
Using Money to Manipulate

Any regulars here using the following strategy to win over strippers spend money on her to:

a) demonstrate that you have enough that you can waste some
b) demonstrate that you like her
c) by time to get her to talk to you and get to know the real you which is bound to like and at least become friends with and possibly even more!

Anyone try this on a large number of strippers: Trying to sneak in under the radar enough times so that it's bound to work one of these times?

What other manipluative strategies can money help you employ?

Why not just be upfront about what you want and not let money come into the equation in the first place?

Will strippers respect the sneaky type guy more or the direct type guy?


  • davids
    19 years ago
    Get someone in London to teach you about the notions of PARAGRAPHS while your there.
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    My work is done here...I hate it when the game ends in a blowout...off to London for 10 days. So I will be returning after the imposition of your self proclaimed exile from this august website. Wish I could say I was sorry to see you go. But gauging the ethical standards you apply in dealing with business women engaged in dancing, I'm betting you'll be back. You aren't capable of keeping your word.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    driver: dude, i'm just trying to get you in touch with your feelings about your mother. I mean I don't think the fact that she's a dancer necessarily means she's a whore. (But the whole ship load of russian sailors she had sex with, well that's a different story).

    Btw, just go off the phone with yer ma and she explained your anger to me: She told me you are convinced that I am you father b/c of that lie she told, and, hence, are angry at you for not spending on her so she could contribue to your upbringing (like sending you to a decent school which obviously did not happen). Anyway don't be mad at me: Truth is she would have just blown anything I spent on her on drugs anyway, and even if she had given it to you, she told me you would have just spent it on your strip club addiction. SO GET OVER IT ALREADY, DUMBASS.
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    Ah, now you want a dialogue? Are you sure you can handle this? I don't want to overtax that feeble mind you so love to put on display. Are all dancers whores? What do you think? And please try to construct a response that is at least a little thought provoking. All the old man, you're ugly, your fat, you've got acne, you need green courage, you need to spend lots of money to get women,etc and all the other bullshit you like to use to justify NOT paying a business woman for her services; well, we'll just assume you said it all again-- saves everybody a little time so you can really focus in on making a cogent point. Good luck. I am pulling hard for you to do well on this.
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    driver01: What part of PLEASE DON'T FEED THE TROLL do you not understand?

    (No need to reply here.)
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    So disappointing, david's...I know you can do better than this. I realize you are outmanned, outsmarted and outclassed but really, to deny responsibility for fathering your offspring is even lower that your lack of respect for the whore/dancers you keep trying to fuck for free...
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Are all dancers whores?

    ps: meant "blue" where I said "brown" above and vice versa.
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    1) In any place of business, I pay for services rendered. No freeloader here.
    2) As to dick size-- Like father like son...
    Nice try, my bitch--thanks for playing:)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    driver: dude yer whore of a mom had sex with many men that month. (including a whole ship load of russian sailors). she honestly had no idea which one got her pregnant. Since I was the one who satisfied her the most, she just told you it was me. Here's a clue though, since I have brown eyes and so does she, and you have blue eyes... Well you figure it out. (if you can)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    driver: Dude, you pay for lap dances (maybe conversation too?) and I lack brain power? Ha! Now there's a good one.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    PS: You know what they say "It's the guys with small dicks who like to use big words".
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    Bring it on daddy...Bitch slappin you is just too easy. The lack of mental acuity you display on a regular basis makes your repetitive proclamations evanescent. It's obvious you are giving it your all trying to hang in there but face it david's, you just don't have the brain or word power required. Come on, my bitch...you are such a disappointment to mom.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    driver: don't be so harsh on your mother.
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    I love it...lose the battle of ideas so rather than continue the thread...you start another one and keep repeating yourself. I guess when you keep getting bitch slapped enough and demonstrate over and over your inability to comprehend the difference between what is possible versus what is proper or your failure to recognize that fucking a dancer/whore for money or for free results in the same thing...you fucked a whore! Good Job! You're the MAN!
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    Wow... Now I know where I got my extraordinarily studly good looks from and why strippers find me so irresistible! ...Thanks Dad!
  • davids
    19 years ago
    "What you seem to be so proud of is that you got to fuck a whore for free-- good for you."

    No driver, seems YOUR MOTHER was good for me. (Sorry can't resist if a guy sets himself up that bad.)
  • davids
    19 years ago
    There is no requirement to buy a dance when you enter a strip club. About 20% of customers who go to strip clubs do not buy dances (unoffical estimate from club employees). I never say I will buy or "may" buy a dance when I don't intend to.

    I do not try to get free dances which is what is for sale, so your whole analogy is flawed.

    To use your analogy it would be like saying to the hot dog vendor at the baseball game: "I'm really not into hot dogs. How about a spaghetti dinner your place though?".

    In the end all that matters is what work (consistenly). Keep theorizing all you won't why it shouldn't though. That's not going to change the fact that it does: loser.
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    1)"reality is all that counts to me"... says david's. Then why spend so much time there. Reality is what one escapes when entering a strip club. That is the reason for their success. 2) You fail to grasp that you are indeed the manipulator. You enter a place of business under false pretenses. While you claim "they can leave at anytime" and "you even encourage them to" (very big of you, by the way), you are on a mission to engage them in their trade without compensating them. Part of their trade involves talking and investing some time with you with the hope if not expectation that ultimately you will tip them or pay them for a dance. When you fail to live up to your end of the deal that makes you a cheap bastard and a manipulator, albeit a poor one. And if you frequent a club often enough, all of the girls will know this about you. I'm not saying you are alone in your efforts. There are a ton of guys that go into clubs and just watch and talk to girls in the hopes that they can "win them over with their charms". Do you think you're the first guy to have this illusion? Happens all the time. And the sad part is that you believe somehow that by not paying them for there time somehow makes you different when in fact, all it makes you is a lowlife. Please GET THIS-- these girls dance for money. They are there to pay there bills, do their drugs or pay tuition and get money,etc. Talking to you or any other patron is part of the job all designed to extract money from your wallet. You seem to imply that there is something sinister about that. Like, "just be honest about what you want and leave the money out of it"..come on, man. It's all about the money for them. And there is nothing wrong with that. What's wrong and you don't get is that you're trying to stiff them(no pun intended) and manipulate them to get something for nothing. You are the manipulator, you're Not being honest. If you were you would not go into a place of business looking for freebies.

    I stand by what i said earlier. Your tactics are more appropriate outside of their work environment. And I say this applies in the "real world" too. Whatever business you seek to engage has a service that is valued and provided for a fee. When you go to the place of business one should expect to pay. There is nothing more annoying than someone who seeks a service or product and then refuses to pay for it. Dancers are no different in this than someone seeking say services for accounting or legal or medical or golf lessons,etc. At the end of the day, david's, all you're trying to do is pick up a chick. In this case, it's a dancer. I have no problem with that. My problem is that you somehow equate not paying them in the club and then fucking them outside of the club as some sort of accomplishment. And this is what makes you the idiot that you are. At the end of the day, you fucked a dancer. So has just about every other guy who posts on this board. I fucked my dental hygienist for free but I did pay for the teeth cleaning. Am i supposed to feel manipulated by the hygienist because she made me pay for her professional service before meeting me later that night and fucking my brains out? Dancers dance for money and for that they should be paid. WHORES FUCK FOR MONEY. What you seem to be so proud of is that you got to fuck a whore for free-- good for you.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    More evidence of how clueless you guys are: When you think I will come across as an asshole to strippers in real life. First I do not deal with strippers like I do with you guys: a) because they are women and require a different approach b) I treat people well who don't insult me first.

    One of my friends who used to work at strip club but no longer does and thus has no reason to lie tells me I come across as "sweet, intelligent, funny, normal". Same way I come across to women in normal clubs. Theorize all you want here in cyberspace. Tell each other you are right often enough that you start to believe it. Reality is all that counts for me. And your guys "guesses" and 'theories" as to reality are complete the opposite of actuality.

    have a nice day,
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Think of it this way: Suppose you were self-employed:

    Maybe a hot dog salesman at a baseball game or something. You approach a beautiful woman trying to sell her a hot dog. She tells you that she is not interested in buying hot dogs, but starts talking to you anyway. She is interesting to talk to and she seems to be genuinely interested in you but you know she isn't going to buy a hot dog.

    Now you may very well decide to sacrifice your $20/hr of hot dog sales to talk to the interesting woman, or you may decide the woman is critical b/c junior needs a heart operation next week so you'll come back and talk to her later, but in either case you can see how it's possible to get working people to talk to you.

    Hope this clarifies things.

  • davids
    19 years ago
    Manipulation by not paying? I make it perfectly clear that they can leave at any time and I won't be upset. I understand that they are there to make money. Sometimes I even encourage them to. For example when I detect they are going into a trance and forgetting that they are at work I will remind them.

    I have never said they are going to or that I expect them to talk to you for hours, that is a terrible strawman. If you are going to argue against what I say please try to be accurate as opposed to just arguing against something which is easy to argue against but is in no way related to anything I have ever said.

    It's just that there comes times in the evening when they aren't busy, for example they have made their rounds and see that no one is buying. Or they are relaxing for a bit. Of if they are busy and still talking anyway, then they are obviously gaining enough out of the conversation that they deem it worth their while.

    Anyway, the ultimate proof to the skeptics is this: Go out and try it yourself and I think you will be surprised by the results. Beleive you me, I was hella skeptical when I first tried myself, but it works in reality. You guys can do all your theorizing about why it shouldn't, but the but line is that: It works in reality. Try it.
  • driver01
    19 years ago
    What about customers who try to manipulate strippers by not paying for their services? I have read many of david's posts and am amazed at his lack of understanding of exactly what a strip club is? This is not a flame and I am not intending to start a war by implying he seems to have a rather amazing lack of acumen on this topic. Let's set the premise:
    1) Strip Club dancers are there for the purpose of making money.
    2) Dancers, while working at the club, are practicing a time tested maxim. Men will pay money to see naked women.
    3) A strip club, by definition, is just that. Men pay a fee for the purpose of talking to, dancing with and hanging out with a naked woman. No strings- no attachments- just pay your money and receive a service.
    - So what is manipulative about a man paying $5, $50 or $500 to his favorite or not so favorite dancer to enjoy her service. It seems to me that by trying to get her to provide the services for free or for next to nothing while in the club, makes the patron the manipulator not the dancer. david's writes "Why not just be upfront about what you want and not let money come into the equation in the first place? This could be the most profoundly dumbass question ever posted on this site. Let's see, how does one answer such a question without appearing to be patronizing. Hmmm... Not possible- so here goes. It's a strip club! What I want is to pay a fee and have a naked woman dance for me. I realize this may be a hard concept to grasp but why should a dancer who is there to make a living, want to spend hours of her work time with a guy who is looking for her to dance for him for free? I can see it now-- "Hi, baby. I am a young studly kind of guy and I see all these old farts in here throwing money at you for dances- I'm sure you're tired of that and would rather spend your time over here with me. I won't pay you anything because I have this theory that all I have to do is tell you what I want and you will be thrilled to give it to me for free. I'm a real catch you know? Not like all these losers in here with $$ trying to pay you for your time."

    What happens, david's, when you go to a restaurant and ask the server for free food. Do you expect it? Ha, well, maybe you do.. but most normal thinking people expect to pay for their meal when they go out to dine. Or try pulling into the car wash and saying "hey, I'm a studly young guy and I'd like my car washed for free-- no reason to let money get into the equation because I have this theory that if I just tell you what I want you'll give it to me." Amazing-- keep working on your theory because it needs a little refinement--LOL.

    I will finish my thought with a personal observation. In my town(and in yours as well, I'm sure) there are a couple of after hours places that dancers tend to hang out in. If what david's is intending is to try and get some action from a dancer for free or to "get to know her better" or to "not let money enter into the equation", my suggestion would be to try your theory in one of these after hour places. A) she's not on the clock and not working so you are much more likely to find her out of "dance mode mentality". B) this is a perfect chance for you to mesmerize her with your charming young studly ways without costing her money like you would by not paying for her time if you were with her in the club and C) when she tells you to fuck off because you come across to her in real life as an asshole just like you do on this board you can satisfy yourself that next time you might do a little better by offering to buy her a drink-- money talks...bullshit is just that-- bullshit.

  • davids
    19 years ago
    The questions belong in a different thread. The topic of this thread is customers who attempt to utilize their money in order to manipulate strippers.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    davids, I said I wasn't going to respond to 90 percent of your posts but I just had a thought. Do you ever go to church and try to pick up girls there? Have you ever thought about going to different churches and trying your luck out at different ones? If a nice looking girl was with a guy about the same age but you thought you spotted her looking at you would you approach her anyway? I'm just wondering if your expertise applies to all kinds of places or if you're stuck on strip clubs.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    What % of strippers does the sneak in under the radar/buy time/lottery strategy work on?
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