$60 - $80 Lappers on The Block?

avatar for sinclair
Strip Club Nation
Am I reading these Baltimore reviews correctly? People are actually paying $60, $80 for a single lapdance? And I thought $30 was pushing it.


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avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
They're paying those prices for a "drink". It's a little different. You might find customers who actually pay that much per song on a regular basis. Those people are called idiots.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
do you get a complimentary blowjob with every $80 lap dance?
avatar for troop
15 years ago
lol.. there better be alot more than a lapdance involved for anything above 60 dollars!
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
There better be more than a lapdance for anything over *$30*.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
Sheesh, I'll skip Baltimore as I head East at the end of the month. Thanks for the info, sinclair. A few years back, I hit a club on the water in one of the Southern Baltimore summers. I forget the name, and at the time I thought the $30 dances were pricey.
avatar for Player11
15 years ago
Unvelievable they are paying that for a dance. I had pussy today with dancer from Gold Cup after she got off work for $120. Been seeing her 2 yr so that helps bring POP down.

When you spend a lot on dances, that takes away money you can use to get pussy.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
Yeah here in Columbus, there are two clubs I know of that charge $50/song for a "VIP" dance. The regular lap dances are $30 but watched by a bouncer. The two clubs I am talking about are Cols Gold and Doll House. If you read the recent review for Cols Gold (Columbus Gold) the PL writes a review saying he spent $150 for 3 dances and it was "well worth it".
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
Baltimore is definitely a tough city to monger in, but not impossible - you just need to adjust your game.

First, sex is possible in many of the back rooms but expect to spend a fortune. No thank you as far as I'm concerned as it is a matter of principle for me that I should not need to spend $600+ to get a BJ with a mediocre looking stripper.

Many of the clubs charge $20 for a dancer drink, but if you occasionally tip the dancer on the side she will milk the drink like it is liquid gold (which the bartenders hate because they get a cut of each dancer drink). This gives you the opportunity to get to know a few girls and feel out the OTC options.

The dancers sometimes struggle to sell dances at the prices the clubs are charging, so OTC is definitely possible and I have done it. About five months ago I took a girl off the block back to my hotel, but you really need to be within walking distance. As we walked through the lobby of my hotel, which was very nice, she made the comment, "I feel like that girl in Pretty Woman." She was sure as fuck no Julia Roberts, but I smiled and kept my mouth shut as I had a nut to bust ;)
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
^And to get ahead of some of the usual questions...

I paid the girl $300 for an hour. Despite the high prices in the clubs, it was not a bad pickup for her as the cluns keep A LOT of what is charged for dances, rooms and drinks.

Having said that, it took me over $140 in drinks (mine and the girls) and tips to find the right one, and it easily could have been more.

If you are thinking about traveling to Baltimore for the Block, there are many cheaper and more fun cities out there for this sort of thing. The Block is gimmicky and expensive.
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
Ok. Since none of the Block Bros. seem to be around the board right now, a big drink lasts more than one song. That is all.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
Wall, I would be very interested in some elaboration if you would care to share. I am in Baltimore once every blue moon but by no means am an expert, so any additional insights would be appreciated.
avatar for bigdude012
15 years ago
I'm considering a trip to Maryland in next few months. Money will not (likely) be an object so what are my best options mileage and/or OTC. Information from the masters will be greatly appreciated.
avatar for harrydave
15 years ago
Been to the Block a few times. Actually went to college in "Charm City USA", which is the somewhat inappropriate nickname for Baltimore.

Two types of clubs on the Block. Those with an active back room, and those without. Recent reviews should give you an idea of which is which. At most clubs, an expensive drinks ($20 to $60) get you 15 to 30 minutes cuddle time with a dancer at or near the bar, which may include a few lap dances or other forms of contact. If there is a back room, the conversation will be direct, and the going rate is $100 plus. I don't know about OTC, but am skeptical about that working out well unless you are a regular.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
If you want OTC, I think Baltimore is close enough to DC where all the high end escorts cater to the politicians.
avatar for rickdugan
15 years ago
harry - 100 is a lot lower than what I was quoted to go back to champagne/vip in the clubs I visited in Baltimore, so obviously I visited the wrong places :) I was being quoted 250-300 BEFORE pre-negotiated dancer "tip" for services rendered. Net-net, the services being offered were ample and varied, but the prices needed to get to mission accomplished were, as a matter of principle, too much for the girls involved.

Any suggestions as to best places to visit would be greatly appreciated.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
And to think that I bitch about having to pay 2 for $25 at my favorite club. Yes, I still get 2 fer $20 from my long time favorites.
avatar for troop
15 years ago
well i often get 3 for 20 and i'm talking nice looking chicks with good mileage ;)

so i should have explained or corrected my earlier 60 dollar comment.
avatar for Digitech
15 years ago
For me, the standard rate is $10-$12.50 per lap dances, with boob-and-butt touching allowed.

If I'm paying more than that, I need to be getting more than that or it's too expensive.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I traveled 85 miles down to Dayton to visit Cheeks when I read reviews about their regular $25 2fer1s...too bad the mileage and privacy sucked. The other club in Dayton that is listed on the top 100 is Living Room, it is $20/song but I have read from reviews and PMs that the mileage and privacy is better.
avatar for wallanon
15 years ago
So there used to be this club called Cheeks in Baltimore. It was a Block bar that got lost on the way to Baltimore Street. Plenty of Blockettes who danced in both places, but you could shoot the breeze without getting hassled for drinks and the prices were a lot better. But hardly anyone knew it was there and the talent wasn't consistent enough. The Block is a well known commodity, but it's not that hard to beat the experience there if you know where to look. It gets by on convenience and location.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
That's way too expensive for me. I'd rather break down and pay money to one of these sites to read the emails a bunch of girls are sending me. A couple of sites supposedly have a bunch of girls with good looking pics sending me friend requests. I don't understand why so many girls are sending me friend requests when I don't have any info posted though.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
cg, they are either hookers or spammers.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
And to think I was offered a $40 hj from a fav just the other day.
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