pretty good. If a pretty girl just wants to sit and talk I'm not going to be rude even if I don't want dances. I think the cases above are for that one in a million dancer who not only doesn't take no for an answer, she seems to enjoy arguing with you. Well, maybe not everyone else has had that experience.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Money showers.
    Found a funny short video of money showers and a funny part at the end.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Customer Abandonment
    Yeah this sucks when a dancer walks off. It probably would tick me off a little bit too. I wouldn't tip her or get any more dances from her at least for the night maybe longer unless she made it up somehow. I've been on the other end of that more often though. Some guy bought a dancer a drink, then a couple minutes later, maybe 4, she apparently excused herself and came over to my table where she sat and chatted with me sipping on her drink before eventually asking for a table dance.
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    What would be a nice addition to this site would be clickable links within discussions. Right now we have to copy and repost the link instead of just clicking on a link.
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    If it's not pornographic, is one site and I believe another site is webimage or something like that.
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    There is a picture hosting site that people can post pics too and possibly provide a link here to look at them. I forgot which ones are the most popular though.
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    I believe someone would have to first request a club such as a massage parlor be added to the list first and then they could review it. I haven't heard of anyone saying yeah or neah that a club was not added.
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    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    Chandler, this was interesting. "TUSCL already allows for reviews of other types of businesses (click 'Search' and select from the 'Club Type' popup to find them)" I never knew that anything other than strip clubs could be reviewed here. Apparently neither do most other people. I did a search out of curiosity for massage parlor and didn't find any in the US. Found one for Scotland. I'm wondering if I could give a review for Hooters. I had a waitress dance for me at one. Very nice looking girl in short shorts. Seemed extremely happy. I can only hope to think that it was because I sat at one of her tables.
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    Yes, thanks for the history. I think I read some of the other thread that discussed this topic as well.
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    FONDL, what is a lingerie modeling studio? I'm not at all familiar with that. It sounds like something a photographer would use.
  • article comment
    18 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List
    I'm glad to hear this web site is paying for itself. It has been useful to me and I'm glad to hear it'll probably stay here.