iPhone users have more partners than other phone users.
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Silly, but interesting. I don't fit the age demographic, but...
Sent from my iPhone
also the amount of average sexual partners for a 30 yr old makes me feel like a slut. i think i hit that number before i turned 18 lol.
although the two figures might correlate, this could just as well mean that iphone users are a) more promiscuous than other phone owners, or b) that they are less able to maintain a steady relationship.
’cause we all know (?) that people in relationships really get laid the most ;)
I guess this might also tell me that strippers with iPhones are easiest.
Also the iPhone has been out a lot longer than the droid so the results may not be pro-rated. Also interesting how at age 40, the iphone and droid flattens out but the blackberry keeps increasing.
I noticed there wasn’t any mention of Palm users…. Palm, get it!
Also if you have not already seen these iphone vs EVO videos...I thought they were worth watching (although completely off topic to strip clubs lol)
and second part:
Why, Jourdan, you little slut. Where did you say you danced?
hmmm, if a dancer shows you pics of her kid on her iphone and asks if you have a facebook page, maybe there is something to this story. I need to set up a fake identity. Note to myself. The last thing I need is a bunch of exotic dancers making friends with me on facebook and all my other relatives asking me who is dancer x or who is that girl with all the tattoos?