
Comments by casualguy (page 108)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I noticed my latest review for Nepals must have been averaged out. I think that's why the rating for Nepals jumped back up with no review unless some older reviews got deleted. I was wondering about that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    Well I just want to thank all you guys for getting so upset a little club beat your favorite. It only takes 8 people to give a good rating to make a club number one on TUSCL. It's kind of like looking at stocks, the rating isn't necessarily all you can go by to tell whether it's a good deal or not. I could go visit Platinum Plus in Columbia if I wanted to drive an extra 30 minutes longer than I already do. Instead I visit clubs in the upstate and Nepals is often one of them.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ex-Dancer Comments
    It's true that dancers wouldn't be dancing if they didn't get the money they get or hoped or expect to get. In that respect it is all about the money. Now if a few dancers start letting their feelings get involved and start liking a customer that is certainly possible as well. The only way to say truthfully it's not about the money is for the dancer to refuse to accept any money. I guess it may be the same thing if you're hanging out with them away from the club and money is not involved. Then you know the dancer may like you. Either that or she's looking to get married to a rich oil tycoon and get your inheritance.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    The Male Ego
    Saying strip clubs have the air conditioning turned down too low may be a matter of opinion. I rarely get cold unless I've recently drunk a bit too much cold beer. Leave the thermostat in the 60's say around 64 or 65 and I will be comfortable in shorts unless I'm downing too much cold beer or cold drinks including ice water. I've heard this comment from dancers a whole lot "you're warm" or "you're always warm". I remember one dancer was freezing in one club on more than one occasion. I didn't think it was that cold but it did feel a little bit cool to me. I've heard other females tell me if it feels cool to me, it must be freezing. Anyway the cold dancer and a few others have used my body heat to warm themselves back up. Usually involves sitting on my lap. They only seem to do that in the winter when the club is much colder. I think the air conditioning units in the south have trouble keeping it cool when the temperature is in the upper 90's outside.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancer tip out fees?
    For a long time, I never even realized dancers had to pay to work at a strip club. Of course I learned before too long. Tip out is kind of like uncle sam in my opinion, people make money but someone else keeps scamming a big chunk off the top. If the night is really slow or there are too many dancers per customer, I can understand how it might be difficult for the dancers to make much money.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    Perhaps it's like a continental breakfast. I don't call that an extra. It just becomes part of the normal routine for a hotel chain.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Remember when ...
    FONDL, I probably should have clarified that the grouping of clubs has changed in the areas I'm familiar with. I can see from the google maps on this site that there are still alot of clubs close together in some cities.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Who CONFRONTS strippers about their LIES, MANIPULATION, and EVASIVENESS?
    Yes that is pathetic. I'm sure YOU, RL would never spend money on a stripper in such a situation.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the longest time you have ever spent in a strip club?
    A little diversion on this topic "what's the longest time you spent in a traffic jam with some strippers?" I spent another hour in a traffic jam due to a 4 car accident on the interstate the other night. One dancer was apparently just a short walk behind my car and another was a bit of a walk in front. I believe the traffic was backed up about 10 miles around midnight. Same two dancers were in the last traffic mess I was stopped in. I stayed in my car this time though so I didn't get to talk to them. One stopped me and talked to me last time. I think I remember a group of 3 or 4 vehicles flying by me in the left hand lane weaving in and out past the other vehicles. I'm glad I stopped for a bite to eat. They probably caused the wreck but I may never know. It seems like a nightmare to pull onto the interstate and you see a parking lot stretching for miles too late to do anything about it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Long Distance ATFs?
    Another slow driver from Georgia I see. South Carolina re-elected one official who got caught doing over 100 mph. I like the way he got out of it. Too bad everyone else doesn't have that much clout. Just joking about the slow driving.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When you BUY A DRINK for a stripper are you PREPARING to ask her out on a DATE?
    Seriously you are joking RL aren't you? I can't believe you're even entertaining the thought of buying a drink for a stripper when you just want to ask her out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Cheers to all the vets on Veteran's Day
    Your welcome shadowcat. Did you mean to say Iraq instead of Iran or are you talking about something that is not common knowledge? Anyway regardless of which country some of our troops or special forces may be in, I don't think Hillary Clinton will be nominated for president since the rumor is she won't win the popular election and the dems want to nominate a candidate that can win.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Cheers to all the vets on Veteran's Day
    I still remember several years ago I was enjoying myself in a strip club and an old guy came up to me happily and said "I just love these go go bars. I'm a WWII vet." Thanks to all the vets out there for defending our country.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Club soap opera drama
    If you get tired of it, just tell them you're not married and you can get dances from whomever you want to. However if they aren't seeing or talking to any other guy outside the strip club or spending too much time with any other guy in the strip club, you could do the same with other dancers. They'll probably shut up about it then I'm thinking. Unless they just get their panties in a wad, storm off, think about it, then forget about it.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Question for strippers - How can a customer get a date with you?
    There are a bunch of strippers out there RL. You just have to visit a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip club shooting
    I'm surprised some clubs don't even check for cell phones with all the cameras nowadays. Maybe the club managers think the pics are too lousy if someone bothered with it. I thought this thread was about the latest shooting but I guess the latest is different isn't it? 3 people died. Apparently they are calling it a domestic dispute I read on MSNBC at lunch today. Actually it sounds pretty sad anytime someone wants to cause pain and suffering on a bunch of other people just because he's not happy with the way his life is going. Before he shot and killed himself apparently, he murdered 2 other people and wounded a lot more. Suicidal people with guns should do everyone a favor and just stay home. Too bad we couldn't make such people believe there is a hell and they will go there and suffer if they murder anyone including themselves. Oh well, I guess there are a lot of stupid people in hell right now already so they are just joining the crowd. It's just a sad story.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    If a stripper KISSES you on the mouth, does that mean she REALLY LIKES YOU?
    I had one dancer walk by my chair and then suddenly she decided to kiss me on the lips while she was changing stages during her stage dance routine. I just thought she was flirting. I never bought any dances from her. I didn't think the kiss was any big deal.
  • discussion comment
    21 years ago
    Do strippers LOOK DOWN on customers who PAY FOR CONVERSATION?
    Is this subject stating that RL actually cares about strippers? He must since he's wants to know their opinions. RL just my two cents but if you want to save some money, it's actually really easy to get girls to talk outside of strip clubs. You just have to be friendly and don't threaten anyone and don't talk about how you saved 5 bucks at strip clubs. Ask people about their life and hobbies not yours. You can get so much free conversation you'll go to strip clubs to get some peace and quiet, lol :)
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    This guy didn't fit that description. He had an arab name and probably would have undergone extra scrutiny at any airport. Reminds me a bit of a telemarketer with an arab accent that called me up telling me I won one of four prizes. After a few minutes then he told me I needed to pay a small shipping and handling fee of 4.95 and a person would come on the line for confirmation and ask for my credit card number to pay for the shipping charge. I said NO! Give me a phone number to call to check this company out. After a few more minutes of this, I got the telemarketer angry and we both hung up. He could have been a terrorist as far as I knew. I wasn't about to give him my personal financial information just like strippers shouldn't give their personal information to guys like RL who think they need to know their REAL NAME and PHONE NUMBER.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    If a stripper REFUSES to see you OUTSIDE THE CL UB, she probably DOES NOT TRUST
    RL, you are only proving that strippers do have brains.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    Voice mail number? Is she real or fake.
    She's apparently too busy playing some other guys to bother playing you too much but she has hinted at it and you are falling hook line and sinker if you keep calling her. I'll actually agree with davids in saying that if you ignore her and seem interested in other dancers, she may start wondering what she missed out on. If a dancer really wants you, she won't waste any time hooking up unless she really is a flake. You're just one of several guys she is playing. If she happens to have a really bad off day with some other guys, you might get a phone call back and then she can try to play you outside the club as well.
  • discussion comment
    19 years ago
    How many times have you seen dancers/stripper slip and fall?
    There have been some falls I missed that I wish I hadn't. I remember one dancer asked me sort of tepidly (which was unusual) if I had seen her fall down a while ago. I said no and she seemed a bit relieved but I would have probably joined the crowd if I had seen her fall. She said a large crowd of people were laughing at her after she busted her ass.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Churchgoing among TUSCL members
    Lol, I've had so many unusual or maybe paranormal things happen around me on occasion, I remember an atheist I knew in college had a crisis of beliefs. At least he didn't start thinking I was the anti-christ or something. I'm thinking though that there's different levels of atheist thinking. Some don't believe anything paranormal and others are willing to accept that some paranormal things do go on. I've experienced paranormal things a few times. I even had some doors mysteriously open and close for me eerily one night back in my college days. The first time I thought it was cool (maybe coincidence as in wind pressure blew it open). Then next time within 30 minutes, weird. The next building I walked to and had it happen again, a bit spooky but still nice like I had an invisible ghost door man or girl.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Clubbing safety
    I sometimes wonder if the dancers are a bit fearful of clubs where they let people bring in camera phones. Of course the video on those are somewhat lousy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    No One Cares
    Been Gone for a Year...So, what's new?
    It's easy to get rid of romanticlover, just click on "ignore" next to his name. Removes all his threads he started and his posts within other threads after you log in.