
Comments by casualguy (page 109)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When is it time to leave a club alone??
    There is an opportunity cost to everything. I prefer to maximize my fun. If I'm not having fun at one club or one activity, I'll try something old that is fun or try something new just to find out if it is or not. I could spend my time off from work playing golf, going to movies, hanging out at sports bar, or going to any fun strip clubs that I know of or some I haven't tried. If you're not having fun or enjoying what you're currently doing, then just do something different. You could have fun trying something different. just my 2 cents. At one time, I used to just visit friends on Saturday night and would stay up all night long and sometimes into the morning shouting at my friends playing an old style war game with dice and war pieces on a game board. Now I've substituted that fun with getting dancers tits in my face and shouting at me saying "wanna dance?" It's easy to get in a routine after you get used to doing something.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    No One Cares
    Been Gone for a Year...So, what's new?
    I think we now have a ranking and rating. If a club has been getting good ratings (guys is it for the last year or for the last few months?), then the rank of a club will be higher than the rating.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    YOUR policy on extras?
    If a dancer looks good and she suddenly performs an extra without asking, I would just sit back and take it. A dancer usually doesn't get me so relaxed unless I've been drinking and planning on staying awhile to let it wear off. I apparently seem to stay away from dancers who are too suggestive immediately after I enter a club. That just makes me think they are playing a con game attempting to get me to spend a lot of money.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When is it time to leave a club alone??
    Shadowcat, your ATF reminds me of a dancer I knew around 9 years ago who got pregnant and her boyfriend left her at that time and didn't want to help with child support. That's probably not a too unusual story for a stripper. Apparently your ATF got married though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When is it time to leave a club alone??
    Shadowcat, don't worry about her ex. Let him pay child support and all the other court costs. I heard divorce can be a nasty business and that is something I would want to stay away from. I'm not sure what all of the divorce laws are but I know of someone who got divorced and moved to Florida. I don't know if child support payments increase depending upon where you live at or not. If they have a 2 yr old kid, he can expect to pay child support for another 16 years plus the time the kid is in college so perhaps 20 years he'll be paying. She just needs a good lawyer in my opinion. PI too? I don't know. If he already has someone he's been cheating on to start with, it would seem to me like he's broken the marriage. I might be thinking about this a bit too much but I seem to keep getting called for jury duty a lot. I live in south carolina too. Just thinking what a coincidence it would be if...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Anybody ever had a private session with a female wrestler?
    I've never tried it and don't really have a desire for it either. The closest I've come to it is a dancer I remember getting dances from in a club who was one of the girls in the early lineup for a WWE or some type of wrestling match. She wasn't a wrestler, she was just one of the girls everyone looks at before the wrestling starts. I believe that's the closest I've come to being involved with any official wrestling activities.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Why Men Have Nipples
    Men have nipples so that women can eventually protest or demand equal rights at the beach. If men can show their nipples, then women should be allowed to as well and be topless on every beach in America just like the men are. I like this answer. Furthermore, if you argue that females have breasts, so do men but I thought our society wasn't suppose to discriminate if someone has more fat. I'm arguing that women should be allowed to be topless at the beach. If a bunch of teenage girls want to protest by going topless at the beach, I hope they plan their protest when I'm visiting. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Vicarious VIP room experiences
    I prefer to sit in a direction where I don't see anyone behind the dancer. That's not always possible so I try to zone in on only what I want to see. Most guys usually try to avoid staring right at you and the dancer I believe unless you're not noticing. I try not to notice. If a guy is right beside or right behind the dancer, it can be annoying. If a female customer is visibly watching me and the dancer in front of me, I can get varying feelings. If she's hot and wearing shorts or a mini skirt, it can even be a bit of a turn on. However usually I prefer not to notice others watching.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Vicarious VIP room experiences
    I may try to watch some dancers giving table dances not far from me. However I try to be a bit discreet if needed so that the guy getting the dance doesn't see me staring. One good reason for this is if the dancer notices me and suddenly and for a little while turns her back on that guy and starts showing off to get my attention, I don't want the guy pissed at me for distracting the dancer from his dance. I've seen it happen and I know I wouldn't like it if a dancer did that to me. I like watching her tits and I don't want to watch her back while she's flirting with another customer during my dance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Vicarious VIP room experiences
    Another reason I may try to avoid having the dancer notice I'm watching is because I really do not want a dance from her. A number of dancers in some clubs will immediately go to me to ask for dances if they notice I was watching them. Usually I don't care if they notice or not though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Why Men Have Nipples
    Dancers trying to grab, pinch, bite or play with my nipples is a turn off for me. I'll avoid the dancer unless she has something else going for her. I probably need to get better at suggesting if they want to play with a body part just play with Mr. Happy. Of course some dancers will grab that too just starting off a conversation. Generally speaking I feel pain if a nipple is squeezed hard but Mr Happy is ok with getting squeezed. Seems like dancers would have figured that out by now. Perhaps their nipples feel good when squeezed hard. I may have to investigate. :)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Top Rated vs. Top Ranked club listing?
    What's the difference between the top RATED and top RANKED club listings? just more gimmicks... if you don't like one survey, then look at the other. I'm not as awe inspired by helping to put a club high in the ratings or rankings. All it really takes is a small team of people and you could conspire to put any club number one before others try to knock it back down.
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    18 years ago
    Top Rated vs. Top Ranked club listing?
    As far as the stock market goes, I would like to be more of a skilled player and I believe I may be there sooner or later. I see a lot of potential.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What makes a winner?
    I believe most strip clubs count on local advertising and local word of mouth. However nowadays, the internet does give some additional advertising. This website merely helps those who want to help themselves to avoid the losers and pick the winners as far as strip clubs go.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What makes a winner?
    If this site was around about 9 or 10 years ago, I think I first found and visited PP in Columbia by locating strip clubs using this site around that time. I believe I even became a regular if you call once a week or once every two or 3 weeks a regular. I could visit late on Friday and Saturday nights back then and still find a place to sit except maybe around 10 PM. I can't remember exactly why I stopped being a regular unless I just wasn't visiting any strip club for a long stretch. I may have been too busy picking up girls in regular bars. I can't remember anymore. It's still fun to visit though.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    SC drama
    You guys said it right, as long as the drama doesn't affect your fun, it's not a problem. However it's no fun if it does and I don't know anyone who doesn't want to have fun at strip clubs (trolls excluded of course).
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the sexiest outfit a girl can wear?
    Just thought of one more addition, as I was flipping channels last night, a shopping channel was demonstrating some red wet looking lip gloss or polish or whatever they call it now. Makes you want to receive oral sex from the girl just looking at her. Then they had to go into that it tasted good with no calories. Yeah I'm thinking what they could do with their lips and tongue at that point. So I'll add red wet looking lip gloss to a dancers sexiest outfit look.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What is the sexiest outfit a girl can wear?
    I suppose what is sexy is in the eye of the beholder. However I believe must of us will agree that a girl is hot and sexy in certain outfits. Variety can add some spice as well. I think cheerleader type outfits may trigger some nice memories back from high school. I remember some pretty severe dress codes when I was in High School. However, cheerleaders were exempt and could wear their uniform in class. I remember one cheerleader always sat right beside me often wearing her uniform in one class. Then there are those outfits that let you sneak a peek at some nipples and something about that seems hard to resist.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    When is it time to leave a club alone??
    I'll agree, it's usually time to leave a club alone on Sunday at least in the region I live in. Most clubs are closed and if not, dancers and customers are sleeping or taking the day off from strip clubs. I have visited the PP club in Columbia on a Sunday evening when I was in town for a few days. It was slow but not completely dead. I just didn't have anything better to do that evening. My current favorite club I went to once or twice shortly after they opened. I wasn't impressed and didn't return for about 2 or 3 years even though I was only a few miles away at another club many times. It's the dancers that make a strip club enjoyable or not enjoyable for me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How do you spot a strip club bitch in a strip club?
    I have a new one to add that made me think of this. You go to tip a dancer holding some money in your hand and then pick up a couple of ones that fell earlier to the ground or bottom steps right where you're standing at and hold them up as well to hand them to the dancer. Instead of just taking the money and thanking you, she says "you're living dangerously." Is that a threat from her? Then she ignores you like you're nobody. Maybe that's a good thing. It's even harder to spot a bitch if she's actually nice to you. I suppose you'll get a hint in that situation the first time you do something she doesn't like.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    I thought if a dancer ever did that, she was just tired of dancing and wanted to do less work without having to move her body all over the place.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What are your favorite stripper Halloween costumes you've seen?
    I'm not sure if I've been in a club on Halloween night but apparently the date was close enough to have a number of dancers and a few customers dressed up in their creepy gear. I still remember seeing one customer (think it was) dressed up from head to toe in a very good wolf outfit. He/she even had on extra large wolf feet. I do tend to prefer the normal sexy stripper outfits and costumes but it can be interesting to see something different.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Do all non-alcoholic clubs charge extra for lapdances??
    It would be nice if there was a nice strip club where I live at. I might become a regular. As it is, I have to drive almost everywhere but not as far as shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Exceeding your limit in hopes of having a better time
    I prefer not to spend all the cash I have on hand when going to a strip club. However if I'm having a really good time, I'm willing to go that far.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    pussy revival
    I was wondering which song that was. I did a quick search on youtube.com and found this funny video of a dancing pussy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItC5KmyYbxA