
Shadowcat Appreciation!

Monday, December 12, 2011 10:20 PM
HERO-a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. When I see this word, I think of some of the people I've looked up to over the years: Olympic gold medalist and accomplished Pro. wrestler Kurt Angle, the incomparable Will Smith, UFC legend Chuck Lidell, or the greatest QB in the history of EVER Tom "OMG" Brady! The year of 2011 brought me a new hero to add to that list of great men...Shadowcat. I jumped into the waters of the strip club world this year. Right into the deep end, with no floaties, no googles, no life vest, or any of that other bullshit over protective moms buy their athletically inept children. All I had was my balls, my wallet, and the guidence of the vets on this site. One vet guided me through the waters a little more than the others. Through his many reviews, he led me to the only SC I could consider a home. Through his stories he showed me how to make the most of what I have, and how to stretch a dollar. He's given the detailed guide to Atlanta SC's for the visitors who want to know what clubs fit their needs. He keeps us in touch with what's going on in the world after 2am. And he has been unselfishly honest through it all. In a way(along with Dougster), you played a role in some of the fun I had this summer I'd just like to say thankyou Shadow, for what you've done here. 10 years of service to the cause, with 110 reviews and counting. If there was a Hall of Fame on tuscl, you'd be first ballad. I only hope I can still rock out like you when I reach 69. Shadowcat...The living legend...the tuscl's Rod Stewart...The Man with the Coke. Thankyou for your contributions rockstar. Here's to 10 more years. Everyone dedicate your next coke to the great Shadow! And Shadow, if I make a trip to follies on a Sunday...the cokes are on me. Honorable mentions: VM, Clubber, gmd, and Dougster.


  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I'd like to see the trick where he ties a string on a one dollar bill and yanks it back at the last second. Just kidding. :) The 10 years is just on this web site not including a temporary ban. He's been going to strip clubs a long long time. Never met him but reminds me of one gray haired Veteran I saw in a strip club one night who told me he likes these go go bars. We all need something to live for.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Stax I could not have said it better ! I agree ! I myself look up to this legend of the pussy......not kidding he is realy one of my role models in life......shadow if u catch me on my trip to follies vip is on me fuck the coke lol...not kidding man...I ow u one....with all your knowledge I have and well be saving a lot more money and having a lot more fun......may the God of all of us bless your years with much more clubbing !
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Let's also had shadows 800 plus discusions and 5,000plus comments.....if founder ever opens a hall of fame this kool kat has some fuckin states to live up 2 !
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Vm bows to his TUSCL friend. Salud, amigo !!!
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    How timely!!! I hope to meet the legend this week! Perhaps even an old fart like me will learn from the great one!
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Bows to to the great shadowcat with the up most respect
    13 years ago
    ABSOLUTELY a first ballot Hall of Famer!!! [I wonder whether Founder will raise a shot in this thread???]
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    While I certainly agree with your assessment or the venerable shadowcat, I seriously doubt I belong in that august company.
  • magicrat
    13 years ago
    I have known the man, the legend for a few years now. We've partied for 12+ hours in the club in one day/night, met for preclubbing lunches, he's driven me to my hotel a couple times, and shared many stories of our successes and failures in the clubs. I even helped him celebrate his birthday last year with a lovely dancer sitting on my lap, sharing his birthday cake. I have to share the first time I met him. After reading reviews on here, I'm in Columbia one afternoon and keep seeing this guy in nylon gyn shorts coming and going to the vip/couch room. Finally I go up to him and ask him "are you Shadowcat?" I told him the club would have to replace the carpet from his seat to the vip room when he left. I would highly recommend making a trip to PP in Columbia when he's there. Your trip will be enhanced mightily.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Oh FUCK! Is my red face showing? Thanks for the compliments guys. It has been fun. I have met a bunch of you in person and made some true friends dong it. I have also met 7 of our dancers that have posted on here. I hope to meet many more of you. So what is next? A month from today I turn 70. To celebrate this milestone I will be making a trip to Follies. I will do a 3 some with two of the hottest dancers there. They have already been selected and promise me a day to remember. I need a wing man to call the paramedics if I don't come out after 30 minutes. :))
  • minnow
    13 years ago
    IMO, Hero is an oft overused phrase. Taken in the context of pro sports, or stripclubbing, its useage pales in comparison to the unsung heroes out there. Now that I got that out of the way: I wholeheartedly agree with OP's spirit/intent. If I had to pick someone as first inductee into "tuscl hall of fame", shadowcat would get my vote. I have had the pleasure of meeting him, he is a true relic. ( I mean that in a good way.) I say this in that besides his tuscl deeds/contributions, he may sadly be amoung the last of a dying breed: Someone who has been with the **same** company for 42 years, and able to retire with pension intact. (** Went through 2 mergers, but, afaik, didn't have to fill out a new application, and interview all over again)
  • snowtime
    13 years ago
    I met Shadowcat several years ago at PP in Columbia. Have had the pleasure of enjoying many other visits with him at PP and Follies. He truly does deserve admission to TUSCL Hall of Fame. He is willing to give advice on clubs to anyone who wants it. He has a lot of experience and will gladly help the newbie or veteran manuver around the strip club map. Hope I can be there for his 70th.
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Sounds like a good one Shadow. Just make sure you eat a good breakfast, and hydrate before you go in there.
  • gatorfan
    13 years ago
    Never use the name Tom Brady and shadowcat in the same sentence
  • casualguy
    13 years ago
    It's surprising I never met shadowcat so far. We may have been in the same club at the same time once or twice and not known it. Even more surprising is that this username is still good until some time in 2012 and I haven't used it in over a year. I brought it out of retirement to post on this thread.
  • rh48hr
    13 years ago
    Agreed! Shadow for the HOF!
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    There used to be a top 20 list of users on here. It listed most reviews. Bones was at the top if I remember that username correctly.
  • LeeH
    13 years ago
    Kudos to shadowcat, but, given staxwell's list of heroes, it's probable that I have socks older than he (staxwell). Some of those guys weren't even sperm when I was in college.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    62 here, me, and I have socks that age as well.
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Yep, I think this site is a few months older than me as well.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Well, I got to spend some time this afternoon with sc and the fabulous Avalon. Of course, Avalon being sc's gf, I didn't partake of any dances from her. That said, she and sc did Dazzle me! Anyone that has the chance hook up with him at PP. You WILL have a good time! BTW, stax, I just noticed the honorable mention's when you started this thread. Thanks!
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I hope to be the female shadowcat when I'm older ;) I'm stopping by The Wild Goose tomorrow night for the final time (it closes for good Dec 24). I'll make a toast for both of us, shadow, and to our memories of her.
  • uscue13
    13 years ago
    I too have met shadow at the club and he's just as helpful inside as he is on the forums. That's the way it should be too!
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