
When do you know your addicted to stripclubs

Is there a limit to how regularly a guy should go to a stripclub/GoGo Bar? Is every week or twice a month too much?? I defintely know everyday is too much and I hope no one is doing that no matter how much money they make. My taking is that of course you have to consider your financial situation. If you have a family(Wife&kids) you don't need to go on a regular basis. If you our single and no girlfriend then you might be able to go on a somewhat regular basis. For me if you like going to stripclubs regularly I would limit it to twice a month but I wouldn't go to the same club each time. I would switch it up. If I go to one club at the begining of the month then the middle of the month I would try another club(assuming there is another decent club in town.) Another thing I would like to ask is is it wrong to have a crush on a dancer when you know nothing is going to come of it. If you start to feel that you are liking a dancer more than being someone you go see at the stripbar is it time to back off??


  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    I agree with Yoda. Yes, the odds are very much against making a stripper your TRUE friend. In fact, the odds are so much against it, that in every situation where an opportunity for "friendship" presented itself to me (sans one case)in time it proved to be a scam to get into my wallet. As a consequence, I never pay (and never have paid) a stripper to see me outside of the club - NEVER! Moreover, I don't buy them gifts, pay their rent, or whatever. The only money these ladies get from me is money paid for R-rated services in a strip club. I know what I'm paying and what I'm getting for that money!
  • ShotDisc
    20 years ago
    when you have posted over 120 reviews on this site, and spent almost 6 months in a row as the top review poster.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    If you are hanging out with a dancer outside of the club without paying her for her time I don't consider that a strip club addiction. I consider that a date or maybe even a friendship..

    I know guys like Mouse's friend, I see them all the time buying the girls drinks and throwing around cash for dances of even just chat time. In my opinion, as long as the guy isn't fooling himself into thinking these women care about him beyond his wallet, there is no harm done. We all go into clubs looking for a fantasy and for some guys that is the fantasy. The mercenary aspect of clubs just doesn't bother me anymore, I understand why the girls are their. Some dancers are obviously better actresses than others and some girls don't know the first thing about how to earn money in a strip club. I enjoy hanging out in clubs but I find that RESTRAINING the amount of cash you drop actually helps keep things more real.

    As for the friendship thing, I've been clubbing for almost twenty years and met and spent money on HUNDREDS of dancers. Out of all those girls I have formed lasting friendships with a total of 3. The odds are against it.
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    maybe you're addicted when you can't wait to go to a club because one special girl looks so sexy on stage that she looks like she's anticipating having sex with you (even though you know that will never happen). She has a look in her eyes and even seems to get into position. Meanwhile, everyone in the club is all eyes on her performance when she does this in front of you. It's too bad that I've only seen one dancer ever do this.
  • steveo1
    20 years ago
    id have to agree with the above posts. For me, when stripclubs start interferring with "real" life id say an addiction is forming.
  • casualguy
    20 years ago
    I was thinking perhaps when you are hanging out with some of the dancers after hours at restaurants, bars and/or other clubs and at their apartments/houses but on second thought I don't think that's quite the same thing.
  • skywatch-99
    20 years ago
    Have to agree with verfolgung : you cannot consider youself addicted unless it pains not to be able to go, spend to much money, think about it all the time. I'm addicted to the stock market, and believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

    Recently, I spent 2 weeks in Tampa, and went to one of the Big Three about 5 (FIVE) times a week. Basically, each time there wasn't a hockey game in town.
    And, yes, there was one or two specific girls I was looking forward to see at each club.

    Now, I've been back home for 2 weeks and don't care if I'm not able to go to these clubs for the next 6 months.
    Well... almost :o)
  • verfolgung
    20 years ago
    I think I knew I was addicted when I was going to three to four places in a week and sometimes multiple places in one night. Chris Rock had an HBO special earlier this year where he did a bit, "Everybody's got a friend who's addicted to stip clubs!" All of my friends immediately thought of me.

    Personally, I feel as long as your having a good time, keeping things in perspective, and maintaining financial control then it's all good. Once one starts to take things too seriously, or it becomes a financial burden then they should reconsider their actions. This goes for most things in life. Heck, this could just as easily apply to someone who's addicted to golf!
  • Mouse
    20 years ago
    I agree with Superdude. Let me share an interesting anecdote. Along with a friend, I was in a club recently getting to know some of the dancers. At this club my friend had a reputation for being "Mr. Deep Pockets," and all the dancers swooned over him, making him feel very welcome. He know each dancer by stage name (some by their real names) and discussed them as "real people/friends." However, in his absence they referred to him as, "a guy who came in often and spent lots of money." The bottomline - my friend was an income source and nothing more. The mercenary attitude is getting to me, and I'm visiting these clubs less-and-less.
  • Clubber
    20 years ago
    Superdude, that is not always correct.
  • Jpac73
    20 years ago
    Well superdude some of the dancers might care to a ceratain extent but most of them already have a boyfriend or fiance. I asked this question on another message board, one guy posted that "you" are about 10%friend and 90%percent customer to them. I believe those percentages are close to be accurate. I might be willing to say 20%friendship at the most. Customers just have to take it for what is is and that is entertainment& business first and foremost the friendship comes in second.
  • SuperDude
    20 years ago
    When you believe that a favorite dancer actually cares about you and you keep going back to see her, then you have become an addict.
  • Yoda
    20 years ago
    I dont think how often you go is as important as what you domwhen you get there. Once a year is too much if you spend money you can't afford. I go anywhere from once a month to a couple of times a week, depends on my schedule. I'd rather hang out in a SC with women running around in various stages of undress than in some sports bar with a bunch of high-fivers or a local dive. I don't go looking to break the bank on every visit. I relax and enjoy the atmosphere.
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    "...it wrong to have a crush on a dancer when you know nothing is going to come of it."

    T-Pain has the answer to that: https://youtu.be/AsVyphcFwfc
  • dallas702
    8 years ago
    Perhaps one answer to the OP's question is;

    When you cancel a date with a hot civi chick so you can go to the SC - you might be a Strip Club addict!


    If you go to a SC whenever there is nothing else you have to do - you might be a strip club addict,


    If the first question on your mind when you wake in the morning is - which SC do I go to today? - you might be a strip club addict.


    If you can't stop watching the clock, waiting for you favorite strip club to open - you might be a strip club addict.

  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    2004 called, it wants its thread back :)

    There are many signs of addiction. One of them might be: I am so into strip clubs, that I bother to participate in a troll-filled strip club forum on the internet.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    ^ LOL
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    It's not an addiction; it's a lifestyle

  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    You know you're addicted to strip clubs when everything you see a hot looking girl, you want to start handing her money in small increments. I feel this all the time!

    And you know you're addicted to strip clubs when you start scheduling your visits around the girls' periods.


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