
Comments by casualguy (page 158)

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    19 years ago
    Lamest Hustles
    One thing I learned in a college Astronomy class (based on science) is that while astrology may have been started by people studying the stars, today's astrology is not based on any valid science. If you want some general advice it might be ok. At one time your sign was based upon the time of your birth and what constellation the sun was in at that time. Well for everyone that doesn't know astronomy, the stars do move after thousands of years and the sign you think you have is not the one that the sun was in at the time of your birth anymore. If you back up one maybe two signs in some cases, you'll have the sign of the star constellation the sun was in at the time of your birth. Now doesn't astrology look a bit more foolish? If you read and believe something though, you can make it happen or believe something to be real. Back to lamest hustles, I do not like it when dancers try to drag you off to the dance room either before even asking for a dance. I once had a dancer pull the chair I was in (it had wheels unfortunately) a good 30 ft before I put my feet down firmly enough to stop her. That was not a good way to make me go with her. I don't know why she pleaded so much with me but I was dead set against going anywhere with her after that.
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    19 years ago
    Quick, where's my shotgun?
    I could have killed dozens of them if I had a gun with me and shot one every time I saw one standing beside the road late at night. However they are usually not alone and I don't want any return fire especially when my car might get hit. Even worse than seeing one stand beside the road and hoping they stay there is one that darts out in front of you that you did not see. The last time I saw that, I was grateful no one was behind me because I stopped my car in the middle of the highway looking for more and would have hit the second one if I had continued as normal. The third one that came out a few seconds later stopped when it saw me sitting there with my bright lights on.
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    19 years ago
    Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?
    While in college, I used to love watching my favorite college basketball games in person. My favorite spot was near the cheerleaders. I thought I had the best of both worlds. ACC basketball and pretty cheerleaders. Of course being a loyal fan, I had to pay attention to the cheerleaders to know what they were saying to the crowd. :) It helped me pay attention when they got raised up in the air.
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    19 years ago
    Bikni Bars& Topless bars vs Full Nude Clubs who has the better looking girls?
    I don't understand the foot fetish thing either. However the thought has crossed my mind that they must be some really lucky people. All they have to do is watch a shopping channel that is selling sandals to enjoy the show immensely. For me to enjoy the show that much, they would have to go topless or wear extremely sexy bikinis which is not likely considering how the FCC has restricted everything or producers are afraid of not being family friendly. I think the original topic was bikini versus nude versus topless clubs.
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    19 years ago
    The ATF marathon
    my condolences to you davids if your longest friendly relationship with a dancer has been 2 days. I believe you on this though.
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    19 years ago
    More cowbell
    I searched the internet and even got out an old tape of BOC Don't Fear the Reaper listening for a cowbell. I guess I must have missed something long ago since I don't get it either.
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    19 years ago
    A sincere question for RomanticLover
    I haven't seen any Nintendo games with sitting ducks I can shoot lately so I come here and fire verbal shots at RL's posts on occasion when I'm bored. It seems hard to resist when they keep flying up in the way. I think RL's posts are ignored so much because there is no response. It's like talking to a wall. Here's me talking to a wall "ok wall, is there any response from you?" A month later "still no response?" two months later "anyone?"
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    19 years ago
    Quick, where's my shotgun?
    one deer down, only 1.9 million left to go. Just joking, I wouldn't be surprised if the deer population is close to the human population in some areas.
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    19 years ago
    Quick, where's my shotgun?
    I don't know if PA is the same as South Carolina, but here you have to watch out for dead animal carcasses on the road late at night as well as the live ones. Hitting a pound of flesh and bones at 55 or so is not good for your vehicle unless of course you have a monster truck and don't care. I don't trust the deer census someone seems to estimate. I mean if the deer don't show up to be counted, it seems like someone might get their estimates a bit off.
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    19 years ago
    What would be your prices for dances
    A few years ago one local club was doing two for one specials and those dances included some one way grinding. Since the regular dance price is $10, the price became $5 per dance. They stopped doing that lately though. The girls looked better than at many clubs I've been to as well. For a lapdance I pay anywhere from $10 to $15 per dance but I get two dances at that price. That is normal for me. I just say no to other dancers if they ask for a higher price. Works for me if the dance price is set by the dancer. I don't have to get lap dances and just refuse to get any at higher prices.
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    19 years ago
    Counterfiet money at Stripclubs?
    I noticed the black lights used in strip clubs make the bar in the new money light up. If you view a new $20 in a black light, you'll know what I mean. I'm always suspicious of a bill that is glowing completely white in a strip club. However if it's a one dollar bill out of many that aren't glowing, no one seems to care or can tell if it's counterfeit or not. I don't know why someone would risk jail time over a few dollars though. I guess criminals tend to be stupid in the first place though. The secret service I believe gets involved if any counterfeit bills are found.
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    19 years ago
    What would be your prices for dances
    My wording above may be off slightly, meant to say I spend anywhere from $20 to $30 for a pair of lap dances. I don't get two dances for $15. Well, not normally. If I'm almost out of money and the dancer wants to keep dancing for me, I've had dancers willing to do more for less. I don't think they'll do that for everyone though.
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    19 years ago
    When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
    Feel free to ignore RomanticLover (the notorious RL abbreviated). RL usually doesn't say anything except quick one line comments. I'm saying this because I don't like the way RL tries to dominate the discussion posts by putting a ton of his dead ones at the top on a steady periodic basis that doesn't contribute anything to a discussion occuring between people here. Did someone say something about tipping? I thought that was a city in China. Just joking.
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    19 years ago
    When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
    As far as not liking strip clubs, the comments I have heard is that some guys do not like the teasing part where the girls are off limits. I guess they don't like watching something they believe they can't have. On the other hand, maybe the guys are married or just not into strip clubs. I heard one guy say if he wants to see a stripper, he just tells his wife to shake her butt and take off her clothes. He wasn't going to pay some stripper to do the same thing.
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    19 years ago
    Counterfiet money at Stripclubs?
    Trying to discourage anyone who even thinks about such a thing, I believe most if not all of the new copiers and printing equipment has traceable evidence at least with printers so that you can be tracked down to a specific printer if someone printed money on a color printer. Trying to print money and copying money would be difficult I believe now since digital equipment has built in software to prevent such things I believe. A little known fact is that all of the new color printers have traceable evidence on all of the printouts. To further discourage anyone, if I hear of any place or anyone using counterfeit money, I would report them immediately to authorities. I believe many people would feel this way. I don't think it's fair if I have to spend my own hard earned money at clubs and possibly end up with some of someone's else fake money and lose out or risk arrest if I happen to get and spend some of that fake money. Therefore I wouldn't hesitate to report anyone spending obvious counterfeit money. If your money is all the same color and glows brightly, it won't look good in a strip club. Strip clubs often have hidden cameras so you could be tracked by the secret service as well and convicted I believe after they investigate. I haven't knowingly spent any counterfeit money but I have wondered why sometimes a single dollar bill will glow brightly while all of the others are dull in the strip club black light.
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    19 years ago
    Counterfiet money at Stripclubs?
    I suppose it is encouraging if cops who know the insides of law enforcement get busted, the everyday person who tries to pass off counterfeit money is even more likely to get busted. I suppose if you want free room and board for the rest of your life and some good steel for your front door, copying some money might be a good idea. I'm certainly not tempted by it.
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    19 years ago
    More cowbell
    Anyone know if this SNL comedy was in the 101 most memorable moments of Saturday Night Live? I noticed E was playing that last night and I saved the top ones to watch later. I was wondering what number it might be if anyone knows or if it made the list at all.
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    19 years ago
    When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
    I like hearing females say they want to please. Works for me. :)
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    19 years ago
    Too old to strip?
    If a dancer still looks very good in her 30's and 40's, I don't see any problem. I don't really see age as the problem, I see really bad attitudes and rolls of fat as the problem to continuing dancing for a long time. A few guys to my surprise seem to like fat girls but I'm not aware of any such guys at the small clubs that I may visit. If a girl still looks good in her 30's and 40's, I am just as likely to get a dance from her as someone in their 20's. If I'm in a small club where you can actually talk to people without the DJ blasting you deaf, it's nice to be able to talk to the dancers on occasion. I remember some attempted conversations with young dancers would go something like this. me: What do you do for fun in your spare time? Do you go online or play computer games? young dancer responds " I don't like computers!" silence... She didn't seem very interested in talking or offer anything to talk about. If a guy wanted to chat with a dancer while watching the stage show before he got a few dances, this particular young dancer and a few others would be more like a girl you wanted to dump because she had nothing to offer in the conversation department.
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    19 years ago
    Unusual attractions
    I had a dancer try to talk me into the hot tub at the Penthouse Club. She quoted an extremely high price I thought it was over $300. I know they watch that place carefully with cameras in every nook and cranny. I got personally warned and threatened to be kicked out for what a bouncer called leaning when I was sitting at the stage. What ticked me off was that I was warned and threatened maybe 20 or 30 minutes later when I was sitting by myself in the back of the club by the bouncer and I didn't recall doing anything unusual except sitting up in my chair (I was reclining from boredom). I've heard of guys getting upset when they got a dance there and their hand touched a dancer's leg and the bouncer came over and warned them sternly. If I wanted to go swimming with a stripper, I would just plan a trip to Myrtle Beach (in the summer) and invite her over.
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    19 years ago
    Unusual attractions
    I suppose you could also invite a good looking girl to a water park. That's a good way to get her in a bikini and have some fun at the same time.
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    19 years ago
    Strippers BOYFRIENDS who are FAILED MUSICIANS and are ABUSIVE and are GAY
    LOL, maybe RL has been in California too long and has been smoking something as well. On the other hand maybe RL feels threatened by the possibility of a gay stripper boyfriend. Lol, I never heard of this before. RL you must have run into some strong stuff. I would stay away from it for a while if I were you.
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    19 years ago
    More cowbell
    Thanks for the answers. I will have to investigate now.
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    19 years ago
    Too old to strip?
    If a dancer is in shape, I can't necessarily tell whether she is in her late 20's, 30's or 40's (unless they tell me and it happens) and her age doesn't matter to me if she still looks good and is a fun dancer to be around. I can easily imagine that a few dancers that I have met that are in their late 30's or 40's don't look like it and may not have been working as dancers for a while. I know of one club where I believe some or many of the dancers working the weekend are moonlighting from other real world occupations. I remember one dancer in her 20's who I haven't seen in years told me she was a real estate agent and moonlighting on the weekend. I guess she got more successful in her regular job and quit stripping.
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    19 years ago
    How many clubs have you reviewed.
    While some people like to have their names, pics, or nicks posted for all to see, I often like to go unnoticed so I try to avoid being in the top 40 (maybe if the founder offered anonymous as an option on the top 40 I would post more reviews). I suppose if I was in a competition and the ranking displayed the winners, I would like it. Unless that meant everyone was out to play against one of the top guns to try to knock him down.