
Strip club shooting

Sunday, December 10, 2006 7:22 AM
There's an article in this morning's paper about a shooting in Cheerleaders in Philadelphia over the weekend. An older guy took his favorite into the champagne room, shot her, then himself. He died but she's expected to live. There are a lot of weirdos out there.


  • Darkwolf
    18 years ago
    I am not sure about anyone else but I am always armed in some way when I go anywhere - unless I am going to be drinking.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    That's all just insane. I did know about one maybe a year or two ago in Des Moines at the Lumber Yard. I went there once after it happened and never felt less safe than before. But the weird thing is I don't think they ever changed any security procedures. Meanwhile, you go across the interstate from there to Minx Showpalace and they frisk you probably in excess of what's necessary and they always have, within my experience. You just never know. You'd think carrying guns around in public is unnecessary.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    meant to say he was just joining the crowd. Hopefully no one involved in this shooting will read this. If anyone does, sorry to hear the news of this tragedy.
  • SuperDude
    18 years ago
    Now, we have the tragedy of Foxy Lady Southcoast, New Bedford, MA. Coming on the heels of the Philadelphia shooting, these events may prompt all clubs to start a frisk policy.
    18 years ago
    I agree that for customers most strip clubs (except for the really seedy ones) are probably as safe as most regular bars. But I don't think that's true for the dancers. Theirs is a dangerous occupation. I think most experienced dancers have had some really scary experiences. Getting back to my original post, I've been surprised at how little publicity this event has received. Usually something like this that involves a stripper is major headlines for days but this event has been barely mentioned on the local news. I beginning to wonder if it really happened.
  • ssewarrior
    18 years ago
    I'm with Chitown on this one. I think SC's are safer then standard bars. I'm in my late thirties and an accomplished martial artist and I've been in bars within the last 3 months with my younger sister just hanging out and almost gotten into 2 fights with some drunk folks. One of them was the actual bartender. It just doesn't happen that way most of the time in SC's. One theory I have is that the patrons KNOW that there is a ton of HEAT ready to descend upon you if you fuck up in the SC. That's not the same feeling in a standard bar. Yes there is secuirty, but the difference is the secruity of the dancers at stake so it raises the stakes.
  • happylap
    18 years ago
    chandler: I don't know if I'd feel safer or less safe with all the dancers carrying guns. I've been in a few places where I'd be scared shitless if I knew they were packin'.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If I'm worried about safety, I just won't go to a strip club. It would only take one emotional stripper with a gun to make me nervous. Until I learn how to stop bullets matrix style, I wouldn't go unless I feel a bit crazy.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    This discussion topic pings back to one we have had earlier about safety in strip clubs. I don't spend a lot of time in non-strip club bars anymore, but there was certainly a time in my life (college/law school/early years of practice in my single years) when I did. My impression in that strip clubs are certainly no more violent than other types of bars, and maybe less so. In the twelve or so years that I have been going to strip clubs, I can only think of two instances of outright violence...one was patron on staff, the other was patron on patron. I have personally never felt in danger in a strip club, even on that occasion when I was the only white guy in an otherwise all-black club in Atlanta. On the other hand, last week a gunman killed three lawyers and wounded a paralegal in an office building in Chicago.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    I've gone through metal detectors at many clubs, of both the high-volume and the ghetto variety. There's a metal detector at the door at PP in Memphis, though they hardly use it. At many Houston clubs -- Treasures, Centerfolds, Michaels -- they have metal detectors (and they work; but when my keys set them off, the bouncer just lets me in anyway). At some down-and-dirty back-of-the-tracks clubs I've been to -- Babes and Ebony Lace in Memphis, for example -- they have detectors and they frisk you quite carefully. At first I disliked the idea of having a huge slobbering dude give me my first crotch-grope of the evening, but then when I saw the crowd on the inside, I was kind of happy to feel a little bit more secure in the idea that they'd all been frisked. Made me more secure, not less. I have no problem with it. Most of the clubs on Bourbon Street in New Orleans have metal detectors built in to their front doors, but they only use them if the gangstah rappah trying to get in has that look about him.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Of course, if all strippers carried guns this would never happen.
    18 years ago
    Maybe having metal detectors at the entrance to clubs isn't a bad idea. Actually I think I've only encountered that at one place - Gentlemen's Gold Club in Baltimore.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    There ARE a lot of weirdos these days. And when you combine alcohol, hot women, and guys trying to get with the hot women, it's a pretty dangerous combination. It hits especially close to home with the last two club shootings that I've heard about, are both clubs that I've been to. The recent one, Cheerleaders in Philly, is the club that actually got me additicted to the SC scene, and is a really fun club with a LOT of very attractive girls. The other shooting (the one with the Pacer player involvement) was at Club Rio in Indy. Been there, too, but didn't like it and wouldn't be back. Kind'a scary, though. It shows that we can NEVER be too careful at clubs.
  • ssewarrior
    18 years ago
    Not too much info yet it seems: [view link]
  • ssewarrior
    18 years ago
    Man that's crazy. I gotta google that and learn more.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    What, he shot her with bullets?
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'm surprised some clubs don't even check for cell phones with all the cameras nowadays. Maybe the club managers think the pics are too lousy if someone bothered with it. I thought this thread was about the latest shooting but I guess the latest is different isn't it? 3 people died. Apparently they are calling it a domestic dispute I read on MSNBC at lunch today. Actually it sounds pretty sad anytime someone wants to cause pain and suffering on a bunch of other people just because he's not happy with the way his life is going. Before he shot and killed himself apparently, he murdered 2 other people and wounded a lot more. Suicidal people with guns should do everyone a favor and just stay home. Too bad we couldn't make such people believe there is a hell and they will go there and suffer if they murder anyone including themselves. Oh well, I guess there are a lot of stupid people in hell right now already so they are just joining the crowd. It's just a sad story.
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