
Comments by casualguy (page 160)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Speaking about golfers, some of them are real fanatics. Some will swing and throw clubs. Others will curse at you from all the way down the fairway over 200 yards if you happen to hit a really good one into their area near the green. Most golfers are more civilized than that though but you remember getting cursed at from over 200 yards away. I learned a lesson that day. Do not shout FORTH on the golf course if you think your golf ball might reach someone. Just be quiet and see if they say anything. If you messed up someone's golf shot, they will be pissed over that. ...and some people claim they play golf to relax.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    PS: Yoda, if you thought I was referring to your post about how to spend your money I was not. I was agreeing with the post above mine about disagreeing with FONDL stating you should feel obligated to pay strippers a decent wage. I feel obligated to pay strippers a mutually agreed upon price or the stated club dance price if I get a dance. I don't feel I should be obligated to pay anything extra or pay for wages. As far as Greenpeace goes, I guess I just read too fast and went postal. If you want to read something funny, go to the google search engine using Internet Explorer and type in French victory, then click on I'm Feeling Lucky. :)
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    19 years ago
    In Memory of Tonya Smith aka Devine
    I'm sorry to hear this. If you don't mind me asking what part of the country did this occur in? I was wondering if it was anyone I may have met or known.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    FONDL, I guess your situation is unique to yourself and probably a number of other guys. I don't recall asking dancers to join me at my table. I don't usually have time because dancers just come to me. Since I never invited the dancers, I don't feel obligated to pay them for their time since it is their choice to stay or go. I do tend to shoo them away quickly if I know I definitely don't want any dances from them. To my surprise some dancers seem offended if I try to get rid of them too fast. I guess there is always someone who just wants to talk or feels like they have to go through a sales pitch before they are willing to leave. I often say now that I don't want any dances but you can stay and sit with me if you want to. FONDL, I do understand a bit where you are coming from now though.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Nothing to "Show" for my nine years of service
    Maybe you just need a break.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    In Memory of Tonya Smith aka Devine
    Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend Tonya. The reason I asked my question about where or what city this happened is because I was friends with a dancer called Tonya several years ago but lost contact with her after I moved away. At that time she went by the name Danielle and had a son. Hope they caught or catch the person who committed the crime.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Starting tons of messages but not responding is so PATHETIC!
    When you come back here after not visiting for awhile and see nothing but tons of old threads continued with nothing new by the same poster, it gets annoying. I'm trying to ignore but I had the bad luck of encountering tons of those threads the other day.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you ever get mistaken for a stripper's boyfriend in a club?
    I had one dancer tell me that someone asked if she was my girlfriend. I think the reason might have been because of the way she came up to me and chatted for a long time without getting drinks or dances. I would eventually buy a $10 dance after a while. I was thinking not a girlfriend but I could fix that if I wanted to. I was looking for younger girls at that time and not someone my age although the thought crossed my mind especially one night when she decided she was going to spend her entire time at the strip club talking to me while I was there. She decided she would rather talk to me than make as much money as possible that night. I found that a bit strange because I wasn't used to it and know that she only got $10 an hour from me for 3 hours. I bought three $10 dances (she claimed management would say something if she didn't do any dances every hour). I suppose if I saw that, I might ask if that guy was her boyfriend as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Best that can happen
    Let's see the best that can happen... The manager of the club wants to give me the best vip treatment possible on the house and has the best looking dancers dance for me for free in privacy and they give fantastic dances all for free. Then they get horny and want to do more things for free outside the club when we have spare time. Of course I don't know if this is realistic but I figure that might be the best that can happen. On the other hand maybe the best that can happen is simply anything that makes me really happy the entire time I'm at a club and afterwards as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your fragrance?
    I noticed stripper smells get on you as well as smoke in a club. I have heard comments that I smell nice before I got dances and maybe that was just a clean smell since I wasn't wearing any cologne. Maybe the food I eat makes me smell better or they are just trying to compliment me. I had one girl say I smell good and then she licked my arm and said I tasted good too. That was strange because she looked serious. I remember when I had some sun tan lotion that didn't want to completely wash off, many dancers really seemed to like the way I smelled. I actually like that smell as well but it's not something I'm going to put on just to smell good.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Your fragrance?
    I forgot to add that I have a sensitive nose and many perfumes can repel me away from them. If the smoke and/or perfume doesn't drown out everything else, I have been able to smell the scent of people several feet away when they smell nothing. The only smells that I remember I liked smelled like food to me. Some smells that reminded me of vanilla cake and some other flavors smelled good to me even though I started to get hungry when one girl kept walking near me.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Starting tons of messages but not responding is so PATHETIC!
    Maybe we need to keep bumping or starting a new thread not to respond to RL's messages.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Ever spent New Years Eve @ SC??
    I don't remember if I ever have. I know I was at a regular bar on one New Years Eve. I'm usually visiting relatives it seems.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Some Strippers Don't WANT to Be Paid For Conversation
    Maybe the dancer is an undercover vice or officer. She probably already decided you weren't buying anything.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What makes whack job so crazy?
    As far as the troll who seems to almost never respond to posts he started, I would say he feels irritated at other customers of strip clubs spending more money then he feels is appropriate. He either got burned before and wants the strippers to get burned back or just wants to keep all the prices he pays low so that he can get more bang for his buck. As far as posting tons of messages and not replying, that's a bit juvenile I believe so he must be seeking attention and not getting enough of it here or at home. He may be lacking female attention as well but I wasn't going to go there. I tend to think of him as being like the town jester and is sometimes amusing but not when he attempts to take over the discussion board. I know responding to his threads is like fanning a fire but it gets hard to resist on occasion. The other troll is sometimes ok and other times is a pain in the ass with all the insults spewing forth like butter on some hot pancakes. I'll leave it at that.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What makes whack job so crazy?
    I forgot to add that insulting other posters here or putting them down may cause one troll to feel superior and it provides an ego boost to the insulter. At least in their own head. I think throwing insults around makes you look inferior. Of course if you're always angry, that may be all you know about. I just prefer not to sink to that level.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    It doesn't matter if a few guys pay strippers for conversation!
    It doesn't matter overall. I don't do it but one poster here acts like it's the holy grail of all threads and keeps posting about it over and over and over again. Maybe they should change the topic to why they think a customer should not pay a dancer for her time in a club. At least ask the question differently. If some guy wants to go up to a stage and throw a bunch of money at a dancer, I don't complain and gripe about it forever and ever.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What makes whack job so crazy?
    Here's a simple answer to the question: What makes whack job so crazy? If you don't get any for a long time, you end up going crazy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Happy New Year 2006
    It was nice visiting with relatives but I will be glad to get back to a quieter routine. I got to enjoy 4 nieces ranging from 18 months to around 6 or so years old running around and screaming. The local strip clubs seemed like they might have been a much more peaceful place for a few moments this week. At least the girls there don't usually scream as much.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I've been somehow in tune with a song that was coming in over the radio without the radio on and then turned it on and it was playing. I wouldn't be surprised at all if one day scientists discover that humans can somehow tune in to radio waves. Sounds a bit far fetched now I know but so was Columbus when he suggested the Earth was not flat and he was going to find a new trade route by sailing west farther than anyone else had. I believe I have a pretty good imagination and start fantasizing or imagining a good story when I'm bored. Well, I may do it just for fun on a few occasions. I've heard suggestions that I should write my stories down since they seem to be much more original than all of the old stuff on tv nowadays. Maybe that's why some dancers like talking to me so much, I talk a lot more freely after drinking a bit and can go into some wild and entertaining stories.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Ever spent New Years Eve @ SC??
    I believe clubs in my area are open for New Years Eve. I am not 100 percent sure though and can imagine that many of the normal dancers would not be present. I don't really care to get out with all of the drunks and police officers looking for drunks if I know of something better to do. The police around here act like you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent and will pull you over for anything they don't like.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What makes whack job so crazy?
    davids, I can throw insults back at you if you want me to sink to your level. To refresh your memory, you called me and possibly others a moron. Maybe you have a selective and forgetful memory or maybe it was a joke. I was joking about the not having sex. Besides I never take it as an insult if someone calls me crazy because I hear it so often. The same thing apparently means different things to different people. RL may not be as insulting as he is irritatingly offensive. Since he gets offensive, I may occasionally post some jokes. I could get nasty offensive but I don't see any point in ruining the discussion board anymore than it already has. In case you don't realize how RL has been offensive, I'll give two examples: 1. constantly posting to lots of threads where there is no discussion except RL's posts drowning out everyone else here 2. totally ignoring any questions and comments that anyone posts actually commenting or asking intelligent questions on those threads when we all know he's still here. If RL doesn't intend to answer or comment on those threads started in 1., then that is offensive and insulting as well. Ok, I'm done with my two cents here.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Do you ever get a massage?
    I've gotten two or three massages from some females studying massage that happened to run into me in strip clubs before. I didn't know if they were dancers or not. Other than getting grabbed on the street by some Korean girls and taken into their massage parlor, I haven't really been to a real massage parlor except one time to pick up an older relative who had received a massage. I never heard about any nudity in this type of massage place. However the girl looked very nice and my relative told me a bit late (months later) that she was actually looking for a new boyfriend and was interested in me. I only saw her for a few seconds. Since she lives in Columbia, it would be a long drive 1.5 hours to go see her but I believe she got back with her old boyfriend. I've thought about going to a massage parlor but usually seem busy. Every once in a while, a dancer I don't know massages me at no charge but sometimes they want me to massage them back. I'm happy to give free breast and nipple massages. :)
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Happy New Year 2006
    Ok, weird weather strikes today. Thunderstorms on January 1st, 2006. I probably should sign off now.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    What makes whack job so crazy?
    I'm surprised davids never heard that joke "You'll go crazy if you go too long without getting it." Signing off. I don't believe you are crazy davids so I'm not throwing an insult at you or trying to comment on your personal life.