
Comments by casualguy (page 127)

  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    When should a dancer get a boob job? Are you for or against?
    I believe natural feels alot better than artificial. Natural also looks better when walking (I like that jiggle). However if a girl is very flat or just really wants that enhancement than I probably wouldn't say anything against it. I do remember one favorite dancer that had a plan to keep getting bigger and bigger implants over the years. Once she got past a certain size, I thought I liked her better when she was smaller. She looked a bit unnatural. I believe women may notice how many guys will look at really big tits but I believe that is more curiosity or fascination with something unusual rather than attraction. I mean a girl that has each breast able to fill a baseball cap will get alot of attention but I would be more attracted to a more normal size girl.
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    20 years ago
    too skinny to dance?
    Welcome to the discussion board grrldancer, I haven't seen you post here before. I only remember one dancer in all my visits to strip clubs that I ever thought was too skinny. I believe you will be fine. The one girl I thought was too skinny was obviously suffering from some kind of anorexic condition and she didn't look good at all. Speaking of meat on the bones, I know of someone who actually likes fat dancers. I believe there is a guy for every girl after all. I prefer dancers fit and trim but a little bit of meat on the bones is fine too.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Ever have your favorite dancer NOT regognize you?
    What can be a bit of concern is a dancer appears whom you got no memory of but she says she remembers you. As she talks to you she knows details about you from years ago in another state. I had this happen to me recently and I still can't remember her. She even told me that I was in one of the pictures they took when they first opened a club up years ago. I didn't realize that even when I lived there. (This club I went to when they first opened put a ton of pics under the glass bar counter. Guess I'm there somewhere.)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    too skinny to dance?
    Too bad you live far away from me grrldancer, I was just thinking of a way to help break you in but I wouldn't mine if some other dancers did this too. You could just stop by my house in the evening and do some lap dances for me and then I could tell you what you were doing good and bad. Now that I think about that, I wouldn't mind critiquing a number of soon to be dancers to help them get over their fears. I would even be willing to do this for free. :) This thought put a smile on my face. hmmm, I wonder if I would need to buy a pole for my living room, just joking. This is an interesting idea but somehow I doubt anyone would take me up on it. Run an ad for free critiquing of want to be erotic dancers to judge lap dance style and technique. I could see something like that requiring repeat visits. On the other hand I may already be half asleep because this idea sounds like a pipe dream. Oh well.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    too skinny to dance?
    Lol, yes it sounds good to me too. Free lap dance evaluations at my house in the evening. Isn't there already classes in stripping offered in California? I think someone there must be thinking ahead. Lol, I just thought of something else for an ad, limited spaces available, first come first served. Lol, if you want a more realistic experience I could even sit back, drink a beer and crank the music up to deafening levels to simulate dancing for a customer. Getting back on the thread, I prefer skinny much better than real fat.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    Lol, RL is trying a new strategy now. He is talking to himself by posting continously on his own threads.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Boob test evaluation, test your skills and post results here
    I'm a natural. I don't think the link worked though. If anyone knows how to do the link properly please tell me. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Boob test evaluation, test your skills and post results here
    I remember one girl's fake boobs were hard as a rock. I don't want to get a black eye by getting hit in the head by those rocks. I just remembered another dancer who had just recently had breast implants. She made me enjoy them by telling me her doctor told her that her breasts should be massaged. She had me doing the massaging which I enjoyed. I was never sure if her doctor really told her that or not but I didn't ask questions. I agree, if you can see the boobs move, it is much easier to tell if fake or real unlike a stationary slide test.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    High Heels . . . Yes or No?
    The manager that you mentioned might have some kind of shoe fetish if he is that interested in shoes, just guessing not sure. It's just my opinion that other guys are similiar to me and the shoes are typically the last thing (if at all) that we notice about the girls that we look at. If someone asked me what shoes a girl was wearing that I was attracted to, I probably wouldn't know unless she almost kicked me with her high heels when she was squatting down or something. Those high heels can be dangerous. I wouldn't have any problem with barefoot or even army boots. I remember one girl in Fayetteville NC wore army boots. It didn't make any difference to me whether it was army boots or high heels.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Buy dances . . . in hope of finding LOVE :)
    I've never heard of anyone buying dances trying to find that. I have heard of a few people who seemed to become infatuated with a dancer or two after being around them for awhile probably buying dances and who knows what else. I do remember one dancer who I told that I was interviewing for a new job and this happened to be in her town. I was a bit surprised after I mentioned the possibility of moving there that she suggested possibly coming over to my house everyday and giving me dances. I was saying whooaa, I can't afford to pay dances that much but maybe she was suggesting free dances. I guess I could of asked what she meant by that but decided to just forget about that since I didn't expect to move there. I wasn't sure if I wanted this dancer coming over to my house every single day too, that sounded a bit scary to me for some reason. Maybe it was the every single day comment that scared me a little. Anyone ever felt like they were being stalked by a dancer? I guess not if the dancer is pretty.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What are your most memorable moments in a strip club?
    I just feel compelled to add this one. It wasn't in a strip club but I was with a group of dancers and friends after club hours. Anyway I discovered that one of the dancer's male friends was actually dead. Yes DEAD. Well not in the flesh so to speak but the military had declared him dead. He was supposed to have been on board a plane at the nearby base and everyone in that section of the plane didn't make it. He was a bit upset about the whole thing and repeatedly talked about possibly not showing up for work on Monday. He had to call his parents and tell them he wasn't dead. I remember this incident as the first dead person I have talked to.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What are your most memorable moments in a strip club?
    I just remembered something similiar but more violent. A woman came into the club and apparently found her husband there. She whacked him right on the head with a beer bottle and left. Meanwhile the guy was knocked out cold on the floor with some blood on his face. He was later taken away in an ambulance. That's not the most memorable but something I just remembered.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Jesus sent a Stripper with an Axe . . .
    I remember talking to a stripper who had apparently broken up and divorced her husband for cheating on her within months of meeting me and having the discussion with me. I don't remember all the details but I remember hearing of her damaging property in various ways and really getting angry at her ex. Then she stated to me that she believes in having sex before you get married to make sure the couple are both happy together. That particular dancer certainly wasn't afraid to speak her mind and I believe some dancers are dangerous to double cross. I was slightly surprised to hear all of this from someone I just met in a strip club but you never know what's going to happen some nights.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Customers who think it is an ACCOMPLISHMENT to PAY a stripper for SEXUAL SERVICE
    I was going to say I thought only RL would brag about paying for sexual services. Obviously this is something RL seems to dwell on quite alot. I just thought of a way for RL to have a heart attack. A girl walks down the street and as she starts walking past RL, she feels a little bit horny. Suddenly she says, hey guy, I'm horny, let's go somewhere and fuck. RL says, I only want to pay $10. How much do you charge? She says Charge?! You idiot, I just wanted a good fuck and you think I'm some whore. Kiss my b... and storms off. RL suddenly feels sick.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    RomanticLover: Warning to New Posters, Plee to Old Ones & Petition to Founder
    I see. I just couldn't resist having a little bit of fun. I see a sitting duck and it gets hard not to do anything.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do Lapdancers care if you don't get hard?
    This thread and a few beers made me think of something funny I will share. Just imagine this. A 90 year old guy gets asked back to the VIP room for a lapdance. He says ok and goes back with her and sits down. She says "Ok you ready?". He says "Wait a minute", pops a pill in his mouth and says "ok, I took my viagra, I'm ready now." Seriously though I don't believe most dancers care except for the fact that they may believe they'll get more dances and cash if mr happy is happy so I've heard.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are dancers usually more "touchy" when giving a girl a lapdance?
    I've often seen female dancers get more touchy with the female customers. As a guy I do enjoy watching when the female customer is willing to flash her top with the encouragement of the female dancer.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What are your most memorable moments in a strip club?
    I don't know if people feel the same about going out or hanging out with an ex-dancer as they do about a working dancer. It doesn't really matter to me if a girl is a dancer or not if she's friendly with a nice personality and looks good too.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What are your most memorable moments in a strip club?
    Extra note concerning the above girl ^, I didn't really feel like I was dating her but rather just hanging out with her. We were with some of her other friends on a few occasions.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What are your most memorable moments in a strip club?
    I'll add one more moment here. I remember visiting a dancer at a strip club during a weeknight which was unusual for me. I don't remember if she asked me to visit or if I surprised her (I had been out with her after club hours at least a couple of times already.) Anyway I told her I was going to leave the club (had to work in the morning) and she kept insisting I stay, she wanted to leave with me. Anyway as it got close to 1:30 am close to normal closing hours, she became ticked off at the manager who told her if she left early, she could forget about coming back. She must have been ticked off because she left with me anyway at 1:30 AM, only 30 minutes before the regular closing hour.