
Comments by casualguy (page 2)

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    14 years ago
    April Fool's in Strip Clubs?
    On April 1st, one girl said that her boobs were inflatable. I just had to put my mouth around her nipple and start blowing.
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    14 years ago
    April Fool's in Strip Clubs?
    On April 1st some dancers like to give you their phone number and pretend they are interested in going out with you. If you call you hear a voice message service and wonder when you'll ever get a return call. Every day is April fools day in a strip club.
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    14 years ago
    Columbia Police Raid, Shutdown Platinum Plus Strip Club
    I can honestly say I have not seen any of that in my last few visits and my last few visits go back at least a couple of years. Now I can say I have gotten two for $25 lap dances. That's certainly no crime. ITC? What in the world is that? My definition of OTC or outside the club is simply anything that you do with a dancer away from the club. In my definition it does not mean you had sex with her. It's more like one of your friends and whatever happens with your friends is up to you and your friends. Unless some guys are treating encounters with dancers away from clubs as a pay for play experience. That is not treating people like friends in my definition. A friend can be just a friend or more like a girlfriend. I once used to hang out with one dancer after she got off from work and I don't believe I ever had sex with her. I didn't pay her any money either. We did at one time or another get into some sexual situations. She even quit stripping for a while. Good joke! I was wondering if this was the second raid in a few days since the club didn't seem too active when I visited recently. I encountered a very hands off no touch at all dancer too. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more than one but I asked more questions to one dancer since she was persistent with me.
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    14 years ago
    Some people's and clubs definitions of an extra may be different as well. In some clubs an extra may be getting to touch a dancer's breasts and/or nipples. Apparently in other clubs it is skin to skin genital contact. There are probably some clubs where an extra is thought of as grinding heavily with clothes on since air dances may be common.
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    14 years ago
    I do enjoy a high contact lap dance. If a dancer isn't making the lap dance any better than tipping at the stage, then what is the point in getting a lap dance? I do not like air dances. If a club offers only air dances, then if the area will support it, the club may make enough business to stay open. I won't even visit unless the girls are very hot 10's unless they have something else to offer like change in ones instead of two dollar bills and they serve bottled beer later in the evening than the other clubs etc. etc.
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    14 years ago
    Dancers who are in shape and have overall nice bodies and are friendly in general are the most attractive regardless of the color of their skin or hair. A nice smell can make that more so. Everything else tends to be specific chemistry between you and her.
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    14 years ago
    I don't know what it is about blonde hair but that seems to attract me (as long as it looks natural) more than any other hair color. I thought maybe it has something to do with all my sisters being brunette. I've noticed that the same girl will even look a lot more attractive to me with blonde hair versus brunette which does seem a bit strange. Anyway while I don't understand how these little changes make me feel a lot more attracted to one girl versus another, it does seem interesting. I have not told too many dancers that they look a lot less attractive whenever they changed their hair color from blonde to brunette. They may notice I get less dances etc etc if they were noticing. Someone else is probably more attracted to them though with the hair color change. I believe one dark colored girl (I'm not sure what race she was and didn't ask since I didn't care.) changed her hair color to blonde. It did not look natural and did not look good on her.
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    14 years ago
    I enjoy dancers with a certain look and it seems to be programmed into me. The farther from that look a dancer is, the less attractive she looks to me. Black dancers usually have facial features and hair that is pretty far from that look so I'm not usually drawn to them. If they look good to me, I'll be interested but I won't deny that some girls just look a lot better to me. Now if I'm only looking at one part of their body instead of the entire girl, any dancer might look good if that's the only part you're looking at.
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    14 years ago
    Iceland bans strip clubs
    Is this the same group that invested in real estate before the crash? I see a trend of poor decision making. They probably decided that everyone needs to tend to the sheep or leave the island. I guess that was Baaa aad. :)
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    14 years ago
    Teen Girls Dress like Strippers at Prom
    I read somewhere about a girl complaining about the freshmen class of girls being very slutty sleeping with lots of guys. She said they were sleeping with too many guys. That statement makes it sound like standards are going down and girls are acting like some guys or maybe things have reversed now. I don't know. I can't remember where I read this either. Oh, maybe I stumbled upon it in a random youtube video I started watching out of curiousity. I sometimes watch random videos if the title makes me want to find out what it is about.
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    14 years ago
    Playing to the Crowd
    I am very familar with Rob Zombie, Godsmack, and Rammstein. I also like Metallica and used to listen to a little bit of Megadeth but haven't so much lately. I like some pop but I believe it's getting to be a year or two old pop that I liked better now. Only certain songs. Older music such as Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, and Aerosmith might be ok if I wanted some slower longer playing music but I would not want to hear it for too long. I heard those songs over and over back in college. I would say Rush and Led Zeppelin I used to hear a lot in college. I drove my dorm room neighbor up the wall with Rush one year. I thought that was funny. I had a lot less variety back then without the internet.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother and gridget
    Thanks for the update as well. Hope everyone's future is brighter.
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    14 years ago
    How long should a 'song' be?
    Songs should be a minimum of 3 minutes or longer. 4 to 5 minutes is better. If I ever feel like the club is ripping me off with short songs, I won't buy any lap dances and I believe others catch on rather quick too. Then everyone loses. Well the customers get to leave with their money.
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    14 years ago
    How long should a 'song' be?
    I didn't think about what goes on before the dance starts. Some of that time can be just as fun as the dance. Well if both you and the dancer are familar with each other and in a playful mood. I got a reminder recently with dancers at one club just coming up to me and just asking for dances. No hi, my name is or anything else first. I told them all "No thanks" or "maybe later" just as quick as they asked.
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    14 years ago
    Low Mileage Favorites?
    I remember I once visited a club that had several very hot 10's working in it. I believe table dances were $10 and even though they were pretty much nothing but air dances, I did buy a few especially from one dancer who looked extremely good to me. Most of the time I was content to watch either at the stage or behind a table or two while someone else got a table dance. I haven't been to a club that had lots of 10's in ages. Now if I see a 10, I'm ok with watching her on stage. However 10 bucks doesn't seem as much as it did back several years ago so I probably would still be willing to spend that if she was that hot.
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    14 years ago
    Kim Kardashian is Single and Ready to Mingle, Posts Sexy Pics on Twitter
    I don't believe I ever saw her before. What tv show was she on?
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    14 years ago
    Kentucky Senate passes bill restricting nude dancing
    On top of that I know this student called Melissa who said she needs to perform very well or she might not get that A she's been working at. She said she doesn't need any politician telling her how she should get that A. In other news, South Carolina recently got rid of a law requiring those who want to illegally overthrow the US government from being required to obtain a permit first. Apparently someone in SC must have thought that anyone who overthrew the US government would have been able to get out of paying the fine for doing it illegally. I read the permit used to cost $5. On a conspiracy site though, I read that a new South Carolina bill would require everyone to obtain a $25 permit first if they want to illegally overthrow the US government. Ah, you have to love those crazy conspirators. :)
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    14 years ago
    Kentucky Senate passes bill restricting nude dancing
    South Carolina is considering a bill to make it illegal for teachers to have sex with students. What is the world coming to? Before you know it, our politicians will need to make new laws making it illegal for cats to have sex with dogs. If two adults do something that is between two consenting adults, the politicians are wasting their time trying to restrict what they can do. They should be working on creating jobs and reducing unneeded spending. I would like to propose a bill applicable to all 50 states that forces politicians to either be furloughed or to use their time to pass laws or conduct business that improves the overall economy. I really don't care if dogs and cats are having sex nor should you. If you do, we don't really need a law for that now do we?
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    14 years ago
    Coming to an infomercial near you..........
    The girl above wasn't begging to have sex. I believe it was more of a natural reaction to someone saying no. I said no several times which led her to just keep asking like some dancers do when asking for dances. That was a far cry from other tactics some females have done. I remember trying to visit a strip club in one town and two Korean girls grabbed my arms and made me visit their club. I said a firm no, and no thanks. I didn't want to buy any of their expensive drinks. After one girl reached into my pants I kept saying no. After several minutes, I started to feel more agreeable. I thought afterwards, that's a dirty tactic. That's just about as bad as giving me a BJ because I might break things off with someone. I believe only a tiny percentage of females are aware or would try dirty tactics. Either that or they feel it's too far underneath their values even if they are a stripper.
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    14 years ago
    Coming to an infomercial near you..........
    I remember one dancer kept asking me to call her. I told her I did and that her cell phone didn't seem to be working right. She gave me a new cell phone number that she said she gave only to personal friends. I could tell because the voice message listed her real name instead of her nickname she had told me earlier. I believe some dancers have boyfriends and SO's but they like to keep a second string of potential boyfriends in the wing so to speak that they can hook up with later if their main relationship breaks off. I know that because one dancer wanted to make me her new boyfriend when her main boyfriend left. I wasn't interested at that point. There was one dancer I couldn't tell if she had any significant other. Either that or she didn't want me to know and was just a sex addict. I was wondering what I did that made her want me so bad. She was just about begging to have sex. I thought maybe it had something to do with her stalker like personality as if she hunted me down and knew things about me that I did not even remember. If I had been a dancer and she was a customer, some people probably would have called her a creepy stalker. Of course how many times have you heard of a dancer stalking a guy? Now that I think about it, she did one night in the club. Of course I wasn't afraid of a girl following me around or calling me up out of the blue for no reason. It was weird how she knew things about me from several years ago. She even told me my picture was under the bar in one club and that she remembered the very first time she ever saw me. I never did remember her from all those years ago.
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    14 years ago
    "You can pay me later"
    I've had this happen to me several years ago. Most dancers I know now will let the DJ keep calling out their name and ignore him and dance for me instead except in one club where it seems more mandatory. I pay quick though and like to get that part over with rather than trying to remember how much I owe or sticking around if I want to leave because I didn't pay someone.
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    14 years ago
    Club Regular?
    If you only do stage tipping and not really anything else and only visit 1 to 4 times a month, it will take months before you get recognized by anyone other than the dancers. The door girl stands a small chance of remembering you. Unless you really stand out for some other reason most probably will not think of you as a regular for some time.
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    14 years ago
    Tan Lines...
    I like tan lines. Sometimes it depends on the bikini lines how well I like it. I know a dancer who tans in a tanning bed. She might just lie out in the sun while she's at the beach. The girl herself is more of a turnon or turnoff than any tan line though.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Love em or hate them?
    I can relate. You love it when a hot stripper does this. You hate it when a stripper does that. Then you're on to the next. In a comment thread where it seemed like everyone posting was coming out against the strip club and people in it, one girl posted that the dancers were laughing about taking advantage of the guys calling them chumps and didn't think any guy should go to the club. I thought "we're all grown adults, some guys are willing to spend a little bit of money."
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    14 years ago
    South Carolina
    Platinum Plus in Greenville - customer dies
    I read that the guy died at the hospital in the latest online news story. That's probably not much consolation to the friends of the victim. I don't know anyone who wants to die at a strip club. I read some viewer comments condemning the bouncers, the strip club, the patrons, and the dancers. As vile as some of the comments were, you have to wonder about the people posting those comments.