
Comments by casualguy (page 107)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just found this board!
    Welcome to the discussion board vincents9. Got any questions just ask away. As far as what dancers think, most of the time I'm not too concerned unless I think it may affect the attention they give me in a club or in the case where I may have a relationship with one outside the club. I remember one night not too long ago, I just arrived at a club and sat down. Suddenly a dancer behind me asked if I had a dollar. The music was pretty loud and I just said yeaah. I wasn't sure if the dancer heard me correct or not. She just said something like "jee it's only a dollar" and walked off looking a bit upset and got a dollar from the other side of the small club to tip a dancer. Either she heard me wrong or didn't understand I meant "yes, I have a dollar." She did not ask me for the dollar though. She obviously didn't understand. Did I care too much? No. I was going to avoid her that night but she signaled me over to the stage and I did tip her since she was nude and giving me attention. I really didn't care what she thought at that point. If I had cared what she thought, I would have told her I was just playing with her by just answering a question she asked me. Anyway welcome.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OTC. Do you ask or wait for her to ask?
    I seemed to have developed a habit of saying no or ignoring chances to see dancers outside the club. The only time I remember asking a dancer was when I was brand new to strip clubs and I asked someone if dancers ever went out with guys in strip clubs and he told me no way. It took me two dancers to get a yes response. Now if a dancer is already hinting or giving suggestions for an outside the club meeting, I don't call that asking first. I remember one club where dancers did not go out with anyone they met in the club and were restricted from even getting any of their business cards. A number of dancers I see working in clubs now I have no desire to go out with even if they paid me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Football player causes ruckus at Stripclub
    This is definitely a case of having money to burn. Made some strippers happy I bet.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the longest time you have ever spent in a strip club?
    I'm not really sure but if I had to guess I would say maybe up to 7 hours is my record. Now if you said club hopping with breaks in between, I could go as high as 9 or maybe even 10 hours including the breaks and other stops including the travel time as well. Some clubs I usually only stay 1 to 3 hours while if I'm having more fun I may stay up to 4 or 5 hours. I suppose if you got liberal and said what's your longest dancer experience if you start in the strip club, it could be all night and into the morning. I remember many years ago, I would see a dancer in a club and then leave with her. Then we would get a bite to eat or go hang out at various other places.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ex-Dancer Comments
    I know of some dancers that I often tip on stage but they never ask me for a dance. One dancer has even occasionally hugged me when the opportunity presented itself on a few occasions. I have wondered why she never asks when almost everyone else has. I'm thinking maybe either she's a friend of a dancer that likes me or she isn't thinking of me as a normal customer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    When I mentioned as long as you have enough money to pay your bills and save for retirement, I was also thinking about saving enough to save up for major expenses such as a car, new HD TV, new computer, new furniture, or whatever you think you might be buying down the road that could cost thousands of dollars. I was thinking if you don't make too much money, most people can put money aside in a Roth IRA and let it grow tax free and even take out their original contributions if they really wanted to. However if that money was growing anywhere from 10 to 20% a year, you'd be better off borrowing money to pay for major expenses. But then that means you still aren't saving enough if you aren't setting aside other money. Or you could just forget about all that and enjoy the strip clubs and cut back when you got a car or something else to pay for. hmm, I just remembered my house will be all paid for in about 10 or 12 years if I don't move before then. I will have a big extra chunk of money every month to figure out what to do with if I don't move first. Maybe by then I will be interested a lot more in another hobby which is making money in the stock market. Seems like a game to me and I like to do good at games.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    YMMV in VIP
    In my area the VIP room is the generally open dance room but a little bit more private than the general floor of the club. The champagne room is the expensive private room that costs and arm and a leg to visit. I've never visited the champagne room. I have no desire to either.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most exotic gift a stripper ever gave you?
    I found a reference searching the net. One guy said wine in the Phillipines was generally not that great but listed alternatives. One of those was the fortified wine you mentioned above Vino Viagro. He went on to say he tried to drink that and dozens of other alternative fortified wines from the Phillipines but said don't unless you don't mind drinking Sterno or rubbing alcohol. Not sure if he was referring to the Vino Viagro or all of the alternatives. site I found this on http://my.opera.com/cbjohnso/blog/show.dml/190028
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most exotic gift a stripper ever gave you?
    Other than free dances from different dancers and other much nicer freebies, one dancer gave me a free calendar from one dancers club she was working at when she disappears from the club I usually see her at. hmm, I just remembered she told me last year I was on the DVD for that club and that was my first visit to that club. I was wondering what all the tv cameras were for. A dancer found a seat for me right at the stage and then months later another dancer told me I was on the DVD. I'm leaving footprints in some of the clubs I visit. Another dancer from NC told me there was a picture of me in a club there I visited around their opening time. I never noticed.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite lie to your SO when you are going out to a strip club.
    I missed the whole Carter thing. Don't even know what she looked like even though it's very possible I saw her if she worked in the evening on the weekend. Before visiting this web site, I used to think the only people in strip clubs were locals and visitors already in town on vacation or businessmen in town for business. I still that that is the majority of people though. I think I only went searching for a strip club list sometime in the last few years so that is probably when I found this site. Another year or two to notice this site has club and general discussions instead of just club reviews. If someone asks me what I'm doing, I just say I'm going out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Dumb Question
    We all met the same dancer that said her doctor said her breasts need to be massaged. So the dancer trained us all. She must really get around. Sounds like a conspiracy to train us guys. Strange this is, now I've met two different dancers who seem to be trying to train me to do back massages. They both have made me take off my belt as well so it doesn't snag or poke them. weird coincidences there. I do enjoy breast massage training better than back massage training.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I remember one dancer from Nepals worked for a few weeks in a nude club in the upstate and I decided to visit PP in Columbia for a break from routine one weekend. The second I walked in the club, I saw the same dancer as soon as I entered dancing on the little cage satellite stage. She spoke first and said "what are you doing here?" I seem to run into some of the same dancers at different clubs. Another former dancer of Nepals is currently working at the Masters in Myrtle Beach. There's a list of hot dancers that used to work at Nepals but they come and go just like other strip clubs. I've seen dancers from other clubs temporarily working in Nepals. Just last weekend I saw a former PP dancer from Columbia working in the Greenville club. Can't remember names very well though. I first visited PP in Columbia about 10 years ago and was a regular there for a while. It got crowded on the weekends just like it does now. There was also a nude club in Columbia I liked to visit but I stopped visiting and less than a year later after that they closed. The nude club got crowded as well. Not sure why they closed but something happened to tick me off and make me stop visiting. Probably stopped visiting Columbia clubs at the same time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Bringing Significant Others to Strip Clubs
    I remember going out to some clubs with a stripper and her female friend. We tried to get in a strip club (my idea I believe) but they didn't have proper id on them is what I heard. We didn't have any trouble getting into regular night clubs so I wondered if my stripper friend just didn't want to visit a strip club on her time off. I had fun partying in the regular night clubs though. I still remember I thought it was a bit amusing and a bit surprising when she looked at me and said "ok, let's agree not to do any shit and stick together, no one wanders off." As if I would meet someone and wander off, I wouldn't do that. I had the car and we were a good drive away from our homes so I was being watched closely by the two girls I went clubbing with. I enjoy seeing other hot females in a club if they look happy and seem to be having a good time. I especially enjoy it if they go to tip a dancer and get topless while doing so. However if the female customers look very unhappy, it doesn't help the mood in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you talk much during lap dances?
    If I'm enjoying the dance in a sexual manner, I prefer things to be quiet. There have been a couple of occasions where I wasn't really into it and I was rambling on and laughing about something. That is the exception for me. I usually like the dancers to be quiet as well but a few occasional, "oh you feel so good" comments haven't hurt my mood so far. One dancer kept saying this last time though and I thought, she didn't have to keep talking so much. Now a dancer rambling on is a complete turn off during a lap dance. If she wants to talk, I prefer she talks when I'm not paying her to dance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    One problem with calling a group normal is that all of us posters may be abnormal in our spending. It might be hard to know what is normal. If you're having trouble with not enough money for bills, you're spending too much. If you're going to strip clubs and still saving enough for retirement and it's just a matter of how much extra money you're saving, I'd say you're just enjoying the moment while you can. I've known people many years ago that would drop 40 to 50 dollars just to play a game of golf and play multiple times a week and do this every week. They would even get golf memberships that cost $1000 to $2000 a year and this was their entertainment. If you studied economics, you could say there is an opportunity cost for everything. Instead of going to strip clubs if you spent $1,000 per month for 2 years, you could be growing a $24,000 nest egg at over 20% a year if you knew what to invest it in. 20% interest or capital gains comes up to $4800 per year just to let your money continue to sit there while you do nothing. If you didn't spend money on strip clubs for just a couple more years at that rate, you could support your strip club habit on the interest alone. Of course that is assuming you knew what to invest in to get higher rates of return instead of sticking it in the bank and getting only 1 percent a year.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite lie to your SO when you are going out to a strip club.
    It's only been 3 years since you were divorced? I thought it was much longer than that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    I remember a few occasions when I felt the same way about Platinum Plus in Columbia that it deserved no rating higher than a 7. Music so loud it hurt your ears before you hardly even got in the building let alone within 30 ft of any speaker, sofas in the back falling apart and rock back and forth if you got a not so good one. Others just a step above a bench. So dark you can't even see the money in your wallet. Dancers that didn't appeal to me and seemed to average from a 5 to 6. However I may have had one or two good dances and forgave the club for all their bad things and gave them an 8 or 9 on the rating. I like Nepals as a decent local club but I never claimed it was one of the best in the nation. I've rated it this past year from 6 to 8 which averages to 7. Just love this controversy. I usually rate Platinum Plus clubs higher in case no one noticed.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Just found this board!
    Perhaps some people haven't run into others with a different sense of humour. For instance I remember watching someone at work hand a piece of paper to a boss with a lot of writing on it. It may have been a report. They would ask "how does this sound?" The boss shook the paper and said "it sounds like a piece of paper." Apparently not everyone has encountered that sense of humour. I ran into it a lot at one time so some might have rubbed off. Therefore if someone asks me if I have a dollar, they shouldn't be surprised if I simply answer the question. Now if they understand and want a dollar, they can ask if they can have a dollar not if I have one. Oh well, I doubt too many people here even care.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Hot Girl w/ the "Bad Boy" or Jerk
    Talking about nice guys don't get laid, I'm still wondering at my last job when word spread around the entire place I was working at with around 200 employees that I was going to strip clubs. All of a sudden, one girl I didn't know stopped me and asked me what I thought about her becoming a stripper and if I thought it might be good for her. I guess I could have had her audition for me if I had thought about it at the time. Then another girl got frisky with me one day. A short time later she propositioned me in front of her entire department asking to do a one night stand with me. nothing but sex all night long. I started thinking ok, why are a number of the girls acting like this towards me now?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Nepals. Another failure of the ranking system.
    Well I guess some of the guys may be right. I mean why should a club deserve a spot on the top 10 club list if you can't grab her tits or finger fuck her? Obviously a failure of this web site to direct customers to the best action if that's what you think the list is for.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    No fantasy here...
    What's even scarier than a dancer that disappears? One that comes back years later and you can't remember a thing about her but she remembers you. If she still looks good, not quite so scary.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I just shot 2 deer in my back yard.
    If I actually liked the taste of venison, I probably would have shot them perhaps with my compound bow as long as it was legal. If you wanted to scare the living daylights out of them, you could set up a series of loudspeakers with the sounds of a very threatening species and as soon as the proximity sensors got triggered, the sounds play back and the deer could feel cornered and cut off. That's what I call playing with your food.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ex-Dancer Comments
    I thought about this before but it probably would bother me if I had a job where I had to work for the opposite sex and many were unattractive and constantly trying to get together with me later. It's not my job but I know what it feels like to have someone persistantly coming at you that you're not attracted to. I've seen a number of dancers I wasn't attracted to that seemed to be a lot more friendly with me than I cared for. I tend to be nice to them instead of telling them the truth since you never know when one of those dancers or girls I meet may be a psycho or capable of getting revenge if they suddenly get angry at me for whatever reason. Some people may not handle rejection well. Now when a dancer I like wants to be friendly, I like that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Ex-Dancer Comments
    I believe I got a clue that a dancer likes me and wants to be friends with me at a minimum. I already know her name and phone number and she was quick to suggest to me she would like to go see a movie I must have mentioned. The way she said it sounded like with me. What I'm not used to is a dancer making suggestions to see me but seems to be waiting for me to actually ask or arrange something. Having a dancer not be aggressive with me is something new. It also makes me wonder what she really wants. Then minutes later, I meet a hot new dancer whom I seemed to get along with pretty good. Don't know how much I will see her again since she said something about the long drive to Charlotte trying to stay awake by rolling down the window with 1.5 hours of driving one way and the cops pull you over if you go too fast. Some dancer acts like talking about how good you feel during her lap dance seem to get a bit old to me after a while. Just thinking, I heard a lot of ex-dancer comments from a dancer that quit or got fired for leaving a club 30 minutes early with me. It was her choice and she decided when she was leaving. That was many years ago.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The "L" word...
    I only remember one ATF telling me she was in love with me. She told me this as I was saying goodbye to her since I was getting ready to move out of state.