
why do you really go to a stripclub?

Avatar for Jpac73

What is the real reasons that guys go to stripclubs? Some might say I like hanging out with my friends and drinking, and talking to the ladies. Okay, that might be true but can't you do that at a "regular" dance club? Some guys might find it easier to talk to the ladies because they know they will at least get a converstion and maybe a lapdance or two. On the otherhand, at a "regualer" club on average all a guy will get is a dance. 9 times out of 10 tue dance will be off a fastsong not a slowsong because women don't like to slow grind with guys they don't know. The guy doesn't have to worry about getting dissed even though he knows he won't get a phone number from any of the dancers. Secondly, it could be for sexual gratification. If a guy isn't married or doesn't have a girlfriend going to a stripclub might be a better option than "wacking" off at a magazine or looking at some porn video. At least at the stripclub the fantasy is real in that you can see and touch it(to an extent) than just looking at the tube or magazine. Lapdances are a false sense of gratification because even though some might be enjoyable and might be pleasing, it only last for a shortime and leaves you wanting more. I am not saying that it is wrong to go to a stripclub, I go myself, but I think it is best not to go so regularly. You should put more thought into your real life and a little less on "Ginger" or "Fantasia" at the stripbar.


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Avatar for SuperDude

As frustrating as a strip club can be, it's still not as frustrating as golf.

Avatar for romy101

Simple for me. I am 32 and married for 6 years. I don't need the sex cuz I get plenty of that at home. To take a break in middle of my day, sit, look around for 10 minutes then call the nicest looking babe to my taste over to me to spend the next 2 hours with me is a treat I can get nowhere else. I can have a dance if I want, caress her, massage her, talk to her, be friends, be real, then go back to the office or back home. That is worth the dough spent. There are many girls, some trashy and some with class that can hang with a wealthy businessman and carry conversation. I find the latter and it is a beautiful thing.

Avatar for TopGunGlen

I just love looking at beautiful women, especially when they wear few, or no clothes... It makes me happy!!!

Avatar for mccodu7850

I am a married man who has frequented strip clubs for the past 20 years or so. I go to SCs because I love to look at beautiful women. I am not a psychologist, and I will cut through the BS -- here is why I think most guys go to strip clubs -- for the fantasy of the "possibility" of getting laid.

Personally, I believe that people do the same thing over and over, despite the fact that the outcome rarely changes -- because of the "thrill of the hunt" (or is that really the 'thrill of the cunt?'"). In a way, it reminds me of why children seem to want to go to MacDonalds restaurants so often: They have the ANTICIPATION of seeing Ronald MacDonald, or there is going to be a party when they arrive!!! Anyone who has gone to a MacDonalds knows this will never -- but the ANTICIPATION for a kid is still there! Time after time, it's the same outcome -- but time after time, the "anticipation" is there ... both in children and in men who frequent strip clubs.

Personally I love women who wear stiletto heeled shoes -- not the platforms -- that is my particular fetish. Also I like women who have hideously long nails -- again this is my kink, so please bear with me. The place where I can indulge my eyes (and I assume this is the same for tit men, ass men, etc.) -- and if I am lucky, some understanding girl will -- for a fee -- get me off with her heels in my lap, or get her to scratch my balls with her nails. I suppose it is the same for guys who enjoy asses or tits, or whaterver turns them on.

When I return to my hotel room -- usually I frequent SCs when I am out of town -- I usually jerk off afterwards. Other than my clothes smelling smokey, and my wallet essentially emptied, I have fulfilled my desire to see what I love to see and do -- without the fear of entering a relationship with a woman outside of my marriage. I am happy and the women have my money.

Comments please??? Mike

PS. If any females read this (people who were BORN female), I would encourage them to IM me at Yahoo IM or get my email address from the Yahoo Profile.

Avatar for sigurd

I go because it's a safe fantasy. I frequently go to strip clubs by myself. I know it's a fantasy, and they know it's a fantasy. But still, when I'm feeling bored or lonely or whatever, it's money well spent to have a beautiful woman act interested in you, not to mention the fact you get to see them naked or nearly naked.

Avatar for baddy

My reason isn't as involved as some of yours: I'm single and I'm horny.

Avatar for casualguy

I thought this answer was obvious so I didn't respond at first. I enjoy looking at pretty girls and enjoy the casual party atmosphere.

When I say casual I don't mean really loud music but something more enjoyable. I don't want to go home deaf in the evening or have pain in my ears while at the club. If a dancer appeals to me and is also nice and pleasant I may get a dance from her. It's just one way to relax and enjoy life a little. Others may prefer going to movies, the beach, golf, etc. or some of all of the above.

Avatar for PixiePayton

shadowcat and FONDL (hee-hee)--I LOVED your responses!! As a dancer, my favorite customers tend to be the older gentlemen and shadowcat's response made me smile--what a perfect answer to the question. You do it because its fun and enjoyable. As long as its not causing serious problems in your own life, there's no need to analyze why. There is so much in this world that is already too complicated. Naked women are beautiful--I love watching the other girls in my club as much as I love dancing.

Avatar for FONDL

I'm olfrt and I enjoy meeting pretty young girls, I enjoy their conversation, and where possible I enjoy some physical contact. Did you know that babies who are held regularly develop more rapidly than babies who aren't? That babies who aren't held become very lethargic? That massage therapists experience many of the same benefits (lower blood pressure, slowering breathing, etc.) giving a massage as the recipient? Physical contact with another human provides many pleasurable benefits.

Avatar for WiseGuy

I doubt stripping for money is a disorder like exhibitionism.

I go to have a beer and watch some sports on TV and ogle a few women.

Avatar for Jpac73

Dain what clubs are these that let you practice that? I know if I pulled my Jimmy out at one of the clubs I go to I would get kicked out and probably banned.

Avatar for TopGunGlen

So what do you do, Dain? Flash em with an open trenchcoat? Heheheh...

Avatar for Dain

I go in order to practice exhibitionism if possible. The girls practice exhibitionism for money; I do for pleasure.

Avatar for SuperDude

Babes, what else. But verflog is on to something.

Avatar for verfolgung

To answer this question, I'll give you a little background on myself. For starters, I will say that I am single and in my 20's. I have several female friends, including my best friend (who btw, enjoys going to SCs w/ me), but most of my guy friends from college have moved away and/or gotten married. I rarely drink alcohol, don't smoke, and don't do any drugs. Lastly, I was once in a relationship for 6 years.

The first time I ever went to a club was when some friends dragged me out for my B-day. It was after college and after my relationship had ended. Once I went for the first time, I realized how different it was from all the misconceptions I had.

Basically it boils down to these reasons: 1) COMFORT: When other friends aren't available, I've found it's easier for me to go alone and have a sprite at a SC than at local bar or club. 2) TIME: It's easier to start a conversation with a beautiful woman at a SC. I've found that it's actually fairly easy to make friendships once people have the chance to get to know each other, and I freely admit that many of the dancer's I've become friends with, would probably not have given me the time of day if I had met them under any other circumstance. In a normal club, things are much more immediate and there is rarely an opportunity to get to know someone. 3) STRAIGHT FORWARD: The itentions of the women in a SC are clear and open - YOU'RE IN A STRIP CLUB! There are just as many vultures in normal bar or club, but it may be harder to read what people are really after. 4) NO COMMITMENT: If you don't want to become friends with a dancer, but still wish stop by occasionally to see her, you can create a customer relationship with no strings attached. It might be several weeks between visits, and when you stop by, she'll smile, and be "happy" to see you. You don't have to call her, and she won't ask or really care where you've been. 5) REALNESS: In this sense, I don't mean the fantasy of it all, but that there is an actual person as opposed to an image on a computer, video screen or page in a magazine. 6) PRACTICE: Lastly, since I'm not in a relationship right now, I find going to SCs allows me to maintain certain skills. For example, in a contact club, I can practice how to caress or massage a women. I can try new things, and if I mess up, it's not a real big deal.

Anyway, those are my reasons.

Avatar for Clubber

Excellent question! Made me think as to why I do go, and I am not at all sure why. You mentioned a few possible reasons, but I don't think any of those fit me. My first thought is, I enjoy looking at women, and I always hope I will see that one special fantasy woman that I think we all have in our minds.

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