Comments by casualguy
discussion comment
11 years ago
Just say no.
Usually that works.
If not, just say maybe later, that line works 99 percent of the time in getting dancers to leave.
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11 years ago
and several others that sounded like real names.
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11 years ago
Hi Shark, been away a while. I thought this was hilarious. :)
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13 years ago
I agree with Shark. You guys are all normal. It's everyone else who is crazy for not even bothering to visit strip clubs. :)
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13 years ago
It's surprising I never met shadowcat so far. We may have been in the same club at the same time once or twice and not known it. Even more surprising is that this username is still good until some time in 2012 and I haven't used it in over a year. I brought it out of retirement to post on this thread.
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13 years ago
Aspiring Global Hound
Can I hotlist all my usernames without everyone else seeing who I have on my hotlist?
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14 years ago
Hey good news, someone at youtube got the message. They changed it back the way it was. I guess I can continue to use the site a bit longer. You would think they would Beta test a change to all the users before dropping a massive change on everyone that no one knows how to use. I don't even know why they are experimenting with such massive changes.
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14 years ago
I used to like to occasionally relax and watch a few videos or find videos based on search words. They sure did make that difficult. You can find things but it may not be relevant to what you want. Want to find out how to search for videos with one word in that were uploaded today? Good luck. I could do it before yesterday, not anymore.
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14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Are you saying dancers are a bunch of dirty sluts just because they have iphones? Just kidding. I could make jokes about several of my nieces and others who visited me not too long ago and they all had smart phones.
hmmm, if a dancer shows you pics of her kid on her iphone and asks if you have a facebook page, maybe there is something to this story. I need to set up a fake identity. Note to myself. The last thing I need is a bunch of exotic dancers making friends with me on facebook and all my other relatives asking me who is dancer x or who is that girl with all the tattoos?
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14 years ago
Self defense doesn't involve dragging a man over 5,000 feet unless he's the terminator and I don't think too many terminators have been invented yet. On the bright side for her, if she's lesbian, she'll have plenty of companions after she's locked up. Hopefully she's not.
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14 years ago
I heard something several months ago about a similar idea to have a party van or truck with strippers or escorts but they stated that many local ordinances still apply to activities in the vehicle within their city limits and/or state limits. If the cops know the party van is coming, then they could stop them and arrest them if they are breaking the law.
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14 years ago
British Columbia
If anyone asks for a dance, just tell them your rules are no dances in the club. You only do OTC now. Then tell them that's the way you interpret the clubs new no grinding rule. On the bright side, if you find someone wanting just to dance for you OTC, the price is really negotiable.
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14 years ago
“I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a father to my two children, and that’s something that makes me lose face and feel humiliated,†Wang told the judge through an interpreter before being sentenced.
Oh, he may have caused countless people to get a fatal disease and caused an unknown number of unwanted kids and diseases to be spread around to unsuspecting people who thought they were using decent protection, is he worried, nah, he's only worried about not making a killing and bringing home a million bucks.
I'm in favor of putting him away for life. He may have killed others trying to make money for his own gain.
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14 years ago
I'd give it a few days before many people get really frustated and stop visiting youtube. Maybe then the geeks at youtube will wonder if some people were actually turned off by the new changes.
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15 years ago
Strip Club Nation
That's way too expensive for me. I'd rather break down and pay money to one of these sites to read the emails a bunch of girls are sending me. A couple of sites supposedly have a bunch of girls with good looking pics sending me friend requests. I don't understand why so many girls are sending me friend requests when I don't have any info posted though.
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15 years ago
I don't need to post a review under this name until 2012.
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15 years ago
I'm wondering if strippers would be opposed to allowing women to be topless in public places such as swimming pools, beaches, etc. I'm thinking not since most females would not go topless stuck in their ways. Now if a bunch of college girls wanted to protest by marching topless up and down my street, I would want to take off from work to show my support. :)
Plus I would help the economy by buying a digital camera. That's an idea that Obama hasn't thought about. A new government program called Tits for digits. Girls protest by showing their tits and anyone who shows up to show support get discounts for buying digital equipment. Of course I would rather buy the digital equipment ahead of time. I got it, the discount would apply retroactively to purchases and the girls could hand out the government coupons. I wonder if they would pose for the camera?
Nice to daydream. :)
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15 years ago
The women were protesting stating that women should be able to be topless wherever men are topless. I agree.
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15 years ago
North Iowa
I might want to set up a fake account to have contacts with strip clubs and strippers if they ask. I was thinking I did not want to accept friends request from everyone on one account and have that information shared with relatives and everyone. I did have one dancer I knew threaten to reveal herself to all my family and friends and possibly even show up where I work at. I laughed. She was actually quite good looking and I did not think that was a serious threat. A lot of guys would have given me high 5's. I just did not want everyone talking about my personal life. She thought I was ashamed of her because the truth came out that I never told anyone I knew about her. I never told anyone anything in the first place no matter who I was seeing.
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15 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I remember it must have been near the end of the month in one club and the club wasn't very busy. One dancer was just talking to me saying there wasn't enough money in the club for her to even make enough to pay her rent. She was talking about she was likely going to get evicted. I asked her how much she needed and she said something like $450. I thought, forget about even thinking about anything, there's no way I would pay $450 even if she promised the moon. She didn't suggest anything but of course thoughts go through the head. This was back a few years ago when you could be easily evicted.
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15 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
If you like to see lots of dancers the end of the month is good. If you want less competition to get dances from other guys who just got paid, the end of the month is not good. It may be a good time if the other guys aren't buying hardly any dances or failed to even show up at the club. This coming weekend may be a slow weekend. If guys haven't done their taxes yet, they may feel a need to stay home and get that done with. Plus they already got paid last week. If you want to visit a club when there are less people around and people in the area seem to surge around pay periods, then I would think this coming weekend and a weekend near the end of the month but not the last weekend would be better weekends to visit. Of course any day visit would be less crowded in many places.
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15 years ago
Were you at South Miami beach? I heard they can go topless there. In person I've only seen one topless girl and that was by accident thanks to a nice wave.
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15 years ago
I'm pretty sure the club name was either Fantasy Club or Club Fantasy. There is a Club Fantasy near Charleston. I noticed I heard this on the radio during the middle of the night and anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour later, the radio signal suddenly changed or drifted in the middle of a song back to the normal upstate radio station. I never thought I would hear some distant radio station so clearly on one of the normal stations for something else. It was a bit weird. Sort of like a number zero popping up on my tv screen during one tv show the other night as well. The only thing I could think of for that was a bright flare in the tv show must have triggered something on my tv.
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15 years ago
My guess is that the radio signal I was listening to was bouncing or something and I heard a radio station from the beach on the same frequency as one I usually listen to in the upstate. The only club I could find is in the Charleston area with that name. Plus they stay open until 6AM like the radio ad was talking about (at least on the weekend). I've heard stranger things on the radio. One day or two I believe I heard a radio station in a foreign language as if it was coming from Cuba or somewhere. I'm not sure what kind of conditions have to be present for FM signals to bounce like that. Either that or I'm at twilight zone central.