
Comments by casualguy (page 162)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Advice needed soon.
    I'll be rooting for the Panthers. Might have something to do with their proximity to me. If you need advice here is some. Check the web site you are posting to before you click on submit.
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    19 years ago
    Why I hate TV
    Goooo Panthers. Ok, now I'm on AN bad list as well.
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    19 years ago
    Has anyone visited clubs outside the US?
    I haven't visited any strip clubs outside the US but I have received dances from dancers from foreign countries and from one who was moving to France. I thought she would probably fit in since she was small and petite.
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    19 years ago
    Has anyone visited clubs outside the US?
    chandler, I know you may have been joking but in case you aren't, I'm probably stereotyping the French as being smaller in size in general than many Americans. I don't necessarily think that is a bad thing.
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    19 years ago
    Has anyone visited clubs outside the US?
    I bet he can tell us our future. I bet he sees tits and ass in our futures. :)
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    19 years ago
    The ATF marathon
    The longest mostly continuous run I remember was anywhere from 2 to 4 years I estimate. Then I moved and said goodbyes. I remember when we first banged heads together. It was a painful experience but I never forgot her after that.
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    19 years ago
    how to get rid of persona non-grata
    Someone may find this somewhat ironic but I thought the other day that I was going to have to spend my entire weekend in shadowcat's favorite club's town. Now, I found out yesterday that I don't need to go and am happy about it. I guess it will be a while before I head back to his favorite club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    The ATF marathon
    Thanks guys for explaining this to davids. I see he has to resort to name calling before he figures out this information that you can have multiple ATF's by the way we have been using the term. I obviously hit a nerve when I originally called davids clueless since the name calling started afterwards. I usually ignore rude people who just don't get it. davids I did feel sorry for you for a moment after you said you were serious that your longest favorite dancer relationship only lasted 2 nights, that is until you resorted back to using insults because I actually thought you were not serious and just trying to spite our discussion here.
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    19 years ago
    how to get rid of persona non-grata
    I suppose if someone usually acts like a bratty and annoying 12 year old or a misogynist, it is best to not even read their posts and totally skip over any of their posts. I'll have to try to change my reading habits since I was programmed/taught to read everything back in school like everyone else. I believe the founder didn't want to restrict anything here except the posting of pictures which has already happened.
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    19 years ago
    Observing paranormal events during your evenings out?
    I was probably just remembering some weird things that have happened to me when going out to strip clubs or at other times. You guys would be amazed or scared at some of the strange things I have seen. I know many don't believe in anything paranormal but I do remember one guy in my college suite told me he was an atheist and didn't believe in anything paranormal until he kept seeing strange things when he was around me. I also remember a thread from long ago that people posted on some strip clubs that they thought were haunted. I was just curious if anyone remembers some of those clubs.
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    19 years ago
    Observing paranormal events during your evenings out?
    LOL, another reason for starting this thread, I was temporarily possessed- by a friendly ghost. LOL. I'm joking.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How/why did it end?
    My first favorite dancer relationship ended when I got a new job and moved out of state. I wasn't clear where that relationship was at when I was job hunting especially when I went on an interview near her hometown and stopped by her house and she seemed excited about the possibility of me moving there. She said she could come over every day and dance for me. That just got me all confused probably because I didn't realize she may have been thinking of making me her boyfriend. Anyway the job I got was out of state and I said goodbye.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone go to particular strip clubs where they never get lapdances?
    Another question, what would be the highest rating you would give a club if you thought it was a waste of money to buy any lap dance there but you enjoyed watching the girls on stage? I was thinking maybe a 5, 6, or even 7 if you still had fun.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How much do strippers make?
    In a large city with lots of out of town guys visiting and willing to spend money, I know one dancer told me she made $4000 in one week. I believe that may have been extremely good for her. Normal for some dancers may only be $200 to $600 a week in some clubs that aren't so busy. Of course I am guestimating and am not asking a dancer these questions. Well the $4000 figure was a quote from a dancer and I think it may have been an exceptional amount of money for her to comment on it. The other numbers I tried to remember from what a manager told me in a smaller club that wasn't doing as well.
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    19 years ago
    Big dicks or big pussies?
    I always thought you don't want it so tight you can't get it in but then you don't want something that is loose and sloppy either. I suppose tight fits the description. As far as body modification goes, I certainly don't think many guys have any desire whatsoever to undergo any surgery. I know I sure don't.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Dancers coping a attitude on stage
    I do remember one club where the DJ kept saying tipping is not a city in China or something about tipping over and over again. It was a nude club and the girls were not getting nude even after a few tipped them. I wasn't about to tip with that attitude from the dancers and DJ. Of course if the dancer is a fugly, I'm not going near her anyway. Having a club give out change only in two dollar bills I believe discourages tipping as well. If I was a millionare with money to burn, I could just tip in fives, tens, or hundreds. Just tipping one or two of the $2 bills may not seem like much but if you enjoy tipping from time to time, giving out change in 2's adds up fast and makes you hesitant to tip any dancer you're not sure of if you like getting more than a second of attention.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Anyone go to particular strip clubs where they never get lapdances?
    I have been to a few clubs where getting dances didn't make any sense to me because of the price and lack of contact. I could tip a dollar at the stage and see just as much or more. If you become a regular at such a club, it can be nice when all or all but the new dancers know not to bother you about asking for a lap dance. There often seems to be a new dancer though trying to talk you into getting a dance. I remember one new dancer tried to talk me into the champagne room at $300 for 30 minutes. I was thinking, what a total waste of money. She doesn't know I haven't even gotten a single lap dance here at this club.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How do you tell their ages?
    I break the stripper ages down as follows: 1. Very young looking like she just got out of high school. 2. Young and pretty but looks like she could be in college. 3. Good looking and looks like she may be getting close to my age. 4. Looks older than me but what do I care if she still looks good and can dance.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I don't even pay attention to the ereola in a strip club. Maybe it's been too dark for me to even notice. I'll try to watch more carefully if I think about it.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Yay or Nay? Strippers walking around the club naked.
    If the dancers look good and are in shape, I'm all for nudity. If the club has some fatties, then I might want her covered up. I enjoy watching a girl with a natural top walk around with her titties bouncing up and down with that nice natural jiggle. Of course a combination of nudity and sexy outfits might be the best of both worlds.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I would prefer that people experiment with paint on tattoos that can come off instead of having permanent ones. Instead of enhancing the way someone looks, I believe almost every tattoo I have seen takes away from someones looks with some much worse than others. I suppose if I don't care how someone looks, I won't care if they have a tattoo either. I also won't care if they have a gigantic ring through their lips in their mouth or a gigantic nose ring. I just don't want to look at it though unless I feel like looking at mutilated bodies at that moment for some reason.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Big dicks or big pussies?
    I did hear one time from a dancer that getting her clit pierced made her feel tighter. I didn't notice any difference though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How much do strippers make?
    I suddenly remember one dancer told me she hadn't seen me in a long time (at least a year or two I believe). Then she told me she had been selling real estate. I was thinking she's not the first dancer at that club to tell me that. I need to find that real estate agency one of these days. ...and now for the funny answer to the topic. How much do strippers make? They make a hell of a lot more than me by just shaking their tits and ass.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Have you ever complained to management?
    I found out complaining to management works especially if you are identifying a source of a big loss of business to the club. I was happy with the outcome after speaking to the manager in one instance. Another time I remember someone took my beer away (only about 3 feet away from me) while I was getting a lapdance within the lap dance room. They gave me a beer on the house. However, there seems to be some clubs where complaining doesn't do any good. I let my feet do the talking in that case. Eventually a manager will notice when a club is empty and start listening to complaints if they want to stay in business.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Truely strange experiences in a club.
    Here's one. I kept turning down this one dancer for a dance every time I went to one club. She seemed to want to dance for me awfully bad. I mean she would often spend 15 minutes just standing in front of me each time I was there trying to talk me into a dance. She wasn't my type and I wasn't interested in her. I just kept telling her no, no, no thanks. She wasn't listening. Anyway one day she offered to dance for free. Then I surprised her by saying no. I think I surprised her but I'm not sure. Then she offered to have me go to her home at no cost to me of course. I said no. Apparently she finally got the message that I wasn't interested in her after refusing to go home with her but that seemed really weird to offer to take a guy home after he refuses to get free dances. I don't believe I have met that many determined dancers. Of course maybe this doesn't happen much because I'm not usually that stubborn.