
Comments by casualguy (page 161)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Some Strippers Don't WANT to Be Paid For Conversation
    davids since you don't seem to understand when I'm joking around 95 percent of the time, I will stop trying to respond to 90 percent of your threads. Hopefully you will be happier when no one disagrees with your opinion. You like to spread insults to anyone who disagrees even if you don't understand when it is a joke. If all you seek on the internet is someone who agrees with you 100 percent of the time, maybe you should look for restricted chat rooms where you are in total control.
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    19 years ago
    Do you ever get a massage?
    Just to clarify, when I got massages from girls in training within strip clubs, no one got nude and they did a massage to my back, neck, and arms for the most part. I believe the last time I accepted the offer I paid $5 and she did this for about 2 songs or 1.75 songs. She didn't hurry and it felt good.
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    19 years ago
    When I Get Old...
    davids you must really enjoy preaching your gospel truth on this strip club site. I don't believe most people here do. If they want to hear preaching, they can go to church instead of a strip club site. Here are some words of wisdom. "Don't argue with an idiot, he'll only drag you down to his level and then he's got you beat with experience." As far as calling almost everyone on here pathetic losers, you know what they say when you hang out with a crowd? You become one of them.
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    19 years ago
    My favorite music is rock and heavy metal. I enjoy Metallica, AC/DC, Rob Zombie, Megadeth, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Rush, Blue Oyster Cult, Led Zepplin, etc. and the latest popular rock. I remember one time the DJ played "Can't drive 55" just before closing and then announced "if we all drive 90, they can't catch us all!" Of course he was joking. I still like that song.
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    19 years ago
    Stripper with the most unusual skill or attributes
    I believe I have seen a dancer smoke with her cookie. I can't remember if it was in person or on tv. I can't imagine what tv show would show that unless it was HBO. One feature entertainer dancer I remember was billed as the tallest feature entertainer in the world but still looked hot and did a great show with a large sword and fireworks. I never saw a dancer handle a large sword so well or at all for that matter in a stage show. I just remembered I saw another dancer who had fire on her tongue (liquid on her tongue was on fire) and blew out fire in her breath with a little bit of liquid in her mouth.
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    19 years ago
    Sometimes I flip the remote past a spanish channel and I enjoy the tune with a song either called Gasolina or Yankee Gasolina or something like that. I suppose the girls caught my attention while flipping channels and then I enjoyed the music. That is one song I don't remember hearing in a strip club as least not yet.
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    19 years ago
    My biggest complaint about the music is usually the sound volume. Some strip clubs are obviously not regulated by OSHA or they would get fined like crazy for not requiring hearing protection for everyone who works in some clubs and for customers who sit in the clubs at sound decibel levels probably over 110 decibels constant. Note: Somewhere around 85 to 90 decibels is considered Hearing Protection Required mandatory areas in government regulated industry.
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    19 years ago
    Stripper with the most unusual skill or attributes
    The only animal I have seen in a stripper show that I remember was a large python. I was wondering what someone would do with a donkey but maybe I don't what to know.
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    19 years ago
    Why I hate TV
    I believe you're in the minority about not watching tv. Of course I spend more time on the pc reading the online news for a less biased news source. I also like to go to www.abovetopsecret.com to see what spin they have on news commentaries. I have enjoyed a variety of sci-fi shows as well. This Friday my favorite series returns with new episodes. hmmm, this topic is strip club related, I think it was the great sci-fi shows on Friday night that made me stop going out to clubs on Fridays in general. I guess it all depends on what form your favorite entertainment takes. For me the Stargate Series (new episodes at least) beat out strip clubs for years. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when the series dies out. It's mainly the sci-fi shows that make tv worth watching for me. I'm not trying to be rude or heartless but I told my mother yesterday that I thought all of the miners except one or two were dead. I said half jokingly, unless some of the older guys knew they weren't going to make it and gave their respirator or air supply to one of the younger guys so he might make it, I'm not sure how they'll survive. I was sorry to see that I was correct. Well, the last part may be my imagination since I haven't read anything about what went on. My condolences if anyone reading this knows someone affected. I blame the fiasco with someone starting a rumor based on overhearing something. It didn't change the outcome one bit but did unnecessarily stir up some strong emotions it looks like. The other thing I don't like about some reporters and politicians on the tv news is that they don't know what they are talking about. If you know the subject better than they do, you'll understand how silly they sound.
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    19 years ago
    Why I hate TV
    There is one thing about tv that really irritates me and makes me turn on the MUTE button. The darn commercials are so much louder than the tv shows that it makes you just MUTE those suckers. Maybe that is a local tv station but I'm not sure. It's hard to read the newspaper when the commercials start blasting away.
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    19 years ago
    How to take a vacation from a "regular"
    I remember I had one dancer I liked apparently want to spend her whole night just chatting with me as long as I was there. She got one $10 dance from me each hour for 3 hours. At one hour till closing I told her, I like talking to you but I would like to get dances from some of the other girls as well. She understood. If a single dancer tries to hang onto to me too much, I will let her know that I enjoy getting dances from other dancers. The dancers go around performing lap dances with several customers usually so it only makes sense that guys can get lapdances from several girls. If a dancer starts acting like I'm her husband or boyfriend or something, I have to let them know one way or another that I'm in a strip club to have fun usually with more than one female. If a dancer really didn't get it or leave you alone enough, I might start going to other clubs or go when she wasn't working. Of course if the sex is really good OTC, you may have to take that into consideration. In that case I might skip her club and just enjoy her OTC.
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    19 years ago
    Keepin' it in the family.
    I don't know of any current acts. However I found some pics of me and some dancers from long ago. I can see that two girls are twins. I see another pic and I don't know if those girls are friends or sisters but they are both nude and look great. My old pics look pretty hot years later, lol.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Here is a quote apparently written by a stripper
    hmmm, over a year later I'm still wondering who would have misquoted that...
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    19 years ago
    Top stripclub gripes
    some other gripes I have are high prices for beer and water. Water from the tap should be available and on the house if I get thirsty. Most people in my area would never pay 4 or 5 dollars for a tiny little bottle of water unless they were dying of thirst with no alternative. I remember going to one strip club that had $1 beer and that was bottled beer. I don't really like paying $4 or $5 with a tip to get a single bottle of beer. My last big gripe even though it only happened once. A bouncer who wants to threaten and warn you when you are sitting alone in the back of the club for the last 15 to 20 minutes because he says I may have leaned in my chair when I was reaching up to tip a dancer. I suppose he would prefer to kick people out or have them strapped in with seat belts.
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    19 years ago
    How to take a vacation from a "regular"
    Just remember if a dancer ever acts angry about you sitting with another dancer for awhile and then she says something like "what, are you sleeping with her too?" Just tell her,"not yet." You know you're really getting under her skin if you're sitting with another dancer just talking for 30 minutes or so and she seems to be waiting and then she comes over and says "why don't you get rid of that bitch?" Some dancers are quite amusing.
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    19 years ago
    Why I hate TV
    and on the tv news before the news came out that almost everyone was dead, I heard some guy on tv say that coal mining is in the blood. Some of these guys like coal mining so much that they would be willing to work for half the pay. It's been a family tradition and they're not about to stop. I was thinking is this guy an idiot? Cut their pay in half and they'll gripe and complain and would probably take another job somewhere else if they had the skills and/or training. I don't know too many people who are hardworkers that are willing to keep working with a 50% pay cut unless they have no choice of alternative work.
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    19 years ago
    VIP wrist band
    I didn't even know they allowed people younger than 21 in strip clubs or if they did when I was that age. The first time I went to a strip club I was a lot older. I did go to one fraternity party where they had a stripper. I can't remember what she was wearing but at one point she was giving out one dollar kisses. I didn't give her a dollar but I suspected one of the frat guys behind me got her to kiss me. I didn't go to too many fraternity parties since I was always asked to join. I did go to one party and wasn't asked to join. I think that was because it was at a sorority. I don't remember how I ended up that night at a sorority party. They girls gave me a whole lot of beer. I don't remember too much about that night but I do remember there were more girls there than at most strip clubs. I don't like tags or stamps either.
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    19 years ago
    Stripper "Life Cycle" ?
    I've never encountered stages 3 and 4 from dancers I'm familiar with. Maybe I never went to the clubs as often as some people do or I was too busy seeing some dancers OTC.
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    19 years ago
    it's dangerous out there
    That must have really sucked, lol. I'll be keeping an eye out for a group of teen age girls who look like they are up to no good.
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    19 years ago
    Where Can Old Men Go to Meet Young Women?
    If you really want advice from someone who is old and is getting more than he needs go ask Hugh Hefner. http://www.playboy.com/worldofplayboy/hmh/ I think he knows something.
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    19 years ago
    Typical TUSCL life cycle
    No offense to you tropicalH20 intended. I'm speaking in general terms of what I have observed. Even davids has stated that he does not think all strippers are lowlife (I think). He just makes statements like 85 percent 90 percent etc etc. as if his observations are all true and based on some scientific study. He'll probably have trouble recalling anytime that he was ever proven wrong. I have meant his type before. I wonder if that type of guy gets insulted when someone calls him Mr Knowitall? If he's such an expert on strip clubs, he must go to them a lot more than the rest of us put together.
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    19 years ago
    Typical TUSCL life cycle
    I enjoy talking to agreeable people and would have gone to a debating site if I wanted to debate someone. TropicalH20 you have not been annoying at all at least to me. I just wanted that to make that clear. The views of what I stated earlier is my opinion of one or two other posters opinions are in general of the other people here. I don't think I'm going to change them so I won't try. Apparently one or two other guys get a kick out of using putdowns.
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    19 years ago
    Why I hate TV
    I think it's amusing that someone you know can actually get stressed out by watching The Learning Channel or Discovery Channel talking about a hundred ways we could die from a mile high tsunami caused by some volcanoes falling into the ocean around the Azores or the supervolcano going off under Yellowstone or an asteroid hitting in the Atlantic Ocean. All of these things could happen but what is more likely is a heart attack or some other physical ailment in another 10, 20, or 30 years or so. I'm not talking about anyone posting here. When this peson makes a comment like, "I don't know if I live far enough inland," I was wondering, is he seriously worrying about that? I hope not.
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    19 years ago
    I've been to a few nude clubs in South Carolina. Usually they are byob, bring your own beer. The last ones I went to they charged a few extra dollars but provided a cooler with ice for use inside the club. One nude club had a club you could walk over to and bring your beer back or even have the waitress bring it for you. With the beer costing $5 without tip, it was a lot cheaper to bring it yourself. There are also blue laws in South Carolina where some clubs have to stop serving somewhere around midnight on Saturday. Some clubs stop serving early claiming they need time to collect up all the beer bottles etc. but keep serving draft in a cup. If you know of a club that serves alcohol but stops around midnight and dancers sometimes ask for drinks, it can work to your advantage to go after midnight. No drink hassle. I like having a few drinks. They make me feel better even the next day. In a sports bar with video games, my score would skyrocket after having a few. The only thing I don't always care for is that I get a lot colder after drinking a few. I have been wondering if that is normal to get a lot colder after drinking a few beers. It works good for me in the summer or if the heat is turned up too much but winter time cold discourages me from drinking very much.
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    19 years ago
    Using Money to Manipulate
    davids, I said I wasn't going to respond to 90 percent of your posts but I just had a thought. Do you ever go to church and try to pick up girls there? Have you ever thought about going to different churches and trying your luck out at different ones? If a nice looking girl was with a guy about the same age but you thought you spotted her looking at you would you approach her anyway? I'm just wondering if your expertise applies to all kinds of places or if you're stuck on strip clubs.