The old theory holds that the last day of the month is the best time to visit a club because the girls have rent due the next day. Financial pressure is a fine motivator, no? :)
I've had mixed experiences with this, but I would be interested in other views - and feel free to share funny tales if you have them.
Gator, I have heard that from some people, but I also know a couple of guys that swear by it. Maybe it has to do with the fact that they live in a part of the country where rents are high. Easy for a girl to scrape together $450 near the end of the month, but much tougher if she is staring down the barrel of a $1,100 + tab.
I never go to the same club frequently enough to measure a difference myself, but for those of you who see one I say, "Go yee forth and..."
I definately agree that month end is a good time. You get the regulars plus the dancers that need to make the quick extra cash. Better negotiating as some want to make the quick cash and leave.
A lot of these dancers also simply don't give a shit about paying their rent. I know several who are behind and they don't care. They probably know they have a dozen guys who would let her move in if she needed a place to stay. Not to mention if she is dancing near her hometown she still could be living at home with her parents.
A lot of people get paid on the last day of the month. Wouldn't that mean a huge influx of people who live paycheck to paycheck? More competition seems like a bad thing, yes?
Near the end of the month can be good. Be careful of being manipulated by drama and paying more than your comfy with. Once you condition yourself to be immune to their drama it will seem almost hilarius. I have heard all kinda SS - their about to be evicted, the power co is about to shut them off, they need money to get their car out of impound, they cant fuck you bc of their wisdom teeth but want money anyhow. You wonder how these girls can have such a shitstorm of badluck. A lot of the time its legit, just use it to your advantage in negotiations bc their prob is not your responsibility.
What I have seen is that the last few days of the month will bring alot more dancers into the club to work - especially if those days fall on a weekend.
Is this the best time to visit a club? If you are looking for more dancers to choose from - then maybe yes. But that would be the ONLY reason as far as I can see. Just because there are more dancers working and competing for business does not guarantee that those dancers will drop prices or offer more extras.
The New York-New Jersey area I live qualifies as high rent. I still say end of month makes no difference for extras. A dancer might work an extra shift but I do not believe it increases the chance of extras, a girl will do a BJ at the beginning of a month as much the same at the end of a month.
The strippers already know the law prevents them from eviction if they don't pay rent on time. They can even be up to 2 weeks late in some cases before having to pay any late charges.
Also wanted to mention if they are poor strippers then they probably qualify for government assisted housing so they don't even have to pay rent or if they do it is a very small amount of money.
If you like to see lots of dancers the end of the month is good. If you want less competition to get dances from other guys who just got paid, the end of the month is not good. It may be a good time if the other guys aren't buying hardly any dances or failed to even show up at the club. This coming weekend may be a slow weekend. If guys haven't done their taxes yet, they may feel a need to stay home and get that done with. Plus they already got paid last week. If you want to visit a club when there are less people around and people in the area seem to surge around pay periods, then I would think this coming weekend and a weekend near the end of the month but not the last weekend would be better weekends to visit. Of course any day visit would be less crowded in many places.
I remember it must have been near the end of the month in one club and the club wasn't very busy. One dancer was just talking to me saying there wasn't enough money in the club for her to even make enough to pay her rent. She was talking about she was likely going to get evicted. I asked her how much she needed and she said something like $450. I thought, forget about even thinking about anything, there's no way I would pay $450 even if she promised the moon. She didn't suggest anything but of course thoughts go through the head. This was back a few years ago when you could be easily evicted.
I suppsed this could be true but it certainly wounld NOT affect my spending habbits. I got money all month and then some. My favorites do not wait until the end of the month.
I believe its relative to how your state does its payroll. I went to the Candy Bar at the end of the month (3/29) and there were maybe 5 people there counting myself. Its the first time I've been to a club in a while so I don't know about dancers; but if you want freedom of choice go right before the state gets paid and a slow night like a Monday.
There are some places where the end of the month has done right by me too. I tend to believe that it matters based upon what I have seen myself and heard from some others.
I travel a lot, so my general rule of thumb is to look for circumstances that maximize potential output (or should I say put-out). Gotta love some of the southern states right now - great combination of damn motivated girls and favorable pricing.
I try to have plenty of cash on hand near month end. A stripper I had just met a month before called me crying about how she needed $600 on her rent due in 8 days.
As this was a phone message, I called number and got a recording "you have reached the home of Shay and Jim." I wondered WTF does he do that he cant pay her rent, it sorta pissed me off. You know these guys are getting free pussy. I phoned her and made her an offer "honey I can help on your rent, but I want pussy the next six days in a row at $100 a pop. I also want you to model bikini for me as I want to photo you and then fuck you." She asked if I could loan it to her and when we got to know each other better that might happen. I politely explained to her I don't do loans or handouts. She then hung up the phone. Another one needed $170 to get her car out of impound. I offered I could help her but would want pussy. She agreed and we went on to do 75 sessions over a couple of years.
speaking of end of the month, candyman or any other tusclers making any appearances at PP at the end of this month? im planning to make my first ever trip there
Strippers in my neck of the woods say that this is true! End of the month people are worried about general bills which means less clients and more girls. Now that I think about it, I'm normally there at the beginning of the month...
last commentI never go to the same club frequently enough to measure a difference myself, but for those of you who see one I say, "Go yee forth and..."
you are staring
Is this the best time to visit a club? If you are looking for more dancers to choose from - then maybe yes. But that would be the ONLY reason as far as I can see. Just because there are more dancers working and competing for business does not guarantee that those dancers will drop prices or offer more extras.
I travel a lot, so my general rule of thumb is to look for circumstances that maximize potential output (or should I say put-out). Gotta love some of the southern states right now - great combination of damn motivated girls and favorable pricing.
As this was a phone message, I called number and got a recording "you have reached the home of Shay and Jim." I wondered WTF does he do that he cant pay her rent, it sorta pissed me off. You know these guys are getting free pussy. I phoned her and made her an offer "honey I can help on your rent, but I want pussy the next six days in a row at $100 a pop. I also want you to model bikini for me as I want to photo you and then fuck you." She asked if I could loan it to her and when we got to know each other better that might happen. I politely explained to her I don't do loans or handouts. She then hung up the phone. Another one needed $170 to get her car out of impound. I offered I could help her but would want pussy. She agreed and we went on to do 75 sessions over a couple of years.