
Comments by casualguy (page 125)

  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Why do Pathetic Trolls like Romantic Lover have to hide behind a handle?
    Yes shadowcat I was there. I don't know why they seem to enjoy making everyone deaf during the night, maybe it's just the DJ. I believe it was somebody that works there that I saw wearing ear plugs. I plan on putting some on next time I go. I'm required to wear them at work in certain areas that are quiet in comparison to Platinum Plus so I know what I'm talking about. You would think that PP would enjoy getting better ratings and better word of mouth but I guess they don't care too much about our opinions, only the size of the crowd coming in the door. In terms of RL I don't know whether to feel sorry for someone who acts like a pathetic bratty little kid looking for attention by bringing back year old posts or if it's more fun to poke fun at RL's silly comments. It seems to make more sense to totally ignore him I agree. I'm actually surprised RL is not too busy playing online games seeing how many people's games he can ruin or kill off their online characters. Of course since he's craving attention, he's probably enjoying this post.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    lots of female customers in a gentlemen's club?
    how do females get started in a club I think you mean? I'm not sure myself but there may be something to find on the stripperweb.com link on the bottom left a few spaces down under the discussion board link. I'm not sure but just a guess. That's one question I guess I never asked anyone. I am curious now if the dancers have to train how to dance first or if the clubs teach them.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Single mothers
    That info doesn't affect my tipping one way or the other. I have to say though that I would rather not know that info. I go to strip clubs for entertainment/fun and/or relaxation, not to find out about other people's personal lives. When a stripper starts volunteering personal info that I never asked for such as she has 3 kids, age 3, 5, etc. blah, blah, I start wondering why she is telling me all this. I didn't think I was at a regular club. However if I'm attracted to a dancer and she volunteers info about herself, I may be flattered. Talking about boyfriends and kids doesn't exactly get me in the mood to get dances though.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Are we there yet ?
    Since there are no strip clubs and not really any real good regular clubs in the small town I live in, I have to travel if I want to see other clubs. I don't care for the strict moral right that act like it's their way or the highway. There's about 50,000 people living in the county I live in and I heard that even Hooters couldn't manage to locate here. A simple restaurant with good food where the waitresses wear shorts and the moral crowd thinks that is wrong apparently. Maybe things will change one day. haha, if it hadn't been for them trying to close down all strip clubs in a neigboring county, I might have stopped going entirely but I thought I should occasionally go to strip clubs and defend my rights to go where I please and not conform to someone else's beliefs. It seems that strip clubs are almost always under attack here in the south.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    I thought I read somewhere that the president knew there weren't enough votes to get this passed so that means it's just for political gain. The proposal sounds seriously flawed from what I have read about it.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do customers find it INSULTING when a stripper ASKS to be PAID FOR CONVERSATION?
    hahaha, RL finally said something funny. "Some strippers are aggressive." I thought that might be a good thing. Imagine if you went to a strip club and no dancer ever bothered to come over and talk to you or ask any questions, ie no dances. I don't think strip clubs would stay around too long unless the guys always asked the girls for dances.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY TAXES FOR ADMISSION?
    Anyone from Texas got an opinion?
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY TAXES FOR ADMISSION?
    That sounds like a great idea ^^. I propose a government use tax on all office buildings. $5 if the politician actually attends the event or office he/she is supposed to be in and $10 if they are not. We could even give them a tax break and only charge once a day instead of every time they leave and come back so they won't have to pay the admission tax as much. Great idea above. I'm sure the people would be all for it. It would put a tax on "bad behavior" with politicians not showing up for work or votes etc.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What do we learn on these boards?
    I have actually learned something I believe. I believe it was here that I read that females become aroused by either sex after 3 beers. I didn't realize that was the case until I heard it here. Other than that, the info here just seems to reinforce opinions such as there is always someone wanting to cause trouble or has nothing better to do except watch paint dry such as RL posting the same posts for years. Other than that it's just a little bit of entertainment. I spend most of my time on other non strip club discussion boards. This is also a good place to vent if you feel like it and the venting relates to strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    What is the strangest/most unusual stage act you ever saw?
    This may not be the strangest act I've seen but one that certainly got my attention fast. A very tall feature entertainer went on stage and started performing with a real and very large sword. When she started swinging her full size sword around above our heads I was definitely paying attention. She put on a good show. I'm not sure but she may have been called the tallest feature entertainer in the world. She certainly wasn't the typical entertainer. I started to wonder what planet she came from, just joking. :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    You Know Your'e A Regular When....
    Lol, made me think of an idea, a condo community with a strip club at the center. You guys could actually live at the strip club and just walk over to your condo to crash whenever you get sleepy.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    You Know Your'e A Regular When....
    I think alot of those items above ^ are way past regular, maybe it's when you live at the strip club.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    You Know Your'e A Regular When....
    How do you know if you've become a regular? 1. the doorman just waves you in and says he knows you 2. the waitress or bartender just hands you your regular beer 3. a dancer jokes that some of the other customers thought I was her boyfriend
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Anybody have this problem on this site?
    I have mysteriously been logged out when I thought I was posting something to the discussion threads. I don't know where that info went to either.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do strippers get ATTACHED to customers who pay SMALL AMOUNTS for SEXUAL ACTIVITI
    Just tell us RL what did they say to you when you said these things? The curious want to know. Maybe the experts on here can analyze what you did wrong.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are any posters on this board HOPING that a stripper will LEAVE HER BOYFRIEND?
    Oh yeah, I visited this one stripper at a club a couple of times and was hoping she would leave her boyfriend. Just seeking some advice from the master RL though, do you think it would help if I visited her at the club where she works at more than once every few months? Usually strippers will tell me how many months it has been since they last saw me. I have trouble remembering. At least I still remember them though. I thought if a stripper keeps asking questions such as "Don't you remember me?" then surely she must want to break up with her boyfriend. Especially after I egg her on by saying "no". The strippers who show up and think I remember them from years ago scare me a little. I don't even remember their faces very well. Except of course if I saw them outside the club at their house or went to the beach with them etc. If you ever go to the beach with 2 girls (and I knew one was a stripper), they (at least in my case) don't usually want to go to strip clubs but just regular dance clubs. hmmm I never even thought of her as being a girlfriend but just a girl I knew. She didn't have to work the weekend because she got fired for leaving the club before closing time. It wasn't my fault though, she wanted to leave with me but the manager told her if she left early she could forget coming back. She got a bit ticked off after that and left early anyway that night. Would you get nervous if a stripper insisted you not leave the club without her but she wouldn't tell you why not?
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Who has gotten the CHEAPEST lap dances here and HOW MUCH did they cost?
    The cheapest lap dances etc. were free and I didn't even ask for them. Usually a dancer will just do something out of the blue and then make an attempt to make a logical reason why she did that. Such as she couldn't tell if a song really ended or not so she just danced a few extra minutes. I believe she added that she didn't think I would mind. I didn't mind. It seemed like she was enjoying the dance alot more than most dancers do. Sometimes I wonder if a few dancers are sexually excited during the grinding dances.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Are any posters on this board HOPING that a stripper will LEAVE HER BOYFRIEND?
    Just a side note to the above post, best way to remember a stripper who you take to the beach, capture her on your camcorder. Makes it much easier to remember somebody that way for those of you that forget lots of people after a few years. If you do this, hopefully no one will ask who all the girls are.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Survey asks --- Did you vote ?
    Another question, how long was your wait? I feel lucky. My wait was only about 4 minutes, barely enough time to read the electronic voting pamphlet before it was time to sign my name on the forms stating that I voted. I heard of others in my state waiting over an hour.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    "Don't get it" dancers!
    That's interesting, I always find it difficult to leave the table when a dancer sits in my lap. One thing I have noticed is that some dancers have a tendency to want to leave if you keep getting up from your table alot to go tip other dancers. Of course if you have a dancer holding your table, it might be a good time to take a restroom break and see if she is still holding your table when you come back. You could even stop by the bar and get a drink. Most dancers won't hold the table for that long.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to tell her (real) NAME because of SAFETY, is she a FRIEND
    The answer is yes RL. I emailed all the strippers in Houston where you are the expert strip club patron and informed all the strippers not to give out their (real) name to you or to anyone fitting your description. If questioned they are supposed to give answers like it's against club rules or for personal safety. However, I told them to tell you that they are still your FRIEND. So RL, please feel free to buy all your FRIENDS in Houston strip clubs. They'll be friendly, unless you want personal information. Then I emailed them that the bouncers should be standing by ready to assist you out. So be careful what you ask for or the bouncers may escort you out. Just wanted to give you a friendly heads up on the situation for you in Houston RL.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY TAXES FOR ADMISSION?
    I wonder if the people who are concerned (I believe alot of people aren't concerned one way or the other about strip clubs) are thinking about first they enact laws to keep strip clubs a certain distance away from schools and now strip clubs are going to be used to help support the schools. Don't you wish the politicians would make up their mind? I can see the slogans now "Help support our schools, just visit one of our neighborhood strip clubs."
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Where are the customers who PAY TAXES FOR ADMISSION?
    I actually thought you were going to talk of a proposal to expand the tax base by expanding the legal sins, lol. For example the politicians could get alot more tax money by making prostitution legal and then taxing it. While the politicians were at it they could legalize other things too and tax those like crazy. I'm sure people would even come from out of state to help support the school taxes in Texas. (sarcastic humor here)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Do customers find it INSULTING when a stripper ASKS to be PAID FOR CONVERSATION?
    RL do strippers ask you to be paid for conversation? You seem to know more about this than anyone else.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Dancers here?
    I've seen a few dancers post here. In this unmoderated forum the dancer haters seem to be the ones consistently posting the same ol threads over and over for years on end. Normally the threads disappear after 7 days of no posts.