Comments by casualguy (page 177)

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    18 years ago
    How to tell when you're getting bored in a stripclub.
    Here's another one from years ago. You know you're bored when you're waiting in a line to play arcade or pinball games in a strip club. or how about reaching an all time high score of over a 1,000,000 points on an old classic I think it was called Galaga. Couldn't have done it without the beer making my thinking and reflexes speed up. Actually I wish they still had that entertainment in some local strip clubs to pass the time when certain dancers are the only ones dancing.
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    18 years ago
    How to tell when you're getting bored in a stripclub.
    or when all the dancing stages are empty and you're thinking... now why did I come here?... how long do they keep the stages empty?.... It's not close to closing time is it? or it's after 830 pm and you're wondering when the dancers are going to start dancing and when you are no longer going to be 1/4 of the customers in the building.
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    18 years ago
    Ever considered flirting with a waitress in a strip club?
    I'll point out, some of the dancers in the club I was in definitely do know how to flirt. I guess that's the biggest reason I was ignoring the waitresses. Competition for attention... I like that.
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    18 years ago
    Getting Dances from Uncirculating Dancers
    What I found that seems to work well everytime if you want a lot of attention in a club that usually has dancers sitting with regulars is to arrive early. If club dancing doesn't usually start til 7, 730 or 8 PM, get there a little bit early after the club opens and very few customers are present. You should have a lot of opportunity to see a lot of dancers before all the regulars show up. I've shown up early at one club like this just because I could sit at the bar and they start the stage dancing at the little stage next to the bar before opening the main stage for the regular crowd. It's like getting a bunch of little full length dances for a dollar a piece. It can be fun in a situation like this especially if you feel like you have a harem of pretty girls all around you and the girls outnumber the guys. I'm thinking of Nepals. I suppose all clubs may vary with opening times and when dancers show up.
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    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    My favorite songs are the songs I usually like. Heavy metal and rock. Play some Metallica, AC/DC, or old favorites from Rush or Led Zeppelin or some of the popular new rock as mentioned earlier. I also like for some odd reason "Can't Drive 55" and "Highway to the Danger Zone", haven't heard that one in years. As long as the song isn't cut short, I'm usually ok with it especially when it's rock or heavy metal.
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    18 years ago
    Club Songs?
    Music at a tolerable volume. Sad to say but whenever I visit a Platinum Plus club, ear plugs are standard equipment I bring along just in case my ears start ringing or I want a break from the extreme volume. The loudest music I ever heard was at PP in Columbia a year or two ago. It was so loud, you had to scream at the top of your voice into a dancer's ear right in front of you for her to hear you and visa versa. Needless to say, your voice gets hoarse rather fast unless you learn hand signals. Fortunately, the volume has been turned down from those painful levels.
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    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    If any dancers happen to read this, this is one reason some guys are so quick to get rid of dancers just asking to sit at their table. They don't want a dance and they don't want to be asked to tip the dancer just because they spent a minute or two trying to get one. I heard one dancer acted a bit upset because some guys were telling her to get lost, they didn't want a dance when she never even asked them. I myself have had several dancers sit and chat after I turned them down for a dance. They continued to sit and chat and never asked me to buy them a drink or for a pity tip. I don't mind dollar tipping if I get something out of it though such as a club special where dancers do a 30 second lap dance for a dollar and switch to another customer if you got a dollar out to tip them.
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    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    Where I live at, it's very unusual for a dancer to come around and ask for a tip. About 99.9 percent of all dancers just take what they get at the stage. I believe the lap dances is where they usually make their main money anyway. For a dancer to ask me for a dance and then ask for a tip if I turn her down seems like a pity tip. On the other hand a couple of dancers did this one time and they asked for a tip after I turned down their invitation for a double lap dance. I offered them a dollar tip a piece. One girl took it and then the other girl acted pissed off saying I could keep my dollar because I might need it more and she had the other dancer give her dollar back. Needless to say, they were pretty stupid to ask me for a lap dance later in the evening. That's not the way to make someone like you. I'm glad it's only a few out of state dancers visiting that ask for a tip when not on stage. It makes it seem to me like they are so desparate for money they have to ask for tips by walking the club like a street pandler.
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    18 years ago
    DJ vs. No DJ
    DJ's are definitely irritating when they keep talking on and on and on. I think they like listening to themselves talk. Every once in a while they'll say something you actually listened to and it just makes you wonder if they have that much common sense. For instance I remember one DJ near closing time in a somewhat full club said "ok everyone, we're closing in a few minutes, Everyone drive 90 when they leave here! They can't catch us all!" Then he puts on "Can't drive 55."
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when...
    You know you've been suckered when the stripper you know asks you to go get something from a local diner or restaurant and when you come back to the motel room, she is already in bed ready to go to sleep. Somehow that didn't seem to come out exactly right. Years ago I was burned by actually believing the drama stories one or two dancers told me that they needed to borrow money. I learned my lesson that is the way some dancers tend to part company. I was a bit surprised at running into one of those dancers a couple weeks later at another club and she was going out of her way to hide from me as long as possible. She acted afraid of me for some reason. The next two dancers try some pretty massive drama stories but no luck with me after that. One dancer even got really pissed at me calling me Dick, etc. and even quit working at that club for 2 or 3 months because she knew I would be there. She wanted or for some odd reason expected me to give her $200 for contacts she said. She didn't do anything to warrant me giving her money. I didn't understand her. She did seem friendlier when she came back 3 months later. Another dancer told me "you can give me 100 bucks to bail out this one dancer who works at the club. It's up to you, her dealer is probably going to mess her up real bad for not paying but I'll leave that up to you." That sounded like a big load of bull. I kind of expected some of this stuff if you go out with dancers outside of the clubs after I originally got burned a bit. On the other hand I had one nymphomaniac dancer give me free bbbj's almost every time she saw whether I wanted one or not. My best bet is she was trying to make me horny because she seemed to like to have sex. Then she suddenly disappeared one day without a trace. I could only guess that the police stopping her for doing 95 had something to do with her stopping her long distance travels. She only tried to get me to go with her to Vegas and then to some casino boats after I ruled out Vegas. I declined both. another drama queen.
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    18 years ago
    How to start a harem?
    There have been times when I wish I could sit next to someone who wanted dancer after dancer stopping at their table so that I could sit in peace and watch the dancer on stage. However I found out if you become a bit of a regular that it doesn't seem quite as bad and some dancers will just start avoiding you if you never buy dances from them. I enjoy a pretty dancer sitting next to me or sometimes on my lap but sometimes I want to move around and tip some of the other dancers. Guess you can't do everything. I think if you bought a lap dance or two, the other dancers have money radar target sights set on you and you'll be targeted.
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    18 years ago
    Opinion of Bathroom attendants?
    Now, that's funny. :) I've occasionally heard a female or two at the door to the men's room chatting with someone inside. I think the funniest thing I heard one girl say was "I can see all of your weenies." Hearing that while you are trying to pee can give you ideas especially if the men's room door is open and they have lots of mirrors. I remember a state fair once had the sorriest ass sign directing men and women to the restrooms. I was in the correct restroom but women kept entering it. The arrow for the women's restroom was right outside the men's with a tiny little curved arrow at the bottom indicating around the corner. I thought I saw someone standing behind me at one time and before I left, I saw 4 females standing in front of me looking somewhat dumbfounded. I probably woudn't have used that restroom if I knew female after female kept walking in there because of that sorry sign.
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    18 years ago
    Opinion of Bathroom attendants?
    As far as the attendants go, I would rather not pay a dollar for help in washing off my hands. Now if they have cheetos and other snack food, I don't mind but I only knew one place that had it like that. I remember one dancer even requested a cheeto instead of a dollar for her stage tip. A hot female bathroom attendant would change things. She might actually encourage guys to use the restroom and make it too crowded so maybe not.
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    18 years ago
    Opinion of Bathroom attendants?
    Drinking beer and posting is making me think more. Would you pay the hot female bathroom attendant an extra tip if she held it for you while you peed? I remember a dancer once asked if she could do that (she was joking, I think.).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    I don't recall ever being in a club that had something called a tip walk. Is that common in the northeast or some parts of the country? It's somewhat rare for a dancer to ask for a tip when she's not on stage at least in the clubs I've been to.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    You know you're being a "sucker" for a stripper when...
    I don't remember too much about some of my time I spent hanging out with one stripper and her friends occasionally after she was off her shift. However I remember one night there were like 3 girls and 3 guys with me one of them and someone brought up an incident at a nearby military base where a plane crash had occured and several soldiers were injured or killed. Apparently one guy said something like "I don't know why you had to bring up that shit." I was supposed to be there and the army declared me Dead!" I had to call up my parents to tell them I'm not dead. I got a good reason not to show up for work on Monday." He rambled on a bit at times about that. I can understand a bit why he was upset. Apparently he decided to sleep in for some unknown reason (maybe because he was hanging out late with strippers?) I never heard this story in the local news either. Maybe the army never changed his status and he went into some kind of special forces training. I don't know. Anyway just another night but the drama was a little bit more real this time. I think that was the first time I ever had a conversation with a dead person, lol. I wasn't laughing back then though, I didn't want to get him upset more.
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    18 years ago
    If one of your favorite dancers wants to go out with you..?
    I enjoy getting dances from her but I seem to have lost some interest in her. I seem to do that on occasion. Get a dancer's number and then suddenly lose interest in her. However since she is going to be at the beach for awhile (not in driving range and I'm not talking about golf, lol) I'll just forget about her for a while. She said she was going to give me her number so we could stay in contact. I'm wondering if I should have told her I don't talk or call people on the phone very much, not even my own relatives. Oh well, I'm open to having fun whenever a good idea comes along.
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    18 years ago
    Club Dressing Rooms
    I remember one of the first strip clubs I went to one girl became a favorite of mine but while I enjoyed the way she seemed like a puppy dog that got all over me as soon as I stepped in the place, she seemed a bit dominating at times as far as other dancers went. She appeared to be a queen bee and if some new dancer got to me before she did when I arrived at the club, I had a suspicion she would really let that girl have it. I don't like the feeling of being owned. She chased away a number of dancers away from me on multiple occasions. I'm trying to remember if this was before or after I went out with her. Anyway I liked the way she seemed to drop everything to get to me but did not like the way she seemed to chase other dancers away from me unless they were her friends and she already spent some time with me.
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    18 years ago
    Should you stay with your own race for the best mileage?
    If you're talking strictly what a girl does rather than how much you enjoy girl A versus girl B doing the same thing when you're more attracted to girl A, then the answer might be a yes. Overall though I wouldn't necessarily agree with the statement/question. I think sexual aggression and what some girls may do is generally higher in everyone except the American white female. However I tend to be more attracted to pretty blonde females. There can always be exceptions though. I've run into sexually aggressive white females but get the general impression that they are the least aggressive female. Now I'm all set up for girls to get sexually aggressive towards me but I'm not worried, lol. An extra note: I get the impression some girls from South America may be sexually aggressive too but maybe some girls are just more attracted to me and try harder. I try to be careful with who I get alone with. Some girls are horny and I don't find out until I get alone with them.
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    18 years ago
    Lights, Camera, Action!
    Lol, I remember one dancer told me one time before she started a lap dance "I want to be a porn star." I was wondering what she meant by that.
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    18 years ago
    Lights, Camera, Action!
    It's real simple for me. If a club isn't fun to visit, I'll stop going. No customers, no club anymore unless the club owners just want to own some land with an occasional straggler wandering in.
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    18 years ago
    "Dollar" Tipping
    While I don't know what a tip walk is, stage tipping is common in my area and can be fun. I haven't been in a club that did dollar dances in years. However that could be fun as well. Basically the DJ announced what was going on and bouncers gave out change in one dollars to anyone who needed it ahead of time. Then the DJ would announce to everyone to hold up a dollar if they wanted a $1 lap dance that lasted for about 30 seconds or so from whatever stripper was nearby and you acted interested, then they switched for the next 30 seconds, and then repeat this process for 5 to 10 minutes. It could give you a good indication of what a more private lap dance from a dancer migh be like. It was also a way to get customers to spend their cash when they weren't otherwise.
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    18 years ago
    How to start a harem?
    The only guys I've ever seen that tried dancing on stage when it wasn't part of the announced bachelor party thing and the DJ told him to, were guys that got thrown out of the club rather fast. I often prefer to blend in to the crowd and not be that noticeable. I don't know if I'm doing that good of a job or not though. If I'm the only one tipping, I probably do stand out. Of course I'm not afraid to be different.
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    18 years ago
    Club Dressing Rooms
    That list reminds me of another list. Years ago, one of my younger brother's friends got pulled over by the police and he told us that he spotted a list the police had of top 10 drivers they were out to get. My brother was number 2 on the list. It's no wonder he kept getting pulled over or had the police calling our house saying they were going to get him one of these days. small town, remind you of Dukes of hazzard? He wasn't that bad he just got blamed for any report of a car matching his. Some people just didn't like a loud noisy mustang driving through their neighborhood and would call the police to complain. That college list sounds a lot worse. Sorry to hear that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    met another TUSCLer!
    Congrats on your meeting. The only people I keep meeting are dancers but they do a good job of keeping me busy. :)