
I smell like stripper

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:07 AM
Another random topic. Whenever I get home from a trip to a club everything I've worn goes immediately into the wash, including outerwear. There is a curious odor that seems unique to clubs; a combination of sweat, vanila body spray and cigar and cigarette smoke that is unlike any other scent. Don't know how you married guys do it. I shower as soon as I get home just because it bothers me.


  • chandler
    19 years ago
    Mrs. Stewart's Stain Removal Guide gives virtually the same instructions as Heloise. I keep it bookmarked. It has saved me several shirts, etc. [view link]
  • tropicalH2O
    19 years ago
    Visiting a SC isn't pathetic, it's fun! That why we we're sharing our experiences, right? Why lash out at others for having a different viewpoint? "Hints and Help from Heloise" gives advice on how to remove lipstick . . "work on the back of the fabric with dry cleaning solvent. You'll have to keep applying it and keep changing the paper towels, underneath too. Finally dampen the stain and rub some liquid laundry detergent on it and machine wash." I prefer working the day shift because they are less smokers. In California there is no smoking allowed in bars, but the dressing rooms are full of smoke. I come to work with my make-up on and hair ready to go. I hit the floor within a couple minutes of arrival and avoid the smokey, body spray dressing room like the plague. My hand-made dance bag gets the worst of it. I place it in my trunk on the way home from work and then in the garage to avoid making my home and car smell like the dressing room. I like clean men with a bit of cologne. Cleanliness is a huge turn on. I wear perfume, Amariage by Givenchy, but just a bit under my hair on the back of my neck so it doesn't transfer to the men I dance for.-T
  • chandler
    19 years ago
    "Being single does have it's advantages. Waking up the next morning, picking up that shirt that still smells like stripper from the night before..... not many better ways to start the day." I keep that shirt lying around all week. Anytime I walk by, if I feel like it, I hold it up to my nose and nod approvingly, "Mmmm, that's good stripper."
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: There are books to tell you how to improve your chances with women when paying for sex?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    No I don't get it: reading how to improve ones success with women w/o paying is somehow worse than reading how to improve ones success when paying (and I will point out that you folks frequently discuss OTC for free, but I guess since you are reading each others posts as opposed to someone outside your little circle jerk that is ok). Whatever, makes no fucking sense.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Davids: You just don't get it. We as customers are all perfectly comfortable with what we do in clubs and why we do it. You seem to be the only poster here who has a problem with spending money in strip clubs. So don't, we honestly don't give a flying fuck!
  • davids
    19 years ago
    By reading this board you guys are effectively reading "How to Score with Strippers by Paying: PL/RILs Collective Wisdom 1970-2005". Seems like you are pretty retarded if you can't figure that one out on your own: Here's the key just whip out a bunch of cash. Duh! I mean a better question might be how can you not score with strippers by paying? Truly pathetic.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Something is pathetic about reading? By that logic you guys are pathetic when you reading this website about how to get high mileage lap dances, how to get strippers to meet you OTC, how to tell if a stripper is really into you, how to let go? Think you are grasping at straws now: Then again I guess logic is not your strong suit. Oh wait a minute, you have no strong suits. Nevermind.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    And acting true to form Davids now pulls out the insults. Take you best shot Davids, your the one reading books trying to figure out how to score with strippers. Who's pathetic?
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Um I don't think guys who admitting to PAYING for pussy 3 or 4 times a week, b/c they admit they can't get it for FREE ought to be calling others pathetic. You know what they say about people who live in glass houses, don't you? Pathetic old farts.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    yuh? OK, sure...whatever Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Yoda: Oh, please like I really didn't understand it. You are as fucking dumb as they get. No wonder you squander your pathetic existence and strip clubs and have to pay for pussy, LoserGuy.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    Oh, I got it I was just fucking with the old man: Something he did not get the first time.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Shadowcat: Hahahahahahahahahahaha LMAOWROTF. That was a priceless comeback...and Davids was too clueless to get it the first time. You are da man!
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Shadow, I thought you meant read a book rather than go to a strip club, and you won't have this problem...
  • lopaw
    19 years ago
    I always carry a "de-stripclub" kit in my car for this very thing. The kit consists of: clean shirt, alcohol wipes, bottle of water, breath mints/gum, & a very mild perfume spray that does not smell stripper-like. My only problem is that the smell gets into my hair, and I can't get that out until I shower. So it's a mad dash for the shower upon arrival home, before the missus shows up.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    SC: Oh, I get it: read a book on how to remove lipstick stains. I would, but I am worried it would be unethical and tricking the stain, so I'll just ask here.
  • casualguy
    19 years ago
    I'm glad I don't smell like stripper. Lol, just felt like saying that. davids you must have found a stripper using special lipstick because I didn't know lipstick stained clothes. I thought Tide took everything like that out.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    SC: dude, reading a book is not going to get lipstick stains off your clothes. Get a fucking clue.
  • davids
    19 years ago
    On a related topic, how do you get lipstick stains off your clothes?
  • Doverman
    19 years ago
    Being single does have it's advantages. Waking up the next morning, picking up that shirt that still smells like stripper from the night before..... not many better ways to start the day.
  • chitownlawyer
    19 years ago
    Yes, the infamous "stripper cheese." Since I usually go to a strip club away from home, it isn't generally a problem. On those occasions where I have made a local run, I get home after my wife has gone to bed, and undress in the bathroom. The suit goes into the cloth bag where I keep dry cleaning between runs, and everything else goes down the laundry chute. For years it has been my custom to take a shower before going to bed, so that is not a problem, in any event. Stripper cheese all gone!!!
    19 years ago
    AN, that's why a lot of us only go clubbing when we're out of town. There are also clubs around that have decent ventilation systems where you don't have the smoke problem. Personally I think that's a fairer solution than outlawing smoking, but that's another issue entirely.
  • Yoda
    19 years ago
    Another reason I prefer the dayshift. Since the smoking bans went into effect in both Mass and RI clubs I can spend the afternoon and leave smelling only the cologne I was wearing wen I went in. Nights is a different story, the proliferation of body spray adorned women seems to rub off on you even if you don't buy a dance.
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