
Simultaneous dances from 2 girls at the same time - rip off or twice the fun?

Avatar for casualguy

I'm curious what everyone thinks of this. I've let it happen to me on 2 or 3 different occasions. I usually prefer only 1 girl since I don't like spending twice the cash on a single dance. So is it twice the fun or just a waste of cash?

Note: The last time I agreed to get dances from two girls I had a dancer sitting on each of my legs (no empty chairs) for awhile just being friendly before asking me. Then they agreed to do a 2 for 1 special. That was fun.


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Avatar for baddy

I think I have only gotton a dance by two girls when I first started going to strip clubs, more as a novelty then anything else -- having two girls dance on you just because you can. IMO having two girls dance for you is a waste of money, no real good grinding like you could get from one girl. But you guys might of nailed it, a lot of peoples fantasy is to have two girls at once so this could be their cup of tea, not what I'm looking for when I get privates though.

Avatar for verfolgung

Here's something not quite the same but cool none the less...

The other day my ATF was telling me how she used work in tandem with another girl and sell dances to two guys who came in pairs. They each would start a dance with one guy and then switch in the middle of the dance. This way the guys got to experience two dancers for the price of one, and then he could get an extra dance, if he so desired, from the dancer of his choice. (The only problem would be if they both wanted the same dancer, but that was rare.)

They were both very attractive but one was especially known for her booty while the other had an amazing chest.

Unfortunatly, the performances they did in the semi-private booths became so popular that they started drawing attention from the stages. The club ended up banning them from doing the routine outside of the private champagne rooms. Even so, this might be a cool thing to try to set up if your visiting a club with a friend, or it might be new technique for some other dancers out there to try.

Avatar for Mikeybush

I once conspired with a dancer who was gay and really into another dancer. I had fun, my friend had fun, the other girl . . . the other girl made some good money.

Avatar for Jpac73

I don't want the girls to be all over each other I want them to be all over me. I have been approached a few times into doing that but have declined. It may be fun but then it may be a let down. If it is a let down then you wil be saying "man I shoudn't have gotten that dance. I could have got me another dance from another girl in the club but I wasted it on a twosome. If I had money to waste(which I usually don't) I might give it a shot, but if I am on a set budget then I will leave it alone.

Avatar for ecwecw

I had a pair of Asian twins dance for me at Rick's in Seattle about five years ago. I talked them into grinding each other, sucking each other's tits, and a little kissing. The memory is still good, so I say it was well worth it!

Avatar for DandyDan

I've done it at both contact and noncontact clubs. At the noncontact club, they were all over each other. At the one contact club, I had two Mexican girls, who were clearly into each other. I think they forgot they weren't in Mexico then. The other time at a different contact club, basically it was a tag team thing.

Avatar for SemiCrazy

My general experience is that it's fun, but not worth twice the dough. Especially in a more liberal club, where a lot of what may happen in a 1-on-1 dance isn't officially sanctioned by the club, bringing two girls in at once tends to inhibit them if they're worried about getting in trouble if the other dancer tattles. On the other hand, in more conservative clubs that do allow couch dancing (grinding) but no hand contact by either party, I have seen "tag-teams" that know how to work it so one dancer is more or less blocking the view from the booth entrance while the other gets a little naughtier with her hands (or other parts). All depends on where you're at and what you are looking for.

Avatar for casualguy

My experiences have been in contact clubs too. I guess the last time I went to get lap dances from 2 girls doesn't really count since one girl sat beside me while the other girl did a 2 for 1 special, then I paid her 20, then the next girl did a 2 for 1 special. That's probably the best deal I heard of anyone getting going back to a lapdance area. However since they didn't dance simultaneous I guess it doesn't count as being the exact same thing. Typically, both girls dance at the same time and charge full dance prices in most clubs I believe. It's fun either way.

Avatar for Clubber

I've always done it in a contact club. The best one was with two Asians. I didn't really do much other then watch them, however.

Avatar for verfolgung

Never done it, so I'm not sure. Those of you who have, was it at a contact club or a non-contact club?

I was once at a club in vegas and on my way out back I saw a guy with two dancers sprawled out on top of him. I have to admit it looked like fun, but a $100 for three songs with one dancer was enough for me.

Avatar for Clubber

It's not really a rip off, but isn't twice the fun, in my experience. I've only done it a couple of time, however.

Avatar for DandyDan

2 girls are nice to do once in a while, especially if they like each other, but it's not one of those things I would do on every visit to a club. Too many girls want to be the center of attention, and don't want another girl there in on the fun, although I do admit the best lap dance I ever got WAS from 2 girls.

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