
Comments by casualguy (page 159)

  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many clubs have you reviewed.
    I was referring to competition playing online games. I don't really care if I have more reviews than someone else.
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    19 years ago
    TUSCL strip club trip
    shadowcat: I was even thinking about stopping by tonight but changed my mind at the last moment. I may still show up in Columbia instead of Greenville if the power is out in the Greenville clubs due to icestorms (over 200,000 still don't have power in the upstate).
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If you PAY a stripper for CONVERSATION, are you looking for FRIENDSHIP with her?
    I don't usually do this but I'll even answer RL's question. Many of us guys going to strip clubs may have a bunch of money with us. We may start drinking and feel pretty good after watching the dancers get naked. Of course I've heard it said before that if guys see something beautiful, they may start acting irrationally. Therefore as we drink a beer or drink, we may ask the dancer sitting next to us if she wants something since we got lots of money and we're feeling happy. The last two times I bought a girl a drink, she demonstrated her oral skills very well back to me. She put all her nouns and verbs in the correct places. RL, you need to find a bar where the drinks cost less than your $5 maximum strip club fee and then maybe you will feel loaded too. If I were you, I'd carry at least $10 into a bar so you feel like you have tons of dough. If drinks are only $1 you can pay $5 admission, and then buy 5 drinks. Good luck.
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    19 years ago
    Too old to strip?
    I have had some of the older dancers tell me their age. I didn't believe that some dancers were in their 40's until I was told. I know of one 39 year old dancer that could pass for 29 easily. I myself am still wondering why some people still ask to see my id when I am in my 30's. I didn't think I looked underage.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
    I might favor a few dancers over others but I certainly don't wait on them. If a favorite dancer wants to find me, she can walk around the club until she finds me. It may be difficult though because I may be in the back room getting a dance from someone else. How long I stay in a club depends on a few factors like how much fun I am having and/or if I get hungry and want to go eat something. If I'm not having fun or get hungry, it's just tough luck if a dancer wanted to get a dance from me. I've noticed dancers and even waitresses have been quicker around me when I left early or got a drink myself.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    How long are you willing to wait for you ATF to join you?
    I don't tell this to the dancers, but I think it's really funny watching the dancers walking around a club wondering where I moved to.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strippers and their promises
    I never take more money into a strip club than I'm prepared to spend. I didn't feel as sorry for the guy as some apparently. I've never even taken half that amount of cash into a strip club before. What I was wondering is how a guy can be that stupid and still make that much money. I guess when it's comes to con games the guy was completely ignorant.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers with full lips (on the mouth)
    I might have to admit that I don't look at their face as much as other areas. I didn't even notice that Angela Jolie had full lips and I've seen a couple of her films. However there is a top of the hour FOX news girl (can't remember her name at the moment) who does some news updates (not the morning girl) who I believe has full lips and I thought she looked very good.
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    19 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Strippers with full lips (on the mouth)
    I've heard that red lips (due to lipstick) may appear similiar to the opening of the vagina. I also heard that prostitutes in France or somewhere in Europe were the first to wear lipstick. I may think a bit dirty but I believe the more a girl stimulates our private parts, the better she'll look to us guys. I suppose full lips may do a better simulation but the pc way of saying it would be that the girl looks sexier or can feel better about herself.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Ever seen a female customer get thrown out of a club?
    What I saw was a topless young girl parading around naked apparently trying to avoid the bouncers after a couple of minutes. They caught her though. I was thinking she must have had one too many or maybe bet someone. I was thinking that was so stupid since she could have easily gotten naked with the guidance from a regular dancer dancing on stage during a stage tip and no one would have done anything if she hadn't acted alone and paraded around.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Where are the customers who are looking for INTIMACY and AFFECTION in strip club
    Don't you just love the intimacy in strip clubs? A dancer you know comes up while you are sitting with another dancer and says to you "who's that BITCH you are sitting with? Why don't you lose her?" Then I say, I'll see you later. Then she says "you better" or something like that. It's just so intimate in strip clubs that I bet davids and RL are envious.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    "Tis the season
    Now I'm wondering what a naughty Christmas party is. Probably something to avoid if shadowcat won't even go near it. I didn't see any Santa helpers, just a miss Santa acting very flirtatious and mischievous while she was away from the North Pole. If Santa knew, he'd probably be down here fast, oh wait, we did have an ice storm and it started sleeting on me a couple nights later as soon as I left the house. They say Santa knows if we've been naughty or nice so he must have joined the department of Homeland Security and is watching all of us.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I smell like stripper
    I'm glad I don't smell like stripper. Lol, just felt like saying that. davids you must have found a stripper using special lipstick because I didn't know lipstick stained clothes. I thought Tide took everything like that out.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Women for Lap Dances or Conversation in Strip Clubs?
    Ok I will respond to clueless uuhh I mean davids. Because it is fun. Strip clubs allow guys to watch lots of pretty girls getting naked and have some fun for only a dollar tip or so on a pretty consistent basis. Then if you want to have a little bit more fun, you can get a lap dance with no commitments. It's like wham bam thank you mam for the little bit of dance and show. Some guys actually are willing to pay pretty girls to dance naked in front of them because they enjoy it. I hope this provides a clue. Guys get all of this fun and can go about their life without having to hear about a girl's personal problems or get personally involved with her. On the other hand there apparently are some guys going around seeking REAL NAMES and PHONE NUMBERS in strip clubs. For those guys who just don't get it, I wouldn't be surprised if they are forever clueless. If strip clubs aren't fun for them, I sure don't know why they go. I know many people willing to pay money to have fun and I see it everywhere I go at least on vacation that is.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Women for Lap Dances or Conversation in Strip Clubs?
    Here's another clue. If strip clubs aren't fun for you, go play golf, watch a movie, go to a waterpark, go to the beach or do something else that is fun. It'll probably cost you money but having fun or enjoying entertainment usually does.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How do you become a regular?
    This may be off topic but one way a dancer can meet up with you OTC is for her to tell you a regular club that she goes to. I actually had a new dancer tell me this the other night but I can't remember the club or her. Maybe I had one too many at the time she found me in the club. I think I could easily get extra attention from a new dancer by meeting up with her in a regular setting instead of a strip club. I thought she might be new but I remember another dancer told me she had never seen me before and she had been dancing for 2 years at that club which I thought I was a regular at. If you're going to a club twice a week, you're already a regular. I thought once a month made you a regular.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How do you become a regular?
    It's true that if you appear to have money, you will attract dancers in many strip clubs. If you're buying dances and seem to be slightly better dressed than others in the club expect dancers to hit you up. A few dancers seem to be possessed in trying to go after certain guys. I was thinking if they want to dance that badly, they can do it for free. I think I remember one girl said she was offering no charge on her dance if I didn't like it but I don't treat that as the same thing as an offer to dance for free.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Women for Lap Dances or Conversation in Strip Clubs?
    That's a good one ^. As far as paying for conversation goes, I think that is like paying a rooster to make noise at dawn. However some guys have money to burn and/or they are generous with their drinks they buy for the dancers. If I overhear someone say they maxed out their taxes paid into social security for the year and it's summertime, I know they are making some big bucks.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I find myself disagreeing with Yoda and FONDL on this thread. First of all, if someone saves money by not spending it on strip clubs, do not send it to Greenpeace. I believe spending it on lobbying money to support drilling for oil in Alaska would be a far better cause. This would increase national security rather than diverting money from the US to some third world dictator because we feel a need to only buy foreign oil. Supporting Greenpeace sounds stupid to me. I doubt that many of the people in the US would really care if there was an oil rig in the middle of the wilderness (that 99% won't ever see in person) if it was going to save them a few dollars a gallon at the pump one day. As far as consumers spending top dollar in a strip club because the dancers deserve it I'll disagree as well. I believe the consumers deserve to keep their hard earned money. Maybe someone didn't work very hard for their money and feel like giving more of it away. That is their choice and I do not feel like they should be telling everyone else that they should be spending top dollar. I myself am already spending top dollar for lap dances at $10 to $15 per dance. I refuse to spend anything higher than that except in very unusual circumstances and only at one club that I occasionally visit. I think I may have spent more than that once about 2 or 3 YEARS ago. Maybe 10 years ago I spent more than that because the market in my area didn't offer anything lower and I was pretty carefree at that time. Saving money provides financial security for a rainy day and provides a source of income when we younger people expect to eventually retire 30 or so years from now. If I was a multi-millionaire, I might be carefree and retired already but since I'm not...
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Women for Lap Dances or Conversation in Strip Clubs?
    Ok so who's the moron here, someone like me who believes guys are willing to go to strip clubs to see females in person and enjoy looking at them versus someone who thinks they see little value in seeing a person live and an internet picture is sufficient? I got news for you, live and in person is much more enjoyable for some guys. I prefer enjoying real people versus looking at a picture. I've also seen many many people go to strip clubs and not buy lap dances and just watch or tip one dollar at the stage. I believe many dancers have noticed these people as well. Davids you look like a moron and totally clueless for not realizing this even now after posting on a strip club site. I hope you realize this one day that many customers do not buy lap dances. I myself went to one club for years just to watch and didn't buy a single lap dance that whole time. Here's another reason to go to strip clubs just to watch, if you're already getting what you need or what from females outside of strip clubs, you don't really feel a need to get dances within strip clubs but may still enjoy looking at lots of naked females. If lots of pretty naked females keep asking over and over again if they can dance for you, you might be willing to please 1 out of 30 or so after a while if you're feeling a bit carefree and horny. I could tell dancers I am broke or don't have any money and if I say it right they may believe me and leave me alone. However I am not always that good at lying.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Why Do Some Men Pay Women for Lap Dances or Conversation in Strip Clubs?
    Here's another reason for guys to get lap dances which I'm sort of glad that dancers haven't found out about. If they charge much less for lap dances, the guys think that's a bargain and go and get one or two. They may get more after that if the price stays the same. If a very pretty girl offers me high two way contact lap dances at $10 or less per dance, I'll probably think that sounds ok and get a dance or two or more. Grocery stores and other businesses do the same thing to get people to buy since there is something about getting a good deal that makes people buy.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    ok, I'll try to keep the davids is clueless thread alive so you have a chance to read it when you come back. RL might be going on break as well. Guess we'll have to party now.
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    19 years ago
    Nothing to "Show" for my nine years of service
    Lol, I was wondering if you were retiring from the military or something when I saw the thread title. Even if you didn't gain any friends from these visits, if you enjoyed yourself it was your entertainment. I think it's like asking what did you get out of going to see a movie or playing golf or going on a vacation to some exotic or nice location. You spent the money and now only have your memories. If you had fun, I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe you got better human interaction skills now as well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I hate the overdone political correctness of saying happy holidays now.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Strip club ratings v. stripper ratings.
    I don't think dancer ratings would do much good and only cause problems unless they performed the same for everyone. For example one dancer may like me and give me special attention but won't do that with anyone else or visa versa for someone else. Guys look for different things as well. One guy might want big tits while another likes only natural small tits. One guy might want only high contact while another wants to just watch. You would have to have an accurate resume of private information to have a rating system mean much. The end result would be only the extreme dancers (extremely good or extremely bad) get a rating that stands out to be noticed. I think we already point out the names of con artists or scam artists if we find them. The really good ones we try to keep private so everyone else doesn't take her time away when we want to see her. The other major problem with stripper ratings would be actually knowing about all the strippers. I can go to a club for years and still see new dancers every week since there is some high turnover in some clubs. Even the same female may be nice one week and horny like hell the next and cool the next week.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    I haven't played golf in quite a while and miss it. It is warming up though and is supposed to reach the 60's tomorrow or the next day if you can believe the forecast. My father was into golf as much as shadowcat or some others are into stripclubs. I remember as a little kid when it was extremely cold in the south (highs in the teens) he got me and my younger brother to put on two pairs of pants, gloves, jackets, sweaters, two pairs of socks to go play golf with him. I think no one else would. I just remember the ball bounced really good that day like it landed on concrete as it went down the fairway. I decided I didn't like playing golf when it was that cold because I could hardly move. I think I was only 12 or 13 or so but still remember my father wanting to play golf no matter what. I believe I enjoyed some of the danger element of playing golf. You never knew if your golf ball was going to hit someone or something and ricochet back at you or at something else. I remember I once hit all 5 pine trees along the edge of the fairway in a single shot and the golf ball popped out right in the middle of the fairway. This was when I wasn't that great at keeping aim early on.