
Comments by zipman68 (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What kind of strip club did you meet your ATF at?
    Perhaps the bullet points should have been A), B), and C) When I see Crazy Joe posting #2 the thread really tends to goin another direction.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper provides jail guards with X rated show.
    FloriDUH strikes again!
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    10 years ago
    Why do strippers care if you are married or in a relationship?
    ...driver towing the trailer... Normally I wouldn't correct a minor typo, but the idea of using a Ferrari to tow a trailer with a post-reentry space capsule on it is frickin' funny. I want all of my brothers to have that image!
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    10 years ago
    Why do strippers care if you are married or in a relationship?
    Are you LMN? 'Cos if you are you own a Ferrari 612 (albeit one you received from your dad), a private helicopter (also from dad), and a Soyuz capsule (also used by dad, when he visited Mir In the '90s). She probably saw your driver toting the trailer with the Soyuz capsule into the strip club parking lot and then saw you pop out of the hatch in your spacesuit. This led her to conclude that you're rich. If your also married she might be able to get compromising photos and extort your Soyuz capsule from you. Makes total sense to me! Fortunately, you aren't married, so you can pay her $900 to come back to your $500 hotel room and screw like bunnies while doing blow directly out of a condom still lodged in a mule's rectum. Now the real question is "why did you post the goofy Ferrari pic when you could have taken a pic of your space capsule?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    I Fooled Around and Fell In Love
    ^^^ All I can say about alabegonz's comment above is "true dat" Trixxi has been regaling us with some pretty coo-el stories. I like the "goofy but real" perspective she brings. I still laugh about the "salmon in a garbage bag" bit. And all I can say to trixxi is "keep on sharing girl!"
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Proof of my rich playboy lifestyle!
    Oh and a bonus idea. Have her let you write "LMN ONLY!!!" on her ass cheeks with arrows pointing to the asshole. Then put the sharpie in the asshole! You will be LEGEND-wait for it-DARY if you do that shit!!! Easily worth $1K or $2K.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Proof of my rich playboy lifestyle!
    Seriously LMN dude. We don't want any incriminating photos. At least I don't. Hell, be careful not to include any identifying materials. I'm just saying pics of your debauchery would be coo-el. I say that because...well...I'm a perv. As are the rest of the TUSCLer. You have to admit that your story strains credulity. After all the "I'm super-rich 20 year old working in finance that does so many drugs that Hunter S. Thompson would say "whoa dude...dial it back a notch" and screws $900 whores (which isn't that expensive in the scheme of things...that part is plausible) is a bit unlikely. But who knows? So here's a notion. Get a thick sharpie. Next time you fuck a $900 whore offer her an extra $1K (or, what the hell, $2K) to write "LMN SCHOOLZ TUSCL" on her belly in sharpie. Then shore the pen in her vagina and snap a photo. Difficult to fake (nothing's impossible...). You'll have true believers on here!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Proof of my rich playboy lifestyle!
    This is quite possibly the funniest post I've seen on TUSCL. Bravo LNM ...bravo! I can't wait for future installments of the "LMN TUSCL" series. Maybe a picture of Buckingham Palace or the Taj Mahal. Perhaps the giant Budhas that were destroyed by the Taliban. Or even better, a picture of the International Space Station or even the starship Enterprise. But then the thumb will have to be a spacesuited thumb. I mean there is no way ol' LMN could possibly photograph his spacecraft unless he went all EVA on us!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    The Strange Gift of a Salmon
    You are a true gentleman ilbbaicnl. I can't picture you giving the gift of prepared food to a stripper in an inappropriate container. To be fair to trixxi's admirer, however, I'm sure it was a clean garbage bag.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off topic: Real Estate Investment Trusts
    LMN dude, I'm curious what you're trying to accomplish here. The people who post here come from many walks of life and only a subset have expertise relevant to your question. You have no ability to judge their expertise nor do you have any context regarding your advice. Is it to lend an air of verisimilitude to your character? A little transparent, isn't it? C'mon dude, we want to live the life of the 0.1% vicariously. Photos of your next Caligula-style orgy need to be posted!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Fave bands!
    Pretty obscure Mikey dude, and pretty coo-el. Heavy metal...coo-el. Space music...coo-el. So coo-el squared. I have actually heard of Hawkwind. I dig that they had Michael Moorcock write one of their songs. www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO4iKnwA6hw Though they do veer uncomfortably close to Spinal Tap at times. You almost expect to see the bassist stuck in some kind of pod while the roadies try to force it open.
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    10 years ago
    CapriDude...do you think getting a BBBJ from a camel is dangerous?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Well...I'm going to avoid fucking camels now that I've learned about MERS.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Attempts to win a dancer's heart
    @ilbbaicnl -- true dat. Truth be known, anybody who stays in a relationship where they are treated poorly needs to get out.
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    10 years ago
    No One Cares
    Making it Rain - Tell me the benefits
    So LMN dude...do you make it rain? Surely you a richer than Drake!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    stripper boyfriends
    Dude, stripper boyfriends are a remarkable lot. I met one that was a MacArthur Fellow and anothe that had just returned from his time at Oxford as a Rhodes scholar With the latter I had an erudite conversation about the Higgs mechanism and the occurrence of Boltzmann brains as observers before he told me his feeling regarding Fleming's last performance in Rusalka. I wasn't that impressed by her last ode to the moon but he convinced me that she was spot on. Alas, we had seen different performances so perhaps that was the difference. Then he hung out on the couch smoking weed and playing Xbox while I face facked his girlfriend. What do you think?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    No One Cares
    Making it Rain - Tell me the benefits
    @StripShopper -- chump is a strong word. If you've got the money to throw around AND get pleasure from doing so, why not? A person who makes it rain is doing it to impress others in the club, not directly for services. The fact that you could get the same treatment for less in the VIP is immaterial to somebody that makes it rain. I did see an old white dude makin' it rain what I called "old white dude style" in a club once. Laying down dollars on the stage at a rate of maybe $1 per every second or two throughout a song. So he probably spent, conservatively, $90 on a single stage show. Saw him do this for three rotations on stage. No idea whether he got private dances, but If he wanted to be a whale for that one girl I can't believe laying out big bucks in private with maybe a $20 when the girl rotated on stage (to let her know she's special) wouldn't get the same treatment as the almost mechanical tipping. But I presume doing it that way was fun for him. Only money my friend. Use it to buy happiness however you want.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Funding sources
    @Lone_Wolf. I'm not sure abot that. Intelligence is so multifaceted that a person who is an idiot in one dimension can be brilliant in another. Look at Bill Clinton. Whether you like him or not and whether you liked his policies or not he was almost certainly the smartest President we've had in a generation. Won't waste time making the case - discussion for another time. Big point -- why was a top notch intellect stupid enough to dance at the edge and get get a BJ from a chubby intern? And Donald Trump. The guy is clearly a moron in many dimensions. Anybody who buys into the birther nonsense is an idiot. If you really think that ALL of Obama's opponents were so incompetent that they couldn't find evidence of Obama's inelligibility if it existed then you're in la la land. Many Republican candidates had to play to the moronic elements of their base. But they always maintained some distance. Trump actually seemed to buy it. To be fair, Trump inherited a major sum. Questionable whether he could have made it starting even from an upper middle class background. But the dude is a genius for self promotion. I have no problem think a person can become a self made millionaire but still be stupid about giving money to hot young girls.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Zevon. Fuck yeah!
    And one of the most poignant meditations on death. My shit's fucked up www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHDdqubE7zQ Fucking genius shit. Dude stares death in the face and writes shit like that. Incredible.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    Zevon. Fuck yeah!
    And an ace cover of LMN's theme song .www.youtube.com/watch?v=61PgHobvCYs (With 75% of R.E.M.) Ol' Mr. McGee is constantly on LMN's ass. Only way the poor dude can relax is posting made up shit on TUSCL.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    going to stip clubs with strippers
    Oh, and if you have Caligula level debauchery...document it and post picks here.
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    10 years ago
    going to stip clubs with strippers
    OK, OK...I step back from the joke and engage with you "in universe". What I say about myself is true and I'm responding to you as if you were telling the gospel truth One point I'll make for you is that having somebody else spend your money is fine as long as you enjoy it. Now, I'm not one of the 0.1% like you, but I'm well off enough that I can afford to spend on an experiment. For me, time actually is more valuable than money. What determines my limits is "an amount my SO won't complain about". Which ends up being about $1K. I spend way more on standard lappers than so of our fellow pervs spend on extras. Because I enjoy them and because I have other limits I impose on myself due to being in a LTR. I just like to hear the antics of my fellow pervs. Be the true or be they not so true. Now I'm not going to spend if I'm not having fun -- I've gone to places and sat through a full rotation nursing a diet coke or two. But only because all the girls are ones where I say "NO WAY am I going to have fun." Point? It ain't the money...it's the fun! A consequence? I *have* spent on experiments. Unless I say to myself "no way could this ever be fun" I am happy throw a few $100 not being sure...if I flushed it down the toilet so frickin' what. Just money. You have no relationship constraints and money to burn dude. Go to another club with your stripper friend and give her $2K to play with. Chump change for you. Maybe it'll be hot and you'll return home with said stripper and one or two of her friends for debauchery that would make Caligula blush. Maybe it will be a bust. Just money.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    going to stip clubs with strippers
    Or think about converting to Islam. As our bud Juice would say...thank about it!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Confession Of An Old Geezer
    @ranukam - but they'd be bullshit, unless he stepped out of character.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Confession Of An Old Geezer
    Say what you will about LMN, he spins an entertaining yarn. Yes, it's over the top. But look at how many people engage. There have been three reactions to LMN that I respect, personified by SC, art, and Mikey,, Shadowcat doesn't dig it and don't engage. art engaged and then said I don't get it, no more engaging. And mike's been joking with the dude, as have I. He'll probably get old soon unless he fleshes out the LMN character. LMN dude, take your character in some unexpected directions. But steer clear of the too sociopathic unless you go so over the top it is clearly a joke. For example, a trip to Ukraine to take part in human trafficking would NOT be cool. A conversion to Islam along trip to Afganistan to become a mujahideen...that has possibilities. Allahu Ackbar John Walker LMN...Allahu Ackbar Indeed!