If a stripper REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CL UB, she probably DOES NOT TRUST

If a stripper REFUSES to tell you her REAL NAME then it is very likely that she DOES NOT TRUST YOU. I heard strippers and customers refer to each other as "FRIENDS" while at the same time the stripper REFUSES to tell the customer her REAL NAME and PHONE NUMBER and REFUSES to see the customer OUTSIDE THE CLUB for FREE. Read posts on various websites that are written by strippers for a better understanding of this. What kind of a WARPED, TWISTED view of "FRIENDSHIP" is this?
last commentApparently, at Rick's, at least, it is an inside joke for strippers to refer to their regular customers as their "friends" even when talking to each other. Is that true at other clubs?
It sounds like RL's life revolves around the fact that he can't figure out why strippers don't give him there real name, number and friendship outside the club. Let me ask you something RL from your posts I wouldn't let you near the door of a strip club let alone inside-there if life other than strippers buddy get a life.
Anyone want to add?
any more comments?
Strippers often DO NOT TRUST customers
No stripper in her right mind would give someone like RL their real phone number. So if someone gives him their real phone number, the stripper is probably mentally unstable (maybe a good match for RL?) It appears that RL has an opinion that strippers are beneath everyone on the social scale if you have seen his/her posts. RL posts do serve one purpose I believe. You can see the warning message that it is dangerous to trust some people and you would never want to give out private info to someone like that. Same posts for years, that is a scary obsession.
I have to agree that it is a little scarey how much he seems to dwell on this....... I had a few customers, who are no longer customers because we are now friends, we talk on the phone, and know what's going on in our real lives.... These friendships developed after time not right off the bat, and after we realized we had things that supported us having a freindship......I don't give out my phone number standing in line at the store....I am sure not going to give out that info untill there is a reason too...... RL, have you ever thought maybe you make someone to uncomfortable to give you that info!!!
Why is that person so obcessed with the private lives of strippers? He really does sound like he is mentally ill. I hope the strippers in his town are keeping their eyes peeled for that wacko.
What about trust?
RL, you are only proving that strippers do have brains.