it's dangerous out there

avatar for lopaw
I spotted this on a stripper newsgroup. Thought everyone should be aware:

The latest scam in the Phoenix area which is happening at the Paradise Valley Mall.
Two good looking 18 year old women come to your car as you are parking your car; One starts wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, the other comes to your window saying 'hi' while bending over with her breasts almost coming out of her blouse, impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say no and beg you for a ride to the Arizona Mills Mall. You agree and tell them to sit in the back.
On the way they start having sex in the back seat. Then one of them performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet.

I was assaulted last Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, but I couldn't find them Saturday or Sunday.


last comment
Well, he did get f-ed in a manner of speaking, just not the fun way. He actually did admit to a certain sense of satisfaction knowing he walked away (OK, ran) with hundreds in cash on him.
I bet he didn't enjoy it as much as the Arizona victims.
Here I thought this nation's shopping malls were nice family places. I might have to give them a try. Right after I stop at a discount store and get some cheap wallets.
Funny, I used to cary a mugging wallet when I was a bartender. I'd put an expired liscense, a few credit cards (also expired) and about $20 in it and cary it in my back pocket. My real cards, ID, and the rest of my cash was hidden elsewhere on my person. I never had opportunity to use it thankfully, but one of my friends got robbed twice. He said it worked both times.
avatar for casualguy
19 years ago
That must have really sucked, lol. I'll be keeping an eye out for a group of teen age girls who look like they are up to no good.
LOL, good one. Shame they only got $40 and your phone number out of your wallet each time.

"I was assaulted last Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, but I couldn't find them Saturday or Sunday."
love it!!!
And you didn't invite me, lopaw. LOL What is your problem, desertscrub?
Well, some strangers will rob you blind, given the chance.
lowpaw: That's a deal for me! Unless I'm going to the club, I never carry enough cash for a BJ and a show in the back seat. Is it a BBBJ?
Hah. That's a good one, I didn't see the punchline coming.
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Lol good stuff
It's impressive that desertshit took the dick out of his mouth long enough to pound out a postnon his special needs keyboard
^It is one of those cycles that needs to get broken before it gets passed down to the next generation (or within a generation a la 'frat boys). Far too often insult is hurled that homosexuality == "failure of a man" which isn't too. Same thing with Jewish jokes and disability jokes, like you say. I agree. It needs to stop.
^^^I meant to write "isn't TRUE" instead of "isn't too."
I have been hearing about that scam all over the country Lopaw I cant seem to find it around here ; )
avatar for Beaver_Hunter
9 years ago
Is this really a ten year old post?
Terrible! The criminals of my worst fantasies are out on the loose. And they aren't even confined to a strip club.


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