
Comments by casualguy (page 126)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much is negotiable?
    In my opinion dance prices depend alot on the club. Some clubs will state a given price but the dancers usually set their own prices. In these type of clubs you always need to ask for dance prices ahead of time or you'll eventually get "ripped off" because some dancer will eventually charge you twice or even more than twice the usual rate if you don't ask ahead of time. In some clubs the dancers prices for dances and club prices for dances are virtually set in stone. It's probably not a good deal to ask for discounts but you can say that you are waiting for the 2 for 1 special or whatever it is if they have specials. If the dancers set their own prices and like you they may agree to do a 2 for 1 at a time other than the regular time for it. Again this may only be for my area in certain clubs, I'm not sure about where you live at.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much is negotiable?
    I just thought I would add this comment. I love it when the dancer gives a great dance on a 2 for 1 when it only cost $20 and then when she finishes, she asks if I would like another 2 for 1. At $10 a lap dance, it gets hard to say no. One girl explained to me at a club that she would rather dance 2 for 1's for me rather than spend her time hunting down another dance from someone else.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CL UB, she probably DOES NOT TRUST
    No stripper in her right mind would give someone like RL their real phone number. So if someone gives him their real phone number, the stripper is probably mentally unstable (maybe a good match for RL?) It appears that RL has an opinion that strippers are beneath everyone on the social scale if you have seen his/her posts. RL posts do serve one purpose I believe. You can see the warning message that it is dangerous to trust some people and you would never want to give out private info to someone like that. Same posts for years, that is a scary obsession.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Clients bringing food.
    I think there may be a trust issue as far as cooked food being brought into a club. I do remember going to a club for free - an outside vendor (want to be supplier for our small business) was paying the entertainment bill. Anyway they ordered pizza and we ate it in the club. I don't remember ever seeing anyone else ever order pizza and get it delivered to a strip club and eat it in the middle of the club. I always wondered if my boss knew the manager of that club. I believe that was my first FREE visit to a strip club. I would be happy if strip clubs allowed outside food to be delivered and eaten at the club at no extra charge. It would make me stay longer and be happier - ie, maybe spend more money.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How much do you drop?
    I never have used credit cards. I only use the cash in my wallet. I decide ahead of time what will be my spending limit by only taking that much cash. If I can't afford to spend a lot of cash I just won't go or usually don't. The most I believe I ever spent at one time was perhaps 300 to 400 and that included admision to clubs, beer, and average dance prices in the range of 8 to 12 dollars. I had money to burn and a great time. Some of the girls even threw in a free dance or two unless we just were both confused as to when a song actually ended.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Simultaneous dances from 2 girls at the same time - rip off or twice the fun?
    My experiences have been in contact clubs too. I guess the last time I went to get lap dances from 2 girls doesn't really count since one girl sat beside me while the other girl did a 2 for 1 special, then I paid her 20, then the next girl did a 2 for 1 special. That's probably the best deal I heard of anyone getting going back to a lapdance area. However since they didn't dance simultaneous I guess it doesn't count as being the exact same thing. Typically, both girls dance at the same time and charge full dance prices in most clubs I believe. It's fun either way.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Clients bringing food.
    It is nice when a club has a side club or kitchen where you can walk back and forth (at no charge) and pay regular prices for food and drink. The only place I remember going to (several years ago) like this was Mickey's in Fayetteville. I could eat a burger and fries at normal prices and then go walk back into the strip club without being charged any re-admission fee. The food was good too and you could watch them cook it. The clubs I see now either have no food or only extremely high priced bottled water and snack food. $4 for a tiny bottle of bottled water, I think that is a rip-off. $2 seems like a high price too but I would pay it if I'm really thirsty and didn't want to leave a club immediately. What I don't understand is why some clubs charge about as much or sometimes more for water than for beer. ?? A kitchen or sports bar selling regular food, soda, water, and six packs of beer at regular prices adjoining a strip club could sell a ton of food and beer I believe. It would also keep me at the club much longer. I'm not sure why clubs don't do it unless they think they make more money selling very high priced beer and water. Haha, want we need is an indoor plaza with restaurants such as Wendy's right next door to a strip club and you can walk freely back and forth with no readmission fees. I doubt I'll ever see that.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    How Long Lap Dance Songs Last!!!!??
    I've heard of gimmicks that some clubs do also such as cut the song short. I've also noticed some DJ's interrupt the song so much you can't tell when it's over and when another one started on occasion. I'm glad I don't usually end up in those clubs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    This is the best thread on here I think I've seen in a long time. Thumbs up here.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone thought about starting their own club??
    Don't forget in some areas of the country you would have to constantly fight off all those who believe strip clubs should be illegal and are immoral. I believe they would and have done a number of things to close down existing clubs. For that matter, I live in a town where I heard some people may have fought off the possibility of a Hooters restaurant from coming to town. I'm not sure if that's true but I wouldn't put it past some of the people here in the South. You still can't buy beer in the grocery store on Sunday here either. I think that law is really silly.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone thought about starting their own club??
    Perhaps another question or thread along this line of thought might be "What are the key factors to a successful strip club?" I would think location, talent, prices, atmosphere, and the right social and/or political connections.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Has anyone thought about starting their own club??
    I believe the attack on strip clubs is a nationwide trend from bits of pieces of news I've heard, not just in the south. You remember the nationwide ruling about strip clubs have to be a certain distance away from schools, churches, etc.? As far as the liquor law or no beer sold in grocery stores on Sunday, I can't think of any good reason for this law but since when do elected politicians need a good reason (bit of sarcasm). As far as the bible belt goes, I remember when I went to college there seemed to be a bar on every corner of campus, then later I got a new job much farther south and now there seems to be a church on every corner. I believe running any business is alot of hassle and work but if it's your cup of tea, I guess you could do some research on it.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    When do you know your addicted to stripclubs
    I was thinking perhaps when you are hanging out with some of the dancers after hours at restaurants, bars and/or other clubs and at their apartments/houses but on second thought I don't think that's quite the same thing.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    When do you know your addicted to stripclubs
    maybe you're addicted when you can't wait to go to a club because one special girl looks so sexy on stage that she looks like she's anticipating having sex with you (even though you know that will never happen). She has a look in her eyes and even seems to get into position. Meanwhile, everyone in the club is all eyes on her performance when she does this in front of you. It's too bad that I've only seen one dancer ever do this.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you tell mgmt/dancers that you are going to put a review on TUSCL?
    Whatever you report on here, I'm sure law enforcement can read and will be watching the club reported much more closely if you seem genuine in your reporting. Ready for a raid? Then again if you post illegal activity on here that you participated in, you just posted evidence against yourself that could be used in court. I prefer to remain unknown except by my nick here. I never tell anyone in a club my nick. I also think that all email, internet postings etc., could potentially be read on the national news or a court of law before the entire world so I try to keep that in mind. I believe everything on the net can be used in a court of law and you are not unknown to those who really want to know so I try to keep that in mind too. It's just all of us average joe's that don't know who's who.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do you tell mgmt/dancers that you are going to put a review on TUSCL?
    I agree with the comment above that mgtmt/dancers probably don't care. In fact I bet if someone took a survey, most dancers probably never heard of TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    why do you really go to a stripclub?
    I thought this answer was obvious so I didn't respond at first. I enjoy looking at pretty girls and enjoy the casual party atmosphere. When I say casual I don't mean really loud music but something more enjoyable. I don't want to go home deaf in the evening or have pain in my ears while at the club. If a dancer appeals to me and is also nice and pleasant I may get a dance from her. It's just one way to relax and enjoy life a little. Others may prefer going to movies, the beach, golf, etc. or some of all of the above.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Piercing - Love it? hate it?
    In general I don't care too much about piercings or tatoos. The nose rings especially look grotesque to me. However I do remember one dancer who had a little santa hat on and when she opened her legs, I saw Santa right there in the middle. That was amusing. The dancer had a piercing and Santa or a little Santa charm was dangling in between her legs. It's possible she opened her legs and said "Merry Christmas" but my memory grows vague. Although I may look at some piercings out of curiousity, I find they seem to take away from the good looks department if you know what I mean. Same for tatoos.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    There are many indications that RL is mentally unstable. RL will not respond to any questions except with one simple phrase if at all when there was a response. I believe it is better to not communicate with the mentally unstable and potentially dangerous people.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    North Iowa
    What, precisely, is a "10", anyway?
    A 10 to me on strip club reviews is basically on looks only since I don't know how well you can get to know someone from just visits to a club. However if you rate only a few girls you've seen in your entire life a 10, then almost everyone else rates much lower in comparison. I remember a girl I would have rated a 10 while she was working and every single inch of her body looked very nice. She worked in a nude club so I got to see her pretty good. :) I happened to see her later working as a bartender while she was studying to be a veterenian. This might have surprised some guys to see a girl who was the center of attention to become just another ordinary married girl after the attention dies away. I am assuming she got married.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Your RETIREMENT is being TARGETED by Hispanic Immigrants Rights Groups
    As an ordinary American born and working here all my life. I will vote out of office anyone who gives away our limited social security funds. I've heard social security funds will be reduced or we will run out around 2030 unless taxes are increased. If Bush or Kerry grants our hard earned American social security money to people who have lived here only a little while, I promise to vote for someone else. I would think this would be obvious to the average American but since politicians may not realize this, I am stating it here. We put money into the system our whole lives and now some politicians are trying to give it away to those who only lived here a few years.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    Referring back to the topic, I always seem to have dancers recognize me. Some dancers whom I've forgotten always seem to show back up somewhere and a few even appear upset if I don't remember them. At least I can tell the difference between the dancers who recognize me and appear to know me a little versus new ones. The dancers who recognize me always offer lower dance prices. I noticed recently in one club that a guy sitting by himself when everyone else is in a group will have girl after girl come over and ask for a dance. I don't usually want that much attention so I often sit in the back and sometimes wear dark clothes so I'm not spotted as fast. Why? Hey some guys do like to just watch for awhile. What can be nice is if while in a regular sports bar, a dancer recognizes you and comes over and chats for awhile. It's kind of nice to be able to talk without feeling like people are watching you (ie. bouncers, security cameras, and others).
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Is there really much difference in pimpin and the SC business?
    I've wondered if any exchange of goods etc. in exchange for sexual services might be considered some form of prostition. If that's true I bet a large percentage of the adult population has engaged in this act. Ever bought your wife jewelry or something special as a reward for something sexual? Ever paid for dinner and a movie etc. expecting sex from a girlfriend? Even if you're not sure it's going to happen, I doubt the girlfriend would give the guy's desired end result without some sort of payment up front and first. Since almost all guys are mainly interested in sex, you could argue all the money we spend on girlfriends and wives are to achieve satisfaction in the bedroom and we do that by making the opposite sex happy. Unless you got a girlfriend that doesn't want anything except sex. Is a husband that pays a wife for blowjobs with jewelry nothing but a legalized form of prostition? It's easy to make simple comparisons and say something like stripclubs are like pimping. One could also argue that almost everyone engages in prostition giving away goods or services in exchange for and/or hope of getting sexual services. I'm glad the laws aren't that vague or our jails would overflow.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Yes I noticed. ^above Keep your fingers crossed.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Why can't guys talk to each other?
    I'm usually not too interested in talking to other guys. I'm usually busy watching or tipping the girls or talking to them. It is nice to go with friends though especially in a club that doesn't have music so loud that you can talk. I can easily get a hoarse voice trying to shout to someone sitting next to me in a Platinum Plus club (standard music volume is like sitting next to a jet engine). I just thought of when I might say something. It would be to the effect of can you save my seat? Lol, that's probably the most conversation I typically have with another guy except normal friends. Overall I would say that I talk to so many girls that I'm ready to just sit and watch the rest of the time. If I want to talk to a girl about every 5 minutes I just move to an area where I can be spotted more easily but I get tired of the do you want a dance routine every 3 minutes very quick. I believe the girls will actually go after a guy sitting alone much faster than a group of guys. There have been occasions when I wanted to get away from a dancer because she was talking too much. Usually that's not a problem though especially if I like the dancer.