
VIP wrist band

Friday, January 6, 2006 1:11 AM
I was told by the bartender at my most often visited club that they now offer a $50 wrist band that allows anytime access to the VIP room for half price. It has no expiration date. Has anyone ever heard of a club doing this? Where would one keep such an item if they have another person that shouldn’t see it? Of course, it may just say "Support Breasts", or something of that ilk.


  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I didn't even know they allowed people younger than 21 in strip clubs or if they did when I was that age. The first time I went to a strip club I was a lot older. I did go to one fraternity party where they had a stripper. I can't remember what she was wearing but at one point she was giving out one dollar kisses. I didn't give her a dollar but I suspected one of the frat guys behind me got her to kiss me. I didn't go to too many fraternity parties since I was always asked to join. I did go to one party and wasn't asked to join. I think that was because it was at a sorority. I don't remember how I ended up that night at a sorority party. They girls gave me a whole lot of beer. I don't remember too much about that night but I do remember there were more girls there than at most strip clubs. I don't like tags or stamps either.
  • T-Bone
    18 years ago
    Fuck wrist bands.
  • tropicalH2O
    18 years ago
    Doverman, I'd be more likely to talk to a guy who is wearing a wristband because it indicates that he wants or wanted to spend time in the VIP. I can usually tell just from saying "hello" to a guy if he's interested or not. I've developed a kind of sensitivity for who's interested and who's not.
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    tropicalH2O: A question... would a guy wearing a bracelet make you more or less likely to ask him if he wanted a dance? Pro: He's got the bracelet, so he's got the money and motivation to go to the VIP Room Con: He's already been to VIP room and could be tapped for $$$. Your thoughts?
  • tropicalH2O
    18 years ago
    I don't like wearing a wrist band/bracelet or getting a hand stamp in a club - it seems demoralizing or "Hitleresque". The wristband reminds me of a hospital ID and the remark about being tagged like an animal is hilarious! The idea of getting half-priced dances is good though and you can always remove the contraption later, although I'd refuse a hand stamp - I don't like to be inked or branded.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Wrist bands are dumb. What they amount to is: The club wants you to get up from your seat and go to a designated room and charge you extra for that, plus make you wear a tag like an animal to make it easier for them to tell whether they can charge you again? I don't think so. I won't wear them and I don't go to clubs that use them. File under: Top Strip Club Gripes, Mgmt. Treating Customers Like Shit.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    Maybe it will go away after some partly impotent fool like davids uses it as a cock ring.
  • Doverman
    18 years ago
    I'm not entirely opposed to the wristband idea for the VIP room. If the cost is reasonable ($5-$10 for a whole visit) it seems like a better way to pay the attendant/bouncer instead of the dancers having to tip him. Who knows... if an extra $$ happens to slip into his hand, maybe he'll be smart enough to look the other way each time you go in there.
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    I've been to clubs where it cost $X to get one of those paper wristbands which are good for your entire night, but never one with a more permanent set-up.
  • Clubber
    19 years ago
    Maybe I am mistaken about what she said. I'll have to check back with her. Right now, I have no use for it anyway. No one I used to VIP with still works the club, or I wouldn't return to the VIP with them.
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